< Tex> Skip, be nice.
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Skip Bayless @RealSkipBayless] You mad, bro? (21 seconds ago) id=0416
< Tex> ...uh
< Tex> No
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [GS Elevator Gossip @GSElevator] Domestic violence shelters in greater Boston can send all the extra staff home now. (1 minute ago) id=5281
< TDSpiral> There’s someone outside blowing a whistle
< Paddy> this is skip unleashed
< Tex> I wonder if city hall is on fire in schooly's neck of the woods
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Skip Bayless @RealSkipBayless] Let this sink in: Tom Brady just threw for 328 yards and 4 touchdowns against one of the greatest defenses ever. (21 seconds ago) id=4993
< TDSpiral> They’re still lighting fireworks
< TDSpiral> Wait… those are drums
< TDSpiral> WHAT
< Paddy> TD
< Paddy> Hide
< Tex> RUN
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< Paddy> Tex, they don't know how to run
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Skip Bayless @RealSkipBayless] You mad, bro? (21 seconds ago) id=0416
< Tex> ...uh
< Tex> No
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [GS Elevator Gossip @GSElevator] Domestic violence shelters in greater Boston can send all the extra staff home now. (1 minute ago) id=5281
< TDSpiral> There’s someone outside blowing a whistle
< Paddy> this is skip unleashed
< Tex> I wonder if city hall is on fire in schooly's neck of the woods
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Skip Bayless @RealSkipBayless] Let this sink in: Tom Brady just threw for 328 yards and 4 touchdowns against one of the greatest defenses ever. (21 seconds ago) id=4993
< TDSpiral> They’re still lighting fireworks
< TDSpiral> Wait… those are drums
< TDSpiral> WHAT
< Paddy> TD
< Paddy> Hide
< Tex> RUN
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< Paddy> Tex, they don't know how to run