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#3662014-05-25 21:13:51
< Paddy> s/90/ZackDark
< TSDBot> NartFOpc meant to say: only ZackDark's kids will get this
* Paddy tips
* General_Vagueness tips over
* General_Vagueness TIPOVERKILL
< ZackDark> heh
< General_Vagueness> s/c T/c N
< General_Vagueness> ?
< NartFOpc> .blunder +
< TSDBot> Rekt. Blunder count incremented to 2
< NartFOpc> s/TIPO/NIPO
< NartFOpc> fug
< NartFOpc> .blunder +
< TSDBot> No argument here. Blunder count incremented to 3
< NartFOpc> I guess /me's aren't allowed
< ZackDark> heh
< ZackDark> no
* NartFOpc is immune from s/
< ZackDark> i think it's the special formatting
* NartFOpc get rekt TSDBot
< ZackDark> s/I guess/Silly Nart guesses
< TSDBot> NartFOpc meant to say: Silly Nart guesses /me's aren't allowed
* NartFOpc never again
* NartFOpc will I fall prey to such vile rusing
< ZackDark> s/fug/fudge
< TSDBot> NartFOpc meant to say: fudge
* NartFOpc get your laughs in now, ZackDark
* NartFOpc soon I will be above you all
* NartFOpc above even God
< ZackDark> come on
< ZackDark> at least put a ":" there
* NartFOpc don't you wish you could add it in for me?
* NartFOpc huehuehuehue
* Paddy tips
< ZackDark> damn
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