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#3212014-04-30 20:54:49
< Schooly_D> synopsis
< Tex> I have to give one?
< Schooly_D> Shiro Amada is an eager, clean-cut rookie officer who can't wait to get to earth and kill the bad guys
< Schooly_D> some girl named Aina gives him an acute case of diamond dick
< Schooly_D> Michel is a cynical bitch
< Schooly_D> roll credits
< Schooly_D> also Karen has a vagina like a steel trap
< Schooly_D> roll ultra-credits
< Schooly_D> TEX
< Tex> god dammit
< Tex> what
< tarehart> Does the Mobile Suit Grant Amada the Power to be an Idealist in the Midst of War?
* Tex rolls out the ULTRA MLG CREDITS
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