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#12002020-04-27 12:45:28
< Spoopy> holy shit WOTC is surreal af.
< thraust> you start your new job?
< Spoopy> Like I haven't done anything, but you know that whole new hire poking around and getting business info dumps? All of it is so much more engaging or already understood to some end because I've been so involved with this stuff for so long. It's wild
< Spoopy> 3 hours ago, yes
< thraust> nice!
< thraust> "how much do you know about this company"
< thraust> "only my childhood"
< thraust> "and much of my adult life"
< Spoopy> lol and a fair bit on and off in adult life
< Spoopy> One of the more recent set releases got brought up and I was like "I went to the seattle event"
< Spoopy> >"The GP, or magic fest as it is called now"
< Spoopy> "Yeah that. It was amazing."
< Spoopy> And freaking most of the people I talk to are huge magic nerds XD
< thraust> you are surrounded by your people
< Spoopy> I no de wei
< thraust> that's really cool
< Spoopy> yee. Very very weird and comforting all at once
< hlmtre> that's awesome
< hlmtre> are you in the office?
< hlmtre> i imagine they'll have you in the office for orientation maybe then remote for safety?
< thraust> 4 blank white walls
< thraust> one table, 2 chairs
< thraust> and a d20
< Spoopy> no office. They fedex-ed my equipment and did all that via Microsoft Teams
< Spoopy> lmao Thraust
< thraust> I'm just going to start spreading rumors about the hiring process
< thraust> "I know a guy who works there"
< thraust> "they make you roll to keep your job"
< Tex> "Roll for stability"
< thraust> "if you want a raise you have to beat the CEO in a game of MTG"
< Tex> "Build a deck that would actually kill a man"
< Tex> "Beat 5 children back to back in Pokemon TGC then answer emails from their mothers"
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