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#6222014-10-21 14:35:12
< General_Vampire> can I just say I resent smartphones?
< General_Vampire> people are making some genuinely cool and even useful things and making them only for smartphones-- or worse, just one kind, or slightly better, for smartphones and tablets-- and leaving out regular computers
< kapoltergeist> such as?
< General_Vampire> I don't know off the top of my head
< kapoltergeist> cool story bro.
< Padracula> gym time
< Padracula> bbl creeps
< Yapokalypse> doho
< Yapokalypse> later
< kapoltergeist> o7
< Texorcist>
< Texorcist> on the flip side
< kanboo> GV, i dont think youll understand the real value of a smartphone if you sit at your computer all day
< Yapokalypse> ^
< kanboo> modern jetsetting men-about-town like us need to stay connected while we're on the go
< Nartferatu> dayummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
< Texorcist> That was a 4G LTE burn right there
< General_Vampire> I get the utility
< General_Vampire> I don't like the exlusivity
< Snipemare> Ripip gv
< Yapokalypse>
< Blunderwearbot-PY> Youtube: DAAAMMMMMMMMMMMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (0:00:03)
< General_Vampire> +c
-- Schooly_G has changed the topic for #tsd to "Team Schooly D IRC || GV status: blown the F U C K out"
< General_Vampire> really?
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