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#9262015-06-03 13:26:38
< hlmtre~> hey BoneKin
< hlmtre~> got a joke for you
< BoneKin@> joke, eh?
< BoneKin@> let's hear it
< hlmtre~> alright so
< hlmtre~> programmer is gonna go out to get his dry cleaning
< hlmtre~> wife says, 'while you're out, get groceries'
< hlmtre~> programmer never returns.
< BoneKin@> lol, but I linked you to the reddit thread that showed up in. :)
< hlmtre~> oh, wait, fuck
< hlmtre~> TAREHART
< hlmtre~> JOKE FOR YOU
< hlmtre~> shut up bonekin
< BoneKin@> hahahahaha
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