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#11972020-03-15 15:02:57
< hlmtre> we're just gonna quarantine for a few days
< hlmtre> we have lots of groceries and meds
< hlmtre> just stocked up
< thraust> so how much TP did you buy?
< hlmtre> none
< hlmtre>4 we're not planning to go through more tp than usual
< hlmtre> which means we're still fine for like two months
< thraust> I don't remember the last time I bought any
< thraust> I think it was when I moved in
< hlmtre> the amount of time a costco tp last when it's just dudes vs if there's girls involved is pretty monumental
< thraust> oh yeah
< Tex> In a house of 6
< Tex> 5 are women
< Tex> We steal tp from eachother all the time
< thraust> hahaha
< Tex> So this whole thing is childs play to us
< Tex> I got a reserve they don't know about
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