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#4012014-06-13 12:28:02
< Paddio> here it is
< Paddio> cross dance central/ rhythm game with survival horror
< Paddio> your a street dancing youth in the 80's with three things
< Paddio> a boombox
< Paddio> your sweet dance moves
< Paddio> and a fat ass
< Paddio> you go to meet your posse for street dancing when you realize they aren't there
< Paddio> also everyone is zombies and the world is over
< Paddio> you're backed into a corner, surely to die
< Paddio> you do the only thing you were born to do
< Paddio> dance your ass off
< Paddio> you notice the better you dance the more the zombies are beign
< Paddio> they even start to mimic your dance moves
< Paddio> you keep dancing until you notice the horrifying truth
< Paddio> your fat ass is nearly gone
< Paddio> unable to sustain high activity dancing without the ass fat fueling your skill
< Paddio> you dive into a safe room
< Paddio> which just so happens to have junk food stocked wall to wall
< Paddio> after replenishing ass
< Paddio> you decide to own this apocalyptic world one zombie at a time
< Paddio> with your boombox strapped to your back
< Paddio> and mix tapes in order
< Paddio> so based on your mixes, depends on what dances you can do
< Paddio> you can find better mixes and dances over time
< Paddio> and eventually find legendary tapes like Thriller
< Paddio> they'll give you speed, strength, stamina, etc
< Paddio> you come across other dancers and proceed to have a street dance zombie battle
< Paddio> the better dance convinces more zombies to join their crew
< Paddio> until you have a giant dancing army
< Paddio> you can customize your most loyal leuitenent zombs
< Paddio> your main possee
< Paddio> better keep up the funk, or else the zombies will turn on you
< Paddio> like so many dancers before you
< Paddio> I wanted gangnam style to be one of the legendary dances
< Paddio> That's it
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