< Schooly_G> .dorj
< TSDBot> D.O.R.J. system starting ... [ ONLINE ] http://bit.ly/17b2RgN
< BoneKin> .dorj
< TSDBot> Left Dorj primed and ready!
< NartFOpc> .dorj
< TSDBot> (lights go dim as the Right Dorj hums to life) [ WARNING! ] Dorj imminent!
< Paddy> .dorj
< TSDBot> Initiating Core Dorj subsystems... [ ONLINE ] I can't believe it! It's happening!!!
< TSDBot> https://twitter.com/TSD_IRC/status/566815075286011906
< TSDBot> D.O.R.J. system starting ... [ ONLINE ] http://bit.ly/17b2RgN
< BoneKin> .dorj
< TSDBot> Left Dorj primed and ready!
< NartFOpc> .dorj
< TSDBot> (lights go dim as the Right Dorj hums to life) [ WARNING! ] Dorj imminent!
< Paddy> .dorj
< TSDBot> Initiating Core Dorj subsystems... [ ONLINE ] I can't believe it! It's happening!!!
< TSDBot> https://twitter.com/TSD_IRC/status/566815075286011906