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#1378 votes: 02024-10-04 13:00:43
< i7> "I have acquired the ability to map the Donbass in high-detail satellite imagery, we can now have a single giant multiple-gigabyte map of the entire region!"
< i7> "that's great, i7, but what are the practical applications of this?"
< i7> "practical applications?"
< rets> it's great for slowing down your computer
#1377 votes: 02024-07-17 14:36:13
< rets> $4000 each
< hlmtre> oh boy.
* thraust googles how to get into making guitars
< hlmtre> could this become a fulltime job?
< rets> although one of the buyers gave me almost all of the wood I'm using so he's getting a pretty big discount
< rets> if I calculate my hourly rate it will come out to like $10/hour so probably not a viable main gig yet
< hlmtre> don't worry 10 an hour is fine there's good benefits
< hlmtre> you get to have sex with the owner
< rets> that's a benefit of unemployment as well
< thraust> yeah!
< hlmtre> ah right ok
< hlmtre> well social safety nets i guess
< rets> the main benefit is a get to spend those hours in a fugue state making sawdust
< thraust> you ever just do a line of sawdust and trip
#1376 votes: 02024-07-13 21:26:36
< thraust> hlmtre we ended 7-2
< thraust> next week is all downhill
< hlmtre> dang what an evening
< hlmtre> gj yall
< hlmtre> I was impressed as always recently with your attacks
< Domino> yeah I think will said we went like 7-2
< thraust> it's literally like right there
< thraust> I typed it out loud
< thraust> you god damn slope
< Domino> hlmtre can i have ops for because no reason
< mech> Trigonometry hates this one guy
< thraust> and his hypotenussy
< Domino> i regret learning to read
#1375 votes: 02024-06-27 20:04:46
< hlmtre>
< hlmtre> i'd never heard of this
< hlmtre> but it looks cool
< hlmtre> and it has rust in the name
< hlmtre> so uh i have a hardon
< thraust> nope, that's tetanus
< thraust> from the rust
< hlmtre> oh dear
< hlmtre> lockpenis.
< thraust> yeah
< thraust> we're going to need to amputate
#1374 votes: 12024-06-13 16:38:06
< hlmtre> i did not know this but recently found it out
< hlmtre> lancaster is one of the oldest cities in the US 0_0
< Domino> yeah it preceded wancaster by a good few years
< Domino> took a bit for the wireless technology to be worthwhile
#1373 votes: 12024-05-29 17:09:58
#1371 votes: 12024-05-29 17:13:17
#1370 votes: 12024-05-29 17:13:17
#1369 votes: 22023-12-02 20:43:37
mech is just a Namecheap domain I own
~hlmtre yeh
~hlmtre i own and
~hlmtre i had to pretend to be from french reunion
mech I had like 6 other domains I bought, but I just recently let them expire
mech They were so cheap
mech I just couldn’t help myself
~hlmtre honey i just heard you open the closet
~hlmtre and what sounded like a stash of novelty domains fell out
~hlmtre did you buy any at that tld garage sale we saw last week?
~hlmtre NO
~hlmtre GO AWAY
mech * crashes to the floor*
~hlmtre you own..
mech I wish
mech It’s so expensive
~hlmtre that's the funniest domain i've ever seen
#1368 votes: 22023-09-13 13:16:21
< hlmtre> we can try it out for the upcoming vpn project
< -- Domino has quit (Read error)
< Domino> help
< -- Domino has quit (Read error)
< hlmtre> heheheh
#1367 votes: 12023-09-08 14:22:51
< hlmtre> thraust, where have you been finding your keyboards recently?
< Domino> hand-crafted, artisinal keyboards, carefully curated and hand-picked from the keeb forest of japan
< mech> He just picks them right from the tree
< mech> You just knock on it like a melon to determine if it’s thocky enough to be picked
< Domino> gotta get them before they're over-ripe, trimming the keypad by hand is a pain
#1366 votes: 22023-11-01 08:51:19
< mech> >Hans Zimmer
< mech> thats all you need
< mech> He could score a breen flick and it would make it cinematic as fuck
< mech> possibly to the point hlmtre could finish the entire movie
< Domino> well, let's not get carried away
< Domino> we all know hlmtre has an incredible capacity for hatred
< Domino> one of the worst people I've ever met
< mech> I see people all the time and think "If only they knew how irrational and full of blind hate hlmtre is"
< mech> then I tell them
< mech> They hand me some change and wish me well
< Domino> I've never met hitler personally, but I'm going to have to go ahead and say, just having known hlmtre a short while, that I prefer hitler, and again, I've never even met the guy
< ~hlmtre> wtf is happening in here
< mech> hitler is like Bob Ross or Mr. Rogers in comparison
< thraust> idk but I think we should ban thatcher
#1366 votes: 22023-11-01 08:51:19
< mech> >Hans Zimmer
< mech> thats all you need
< mech> He could score a breen flick and it would make it cinematic as fuck
< mech> possibly to the point hlmtre could finish the entire movie
< Domino> well, let's not get carried away
< Domino> we all know hlmtre has an incredible capacity for hatred
< Domino> one of the worst people I've ever met
< mech> I see people all the time and think "If only they knew how irrational and full of blind hate hlmtre is"
< mech> then I tell them
< mech> They hand me some change and wish me well
< Domino> I've never met hitler personally, but I'm going to have to go ahead and say, just having known hlmtre a short while, that I prefer hitler, and again, I've never even met the guy
< ~hlmtre> wtf is happening in here
< mech> hitler is like Bob Ross or Mr. Rogers in comparison
< thraust> idk but I think we should ban thatcher
#1365 votes: 22023-04-06 10:05:18
< hlmtre> also how stiff it was
* hlmtre shudders
< hlmtre> don't quote me out of context pls
< mech> .qbd also how stiff it was | hlmtre shudders
#1364 votes: 22023-04-05 17:18:45
< Domino> gm tex give me a name to use on twitch that uses my irl real name also sleep time gn
< Tex> WatDaKins
< Tex> Trevolting
< Tex> DomTrevorta
< Domino> the important thing is you tried
< Tex> fuck you
< Domino> I understand
#1363 votes: 32024-08-30 17:28:09
< mech> In honor of this sacred day we are ordering Indian food
< mech> Just like our forefathers
#1362 votes: 22022-12-21 17:45:39
< mech>
< mech> It’s all at least in the house
< Domino> why do you have an emergency loaf of bread
< mech> It needs to kind of be set on its appropriate floor obviously
< mech> Just in case we don’t have bread
< Domino> but you have that bread
< mech> Also Kates friend drew it on a box so now it’s art
< Domino> so you never don't have bread
< mech> I’m too tired for this
< Domino> common core math
< Domino> if you have an emergency bread, just in case you run out of bread, you'll never run out of bread, because you have the emergency bread, thereby negating the need for emergency bread, but then you won't have bread, so you need the emergency bread
< Domino> it's like... philosophy or some shit
< mech> I’m gonna eat that box to spite you
#1228 votes: 22022-06-28 15:35:51
< thraust> guys I have a problem
< thraust> my boss needed help with some excel stuff, getting a chart to output a percent based on some values
< thraust> so I figured out a formula for it
< thraust> I kinda liked it...
< mech> You monster
< thraust> what's wrong with me?
< mech> As long as you don’t use it for major projects that should have a legit DB I think you are fine
< mech> It has its place and can do some really cool stuff.
< mech> I made one the other day to track the computers I image at work
< thraust> is it terminal?
< thraust> she had a bunch of small charts for different years of when cases started and how many we still have open
< thraust> so I got a formula to check if the cells were blank in the still open column, if they were then they used the values from the other column
< thraust> then do math on the totals to get the percent of closed cases
< mech> The precise use for excel.
< thraust> neat
< thraust> time to build a VB backend to pull data from salesforce
* thraust snorts a line of crushed word documents
#1227 votes: 22022-06-04 19:10:57
< Domino> penis!
< hlmtre> yeah dom the difference in flavor was bizarre
#1226 votes: 22022-05-26 12:21:37
< -- pybot-is-back (mypy@D6084BBA.6629FA34.5350FBE0.IP) has quit (Excess Flood)
--> pybot-is-back (mypy@D6084BBA.6629FA34.5350FBE0.IP) has joined #fg
< -- pybot-is-back (mypy@D6084BBA.6629FA34.5350FBE0.IP) has quit (Excess Flood)
--> pybot-is-back (mypy@D6084BBA.6629FA34.5350FBE0.IP) has joined #fg
< -- pybot-is-back (mypy@D6084BBA.6629FA34.5350FBE0.IP) has quit (Read error)
--> pybot-is-back (mypy@D6084BBA.6629FA34.5350FBE0.IP) has joined #fg
< thraust> is pybot going to be ok?
< mech> No….
< mech> It’s terminal
< thraust> OH NO
< mech> We did all we could. It’s time to pull the plug. He’s just a shell of his former self
< thraust> it's sad to see him byte the dust like that
< ~hlmtre> it's alright, he'll just be reborn again with a higher PID
#1225 votes: 12022-05-20 13:41:48
< thraust> mech is it your birthday today?
< mech> No, that was 31 years ago today.
< thraust> oh, apologies
< thraust> carry on
#1224 votes: 22022-03-30 17:10:37
< i7> Also, I've finally started writing my novella. Who wants to be a test reader?
< thraust> bold assuming we can read
< i7> thraust it's a book not a movie
#1223 votes: 22022-09-02 12:42:24
C< thraust> ah good, you're here
< thraust> tex, pls kill me
< Tex> Well there is no way that's good
< Tex> oh
< Tex> :D
#1221 votes: 12022-01-24 18:30:54
< thraust> what's a cobbler's favorite kind of nut?
< hlmtre> um
< hlmtre> gimme a sec to think
< thraust> :3
< hlmtre> ugh
< hlmtre> i can't come up with anything
< hlmtre> hitme
< thraust> cashoes
< mech> kick him
< mech> please
< hlmtre> nah it's too good
< hlmtre> you come up with it thraust?
< thraust> yes
< thraust> :D
< hlmtre> this is the opposite of what mech wants
< hlmtre> gj
< mech> it is
< thraust> kick thraust
-- | Mode #fg [+o thraust] by hlmtre
< --- thraust has kicked thraust from #fg (thraust)
< hlmtre> HAH
< mech> It was the only way
< hlmtre> i used the ops to destroy the ops
< thraust> too much power
#1218 votes: 02021-08-26 15:25:13
< i7> I didn't think Miranda Keyes could be worse than she is in Halo 2, but Halo 3 proved me wrong
< Tex> She makes a great pin-cushion
#1217 votes: 22021-07-13 17:09:35
< thraust> I just had a good night of sleep and was zonked out
< hlmtre> oo lookit me i'm thraust i get uninterrupted sleep
< hlmtre> >:(
< hlmtre> more like -_-
< thraust> I am a pro at sleeping
< hlmtre> (◡︵◡)
< thraust> I can take a nap from like 7 to 10, get back up and do stuff for a few hours and go back to sleep before 2
< hlmtre> 2 is about where i can go back to sleep too
< thraust> I can also just choose to continue sleeping until 8
< hlmtre> h8
< thraust> I also very very rarely wake up to use the bathroom
< hlmtre> you are apparently a pro at sleeping
< hlmtre> i am a pro at napping
< thraust> the rest of my being is an utter disappointment
#1211 votes: 22021-05-05 15:22:11
< thraust> windows
< thraust> fucking find notepad
< thraust> jesus christ
< mech> Hahahahha
< thraust> I HATE IT, UGHHHHH
< mech> Kates keyboard about half done!
< thraust> you're missing some keys there
< thraust> don't look for them in windows
< thraust> you'll never find them
< mech> Have you tried searching Bing?
< mech> Try there
< thraust> I don't want to search in Bing
< mech> Every time you say that god kills a Microsoft developer.
< thraust> how many developers are there?
< mech> A lot less since Bing launched.
#1207 votes: 22021-03-19 20:23:20
< Domino> yeah I just think she doesn't like mechanical keyboards
< Domino> she wasn't specifically looking for a mechanical keyboard for work purposes, she was just interested in them in general
< Domino> but "they're all too clacky"
< Tex> The louder the keyboard the closer to god
#1206 votes: 12021-01-05 13:54:15
< thraust>
< mech> vanception
< thraust> russian nesting cars
< Tex> Dos van-daniya
< i7> :|
#1205 votes: 22020-11-23 11:54:45
< hlmtre> le testing
< hlmtre> hi argbot
< argbot> loldicks hlmtre
#1204 votes: 12020-09-12 17:04:05
< hlmtre> i just took like a four hour nap
< hlmtre> good lorg
< hlmtre> s/g/d
< pybot-is-back> hlmtre MEANT to say: dood lord
< hlmtre> FFF
< mech> Dood lord indeed
#1203 votes: 12020-08-03 18:47:06
< thraust> I just figured out something
< mech> Its a new sensation I am sure
< thraust> when a mexican has a secret identity
< mech> no
< thraust> it's an alter diego
< mech> stop
< mech> why
< hlmtre> HAHAHA
#1202 votes: 02020-07-20 19:48:26
< thraust> we have some guy making really nice stat graphs in the austin subreddit
< thraust> on 7/8 we had the highest amount of new cases at 753
< thraust> total, we're at just under 18K to date
< thraust> this is for travis county, not just austin
< thraust> on 7/4 a mask mandate was ordered, and a week later a steady decline in the number of new cases per day started
< hlmtre> nah
< hlmtre> coincidence
< thraust> which begs the question, do masks ACTUALLY make a difference?
< hlmtre> masks are like seatbelts
< thraust> also, the protests really started on 5/29 and texas re-open phase 3 on 6/2
< thraust> a week later, the new cases started to shoot up from below 100 per day, to we haven't had below 100 since
< thraust>
< hlmtre> jesus fuck that is a gorgeous graphic
< thraust> we've had one of these every day since this has started
< hlmtre> as a statistician, this guy is ecstatic
< hlmtre> as a texan, he's saddened
< thraust> for real tho
< Tex> "come and take it, pls"
< Tex> The Lone Stat State
< thraust> everything is bigger in texas, just look at our death rate!
< Tex> The SARS at night are big and bright ? ? ? ?
#1201 votes: 22020-06-17 17:14:28
[hlmtre] i've also got coffee and am making breakfast
[hlmtre] did some dishes and ran the dishwasher
[Domino] can it keep up with the fridge yet
[hlmtre] they race but it's always a tie
[hlmtre] because
[hlmtre] it's a wash
[Domino] wow
[Domino] that's better than the thing I was going to say
[Domino] good job
[hlmtre] take that
[Domino] I ain't even mad
#1200 votes: 02020-04-27 12:45:28
< Spoopy> holy shit WOTC is surreal af.
< thraust> you start your new job?
< Spoopy> Like I haven't done anything, but you know that whole new hire poking around and getting business info dumps? All of it is so much more engaging or already understood to some end because I've been so involved with this stuff for so long. It's wild
< Spoopy> 3 hours ago, yes
< thraust> nice!
< thraust> "how much do you know about this company"
< thraust> "only my childhood"
< thraust> "and much of my adult life"
< Spoopy> lol and a fair bit on and off in adult life
< Spoopy> One of the more recent set releases got brought up and I was like "I went to the seattle event"
< Spoopy> >"The GP, or magic fest as it is called now"
< Spoopy> "Yeah that. It was amazing."
< Spoopy> And freaking most of the people I talk to are huge magic nerds XD
< thraust> you are surrounded by your people
< Spoopy> I no de wei
< thraust> that's really cool
< Spoopy> yee. Very very weird and comforting all at once
< hlmtre> that's awesome
< hlmtre> are you in the office?
< hlmtre> i imagine they'll have you in the office for orientation maybe then remote for safety?
< thraust> 4 blank white walls
< thraust> one table, 2 chairs
< thraust> and a d20
< Spoopy> no office. They fedex-ed my equipment and did all that via Microsoft Teams
< Spoopy> lmao Thraust
< thraust> I'm just going to start spreading rumors about the hiring process
< thraust> "I know a guy who works there"
< thraust> "they make you roll to keep your job"
< Tex> "Roll for stability"
< thraust> "if you want a raise you have to beat the CEO in a game of MTG"
< Tex> "Build a deck that would actually kill a man"
< Tex> "Beat 5 children back to back in Pokemon TGC then answer emails from their mothers"
#1199 votes: 02020-04-03 20:51:58
#1198 votes: 12020-03-15 15:03:31
< hlmtre> henry was just saying 'im a boy im a boy'
< hlmtre> and then saw his helicopter and got excited
< hlmtre> and then said
< hlmtre> 'i helicopter!'
< hlmtre> my son identifies as a helicopter
#1197 votes: 02020-03-15 15:02:57
< hlmtre> we're just gonna quarantine for a few days
< hlmtre> we have lots of groceries and meds
< hlmtre> just stocked up
< thraust> so how much TP did you buy?
< hlmtre> none
< hlmtre>4 we're not planning to go through more tp than usual
< hlmtre> which means we're still fine for like two months
< thraust> I don't remember the last time I bought any
< thraust> I think it was when I moved in
< hlmtre> the amount of time a costco tp last when it's just dudes vs if there's girls involved is pretty monumental
< thraust> oh yeah
< Tex> In a house of 6
< Tex> 5 are women
< Tex> We steal tp from eachother all the time
< thraust> hahaha
< Tex> So this whole thing is childs play to us
< Tex> I got a reserve they don't know about
#1196 votes: 02020-02-12 16:18:37
#1195 votes: 12020-02-06 12:35:57
< hlmtre> why am i retarded
< hlmtre> anyone but tex answer that
< Tex> Boooooooooo
< thraust> tex, pm me what you would say
< thraust> for no reason
< thraust> hlmtre don't look at these messages
< BoneKin> you put too many stat points into Chromosomes?
< hlmtre> bonekin did you just come up with that
< BoneKin> yes
< hlmtre> it's fantastic
< hlmtre> but also fuck you
< thraust> I took the brain cell and hid it
* hlmtre impersonates a drummer
< thraust> I also did not definitely accidentally lose it
#1194 votes: 02019-10-08 08:20:43
< BoneKin> mronin
< BoneKin> ...
< BoneKin> mornin
< i7> howdy
< hlmtre> hlelo bneonki
< i7> i thought about saying "hwody" but i decided to be nice
< i7> unlike SOME PEOPLE
< hlmtre> smoe polepe
#1193 votes: 02019-10-01 12:05:19
< BoneKin> lol, vietnamese guy starting here next week. my coworker decided to create his computer name like we always do {dept}.{lastname}
< BoneKin> only he came up with NYGUEN for NGUYEN
< BoneKin> I think I'll fix that before our new guy starts
< mech> sounds like a win win to me
#1192 votes: 12019-07-04 21:55:45
thraust |
~hlmtre | tex
~hlmtre | tex
~hlmtre | look at this
thraust | I had to get my proof of ownership for my house
thraust | I have no other redeeming qualities
* | hlmtre interjects
thraust | s/redeeming/defining
pybot-is-back | thraust MEANT to say: I have no other defining qualities
~hlmtre | thx pybot-is-back
< -- | i7 ( has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
Tex | The loss of your home and all your valuables has brought me immense joy with just one screen capture
thraust | I'm glad you're happy tex
thraust | that was really funny to read though
thraust | like, why that wording?
Tex | Cause you live in a fiefdom
Tex | Apparently
Tex | And they had to translate from the original scroll
Tex | All it needs is a "HEAR YE, HEAR YE"
#1191 votes: 12019-06-20 15:06:31
< i7> Oh no. Trying to do anything related to the cooking process while a Slavic woman is cooking is an enormous mistake
< i7> Imagine backseat driving, but the driver is armed with knives
< Thraust> better than guns, I'd say the stakes are even
< i7> >:(
< hlmtre> LOL
< hlmtre> 'but the driver is armed with knives'
#1189 votes: 12018-02-26 13:30:11
< Tex> I'm not going anywhere
< Tex> I get paid a stupid amount of money to literally sit on the computer all day
< Tex> And drink at work and leave by 3 at the latest
< Tex> I don't even fill out a PTO form unless I'm gone out of the country, as a formality
< i7> well if your company goes somewhere, you'd have to go too
< Tex> We get away with murder
< i7> and by goes, i mean go under
< Tex> So call me a criminal
< Tex> Because I like crime
< BoneKin> nart's the one whose work is going under
< i7> where does he even work
< BoneKin> on submarines
< Tex> eyy
< i7> :|
#1188 votes: 02018-02-12 20:33:43
< hlmtre> Ceiling!
< hlmtre> evening
< i7> you've been busy
< thraust> that's a roof
< thraust> ceiling is from the inside
< thraust> it's k
< hlmtre> >:(
< hlmtre> dinahs' been yelling at me that i keep calling it a roof
< thraust> < 3
< hlmtre> and now you're yelling at me that it's a roof not a ceiling
< hlmtre> what do you people want from me
< i7> pretty sure its an attic
< -- hlmtre has quit (Quit: i has a sad)
< i7> oh
< thraust> lol
#1187 votes: 12019-08-22 20:26:48
< i-7>
< i-7> >mech and i7 go to Russia
#1186 votes: 02018-01-08 11:31:18
< i7> >go to russia
< i7> >internet is cheap
< i7> >internet is fast
< i7> >lawncare forums are banned
< thraust> why lawncare?
< Tex> All grass must be equal
< Tex> not greener
#1185 votes: 02017-12-19 08:32:03
< i7> NINETY
< i7> NINE
< i7> bitches are 98 of them
< i7> the other one is the broken disconnect switch on this ironworker
< BoneKin> if you're having weld problems I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems and this switch is one.
#1184 votes: 02017-11-02 09:03:55
< i7> horse girls
< mech_cloud> Wut?
< BoneKin> are we complaining about "girls that are into horse are crazy"?
< BoneKin> or female centaurs?
< mech_cloud> I have the same question
< i7> crazy female centaurs that are into girls
< i7> kanboface.txt
< BoneKin> I'm sure this can be found on the internet somewhere
< mech_cloud> I will take your word for it
< thraust> an anime about a centaur girl in high school exists
< thraust> just fyi
--> Tex has joined
< Tex> Production on season six of House of Cards has been suspended "until further notice".
< Tex> God dammit, Kevin
< BoneKin> please
< BoneKin> we've moved on to centaur girl high school animes here
< Tex> Oh shit is that that witch hunter academic probation shit?
#1183 votes: 02017-10-24 09:19:09
< thraust> I keep forgetting to take days off for game releases
< Tex> I can't even play it till I get back from my work trip
< Tex> Slash pay for it till I get back from my work trip
< Tex> Need dem reimbursement expenses
< thraust> destiny is a work expense
< Tex> "whats this $60 charge to...Blizzard?"
< Tex> "I went ham at a Dairy Queen"
#1182 votes: 12017-10-02 12:59:41
< Tex> Tom Petty just died
< BoneKin> shit, he didn't make it. I definitely made a too soon joke then
< BoneKin> coworker read the he was in cardiac arrest. I asked if it was the guy from the heartbreakers.
< BoneKin> >_>
#1181 votes: 22017-09-25 15:34:53
< thraust> I have internet again
< Tex> dammit
< thraust> you can't get rid of me tex
< Tex> I'll find a way
< thraust> you can try, but I'll find you... and tell you a pun
< Tex> You'r banned from my funeral
< Tex> And my resurrection
< thraust> that's a grave motion
#1180 votes: 12017-09-20 15:49:53
< hlmtre> tex
< hlmtre> tex
< hlmtre> tex
< hlmtre> fast and the furious 10
< hlmtre> should be named Fast 10: Your Seatbelts
< hlmtre> tex
< Tex> I hope your child becomes a furry
#1178 votes: 12017-07-26 13:19:13
< i7> russian has gendered nouns. gendered adjectives and pronouns too. there isn't any word order
< hlmtre> no word order?
< hlmtre> is there a standard word order but it's optional?
< hlmtre> because that'd be like latin
< i7> SVO is the most common. SOV is also pretty common.
< i7> prepositions are always before the word they're paired with, and possessors are always after the possessed object
< i7> besides that, its a free for all
< i7> direct translation from a text from natasha the other night: have i too was, but i it sold
< i7> in english it would have been: i had it too, but i sold it
< mech> Down where you
< mech> Are at you could make more money if you speak spanish
< mech> Really most places.
< BoneKin> I think mech is translating directly from russian
< i7> lol
< mech> I am typiung on the phone with gloves on
< mech> It's a pain
< i7> really in think i need to know words and phrases more than conversation
< i7> like "thats hot dont touch that"
< i7> and food items that go on a burrito
< BoneKin> ayudame. estoy sangrando mucho
< BoneKin> help. I am bleeding a lot.
< BoneKin> that's the phrase a high school classmate told me was the only spanish he knew
#1177 votes: 12017-07-19 13:45:51
< hlmtre> hey tex
< hlmtre> a persian girl tried to fight me once
< hlmtre> guess what i did
< hlmtre> guess what i did tex
< i7> beat her up
< hlmtre> iran
< -- Tex has quit (Quit:)
< hlmtre> LOL
< i7> hahaha
< hlmtre> .. what if she doesn't come back
< thraust> HEH
--> | Tex ( has joined #fg
< Tex> Remember
< hlmtre> i was just about to text you 'i regret only a little'
< Tex> the jokes will hurt you more than they will hurt me
< hlmtre> that is not true
< thraust> NOT TRUE
* hlmtre high fives thraust
< Tex> >:(
#1176 votes: 02017-07-12 19:03:00
< Tex> you forgot the dinah wine
< thraust> she's gone for the week, you'll have to do with regular whine
< Tex> how dare u
< Tex> she is a SAINT
< Tex> and you mad cuz u AINT
< thraust> s/AINT/are not
< pybot> Tex MEANT to say: and you mad cuz u are not
#1175 votes: 12017-07-11 08:49:14
< mech> Sarah told me it was 10am and then left for class
< mech> I was wondering why I was so tired
< mech> its only 8:45
< mech> -_-
< BoneKin> just a prank, bro
< thraust> that's messed up
< BoneKin> have fun being awake
< mech> I hate this
#1174 votes: 02017-07-04 01:35:40
< hlmtre> we're going to bear hole again
< mech> lol
< mech> bear hole
< mech> is that where we went with sam and lindsey?
< hlmtre> bear hole is, yeah
< hlmtre> natural creek with rocks and swimming and stuff
< mech> bidwell was the park that had the pool
< hlmtre> one mile is the same creek when it passes through chico
< mech> right?
< hlmtre> one mile is the beginning of bidwell park, yeah
< BoneKin> what happens if you bidpoorly
< mech> you have to bare hole
#1173 votes: 12017-06-26 18:59:09
< mech> Did you know boxed water offers a convenient, environmentally-friendly alternative to plastic bottled water
< mech> Roughly three-quarters of each of our boxes is made of paper, fully recyclable and free of BPAs and phthalates.
< mech> Packaged water should be healthy and pure. Our 8-step water purification process ensures our water is delivered completely free of impurities and minerals.
< mech> Did you know many leading bottled water brands contain more than 20 dissolved solids?
< mech> Not only is our water pure, but our pH is very close to neutral, which we feel offers the best hydration for your body.
< Tex> is this that starbucks boxed water
< mech> no, its a part sustainable water company, part philanthropic project.
< tarehart> q: can it get me laid?
< --- hlmtre has kicked mech from #fg (boxed wine is superior)
< tarehart> now I'll never find out
< --- mech ( has joined #fg
< thraust> if you buy the woman add-on, yeah it can
< mech> If by "getting laid" you mean reducing your carbon footprint
< mech> then yes
< tarehart> is the woman healthy and pure?
< mech> Just like our boxed water
#1172 votes: 02017-06-26 13:19:26
< hlmtre> will started whistling a thing
< hlmtre> turns out it was take my breath away
< hlmtre> we are alone in the office
< hlmtre> listening to take my breath away.
< BoneKin> G A Y
< thraust> I didn't ask for this
< Tex> He wants some butts
< thraust> He's locked the doors
< thraust> H E L P
< Tex> Remember all those puns you made
< thraust> oh that reminds me
< BoneKin> >tfw he strangles you while humming 'take my breath away'
#1170 votes: 02017-06-20 10:57:15
< thraust>
< BoneKin> name 3 things that aren't a burrito
< hlmtre> must be important
< Tex>
< -- thraust has quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
< BoneKin> ...
< Tex> I did it
< BoneKin> did he triple down on burritos and then quit irc?
< Tex> I killed Will
< Tex> and his will to live
#1169 votes: 02017-05-18 16:16:48
< i7> hlmtre i remember lizzie
< pybot> Hey i7, hlmtre says "hello"
< i7> hello to you too hlmtre
< pybot> Hey i7, hlmtre says "you're talking to a bot"
< i7> >:|
#1168 votes: 32017-05-15 09:37:39
< hlmtre> you off mechznc?
< hlmtre> i'd like to be off today
< mechznc> I am
< Tex> a/be/beat
< Tex> fuck
< Tex> ass
< Tex> shit
< Tex> fuck
< Tex> that was GOLD
< Tex> curse these TINY HANDS
< hlmtre> s/be/beat
< pybot> Tex MEANT to say: a/beat/beatat
< hlmtre> bahahah
< hlmtre> it's gotten worse
< mechznc> abebebebeatatat
< hlmtre> oh lordy
< hlmtre> s/be/beat
< pybot> mechznc MEANT to say: abeatbeatbeatbeatatatat
#1167 votes: 02017-05-12 14:27:24
< Schooly_D> We really need to rename the .gv function to i7
< Paddy> .gv
< TSDBot> < Schooly_D> We really need to rename the .gv function to i7
< TSDBot> I don't really care, sorry
< kanbo> eeeeeee
#1166 votes: 22017-04-28 11:46:14
< Tex> ima be out of here by 11
< Tex> suckas
< --- kanbo has kicked Tex from #halo (kanbo)
< BoneKin> looks like she got out a bit early
< kanbo> i wish i could op you twice
#1165 votes: 22017-04-11 19:32:01
< i-7> I just started it, it's pretty chill
< i-7> Protagonist's hair is above her shoulders though
< i-7> That fucking cunt Victoria doesn't even have her hair past her ears though, and she thinks she's hot shit. So much for an artsy academy. If protag is below her in the fashion pecking order, this place should just be written off, possibly nuked from orbit.
< i-7> It doesn't matter how short that skirt is, those legs will never make up for that disaster of a haircut. INTO THE OVEN VICTORIA.
#1164 votes: 02017-03-29 11:52:10
< i-7> Secondary reason I want a bunch of kids
< i-7> Can't lose all of them in one go
< i-7> Put them in a cell network so in case one of them gets compromised, they don't have enough info to give to the enemy to compromise their siblings
#1163 votes: 12017-03-16 12:25:32
< Schooly_D> .dbogen tex
< TSDBot> Me
< Tex> kek
< Schooly_D> .dbogen tex
< TSDBot> On fb and I dont play videogames
#1161 votes: 12017-03-02 15:32:41
< Jennos_> For honor won't let me play
< BoneKin> what's it doing?
< Jennos_> Not connecting
< Jennos_> No server
< BoneKin> can you play single-player? or is it not able to connect to uplay at all?
< BoneKin> udontplay
< BoneKin> got em
#1160 votes: 02017-03-01 11:19:21
< Jennos_> I am getting real tired of snow...
< hlmtre> are you getting more today jennos
< Jennos_> Had a few inches last night and some now and more tonite....
< Tex_> .bonekin
< Tex_> i mean
< Tex_> .kanbo
< pybot> ( ???0 ??? ?0)
#1159 votes: 12017-02-23 11:40:11
< hlmtre> my favorite chefs from when i was a kid were hungarian
< hlmtre> hungarian lesbians actually
< Tex_> god
< Tex_> daaaammmmit
< Tex_> all lesbians are hungary
< Tex_> they eat out a lot
< BoneKin> hehehehehe
< BoneKin> lizard.gif
#1158 votes: 22017-02-13 13:10:16
< i-7> Think I could pull off Rhodesian camo short shorts?
< thraust> yes, you could pull them off and put on other shorts, perfectly acceptable
#1157 votes: 12017-02-10 09:24:55
< kanbo> i like playing as zenyatta but i am not a good shot
< Doc> i like playing as zenyatta but i am gay for certain men im trans bc my mental illness says im a dead chunk of outer space (1 second ago) id=3329
< kanbo> what the fuck
< BoneKin> Doc is hanging out in the weird part of the internet again
< Doc> is hanging out with kanbo too much
#1156 votes: 22017-02-09 12:00:15
< mechwork> hello internet
-- hlmtre has changed their nick to internet
< internet> hello mechwork
-- internet has changed their nick to hlmtre
< mechwork> hlmtre is the internet
< mechwork> that explains all the cat pictures
< willfro> ^
< mechwork> ^^
#1155 votes: 02017-02-09 09:37:29
< kanbo> jennos, bonk, hlmtre and i jumped into the all brawls playlist last night and got stuck with super shimada bros
< kanbo> what a shitload of fuck
< kanbo> genji is just the worst
#1154 votes: 02017-02-08 18:30:00
< Doc> looks like schooly is the new hotness
#1153 votes: 12017-02-08 01:54:48
< hlmtre> btw willfro why aren't you just on your computer
< willfro> Funny you should ask hlmtre
< willfro> You see, i am an idiot
< willfro> I placed my encryption key on top of my suitcase, "dont forget this"
< willfro> I then promptly opened said suitcase and forgot its existance
#1152 votes: 32017-02-07 09:22:37
< BoneKin> jenn has not mentioned an affinity for working as a hairstylist to me
< BoneKin> but she has worked a lot of jobs. maybe I just don't know about it
< Tex_> She already specializes in cow licks
< i-7> Well maybe now if she wants to get her hair styled, it'll be cheaper due to increased competition
< --- BoneKin has kicked Tex_ from #fg (BoneKin)
---> Tex_ has joined #fg
< i-7> Or more hair stylists will be available in the area
< Tex_> I made DadKin proud
< BoneKin> that's my way of saying I approve
#1151 votes: 22017-02-06 12:31:42
< i-7> So my kitchen has counters on both sides, it's a walk in kitchen, very narrow
< i-7> There I am, attempting to cook weird Russian cereal that looks like it was made for communist peasants
< i-7> When I look down, and shift my baggy pants leg, and there is a MASSIVE Texas size cockroach next to my foot, scurrying out from under my pants
< i-7> I simultaneously leap up onto both of the counters like it's fucking Splinter Cell, swearing like a sailor who just discovered the rash he got from that sketchy waitress in the last port
< i-7> And as the cockroach books it out of the kitchen, I somehow devolved into Ned Flanders-speak
< i-7> "Jesus fucking Christ holy fucking shit goddamn diddly hibbly jibbly widdbly diddly doo"
< i-7> Or something like that. No idea where that came from. I don't even watch The Simpsons.
< i-7> Currently playing "the floor is lava" with Confederate war songs blasting from my laptop while checking up on the pot full of simmering water
#1150 votes: 02017-02-06 08:51:59
< i-7> So I just ssh'd in to analyze the last week of scrollback
< i-7> A summary: Rocket League, Rocket League, tech problems, Rocket League, Tex terrorizing small children, Rocket League, BoneKin's dog, Rocket League, tech problems, tech problems, Rocket League, Rocket League, tech problems, Rocket League, Rocket League, Jennos being terrorized by large children, PROTEIN, Rocket League, Rocket League, OverWatch, Rocket League,
< i-7> OverWatch, Rocket League, RIP in Reese's Pieces Jester
#1149 votes: 62017-01-25 15:54:01
< thraust> is this for the parent who wants their kid to be a web developer?
< Tex_> beats me
< Tex_> I want my kid to be a microscopic stain in a landfill
#1148 votes: 02016-12-13 16:46:57
< hlmtre> no text in quote :)
< kanbo> thats why i said it in engrish
#1143 votes: 02016-11-20 17:04:50
< ~hlmtre> What happens to nitrogen when the sun rises?
< ~hlmtre> It becomes daytrogen
< ~hlmtre> Good nightrogen
< ~hlmtre> Sleep tightrogen
< ~hlmtre> Don't let the bedbugs bitrogen
< ~hlmtre> i7.mp4
< mechznc> go home dad
#1142 votes: 02016-11-07 13:42:23
< ~hlmtre>
< ~hlmtre> i mean it's a bit expensive
< ~hlmtre> but i've been absolutely chuffed with it
< Tex_> 131? Does it even light up?
< ~hlmtre> yes
< ~hlmtre> it's backlit
< Tex_> on a scale of 1-Harvey Milk
< Tex_> how gay lit does it get
< ~hlmtre> 1
< ~hlmtre> just white backlighting
< ~hlmtre> so it's also racist
#1141 votes: 02016-10-27 20:38:02
< kanbones> fuck im retarded
#1139 votes: 22016-10-21 07:29:27
< BoneKin> I need someone to invent a time machine
< BoneKin> Go back a couple months
< BoneKin> Find the point in time where I thought "Hmm, I could get to Pittsburgh for free with this voucher from United from when they delayed me so much"
< BoneKin> And just punch me right in the face
#1138 votes: 22016-10-19 14:18:05
< i7> smoke detector going off
< i7> potatoes must be ready
< Tex_> The fact you've lived this long without burning a house down amazes me sometimes
#1137 votes: 52016-09-28 16:15:29
< i-7> >reinstall Snapchat
< Tex_> You knew the price
#1136 votes: 22016-09-27 12:12:16
< BoneKin> I feel tired. I don't know why
< BoneKin> slept plenty last night
< willfro> did you get hit by junkrat's ult?
< Tex_> hlmtre
< Tex_> ping ping hlmtre
-- | Mode #fg [+o Tex_] by hlmtre
< --- Tex_ has kicked willfro from #fg (Boo)
-- | Mode #fg [-o Tex_] by Tex_
< hlmtre> #standards
< Tex_> I was gonna ask you to flick will's ear for me
< Tex_> but that will suffice
< --- willfro ( has joined #fg
< willfro> why do you hate me tex
#1134 votes: 12016-09-17 14:04:58
< i7> there's a woman standing next to me wearing a Gryffindor shirt
< i7> I wonder who buys Slytherin shirts
< hlmtre> slytherins
#1132 votes: 02016-09-05 12:50:25
< TSDBot> A message appears written in the amber skies above Earth's last city, at once a harbinger of caution and hope for all whose light shines bright against the darkness: "Fuck destiny"
#1131 votes: 12016-08-24 21:07:38
< tarehart> now I'm sick
< tarehart> should not have kissed girl
< Tex> But you'd do it again
< tarehart> can't get double sick
< i7> kissing a girl is always worth getting sick
< i7> unless she has mono
< i7> or she wasnt hot
#1130 votes: 12016-07-27 09:48:11
< Tex> blah blah oracle blah sysadmin blah slack blah unbuntcake blah unix blah redheat blah tuc the penguin
#1129 votes: 02016-07-26 14:04:38
< Tex> This server is full of nerds
#1128 votes: 12016-07-13 16:25:04
< kanbo> better forward that one to the embassy
< Tex> re: hello schoolyd
< Tex> Body: o/
< kanbo> Attachment: voot.exe
< Tex> Importance: High
< Tex> Read Signature Required
#1127 votes: 22016-07-11 16:22:50
< kanbo> i dont know, nart. what is the most inquisitive irc bot function?
< NartFOpc> curious dorj
#1124 votes: 02016-06-27 20:37:10
< i7> there's a gecko on my sliding glass door
< mechznc> is he trying to sell you car insurance?
#1123 votes: 02016-06-24 18:28:57
< Paddy> skooly you can't be held responsible for controlling your muscles your form and your fart box at the same time
< Paddy> skooly
< Paddy> fuck me
#1122 votes: 02016-06-10 08:28:08
< BoneKin> ugh, this never ends well
< BoneKin> .dorj
< TSDBot> Core Dorj primed and ready! I can't believe it! It's happening!!!
< TSDBot>
< Paddy> wow
< Xenos> Hahaha
#1121 votes: 12016-06-02 00:31:51
< ~kanbo> >join mumble
< ~kanbo> >hear znite
< ~kanbo> >leave
#1120 votes: 02016-05-27 11:58:55
< Unreal> To be fair I've been wrong too many times this year
#1119 votes: 42016-05-27 09:41:36
< NartFOpc> Come on down to Descartes Mart: I Shop Therefore I Am
#1118 votes: 12016-05-26 20:25:06
< ~hlmtre> a friend of dinah's just had dinner with george rr martin
< willfro> so uh... yeah... WHAT?
< i7> what'd they talk about
< ~hlmtre> i don't know
< ~hlmtre> i imagine she hounded him over and over
< i7> >:|
#1117 votes: 12016-05-24 16:24:05
< kanbo> ask about their data storage contingencies
< NartFOpc> s/data storage/winter
< TSDBot> kanbo meant to say: ask about their winter contingencies
< Tex> cute
< Schooly_D> remember halo?
< Tex> s/ha/dha
< TSDBot> Schooly_D meant to say: remember dhalo?
< kanbo> s/?/
< TSDBot> Schooly_D meant to say: remember halo
#1116 votes: 02016-05-24 09:10:26
< BoneKin>
< pybot> YouTube: "Dragon Ball Z themed restaurant attracts anime fans" (00:01:53)
< Paddy> what did you think of schooly's flight, deej?
< Paddy> .deej
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! he was dumb
< BoneKin> the first 10 seconds of this video are basically made to piss off tex
< BoneKin> top puns
< Paddy> now now deej, no need to be salty
< Tex> >closes window after 'dragon ball my friends'
< Paddy> christ
< BoneKin> did you even get to the name of the restaurant?
< Tex> I'm going to smother you to death with dog voices at hbopp
< Tex> No
< BoneKin> Soupa Saiyan
< Tex> I dont wanna
< Tex> god
< Tex> fuck
< Tex> piss
< Tex> shit
< Tex> fuck
< Tex> cunt
< Paddy> klek
< Paddy> kelek
< Tex> cocksucking
< Paddy> keekelk
< Tex> fuck
< Tex> you
< Paddy> eklelklklekekkelke
< Paddy> elkelkelkelekelke
< Paddy> eklkelkele
< Tex> FUCK
< Paddy> >Tex teaches typing
#1115 votes: 12016-05-22 13:45:18
< Tex> Your girl got 3rd place, Schooly
< Schooly_D> We can rebuild her
< Tex> >
< Tex> what place did you get?
< •kanbo> park place
< Tex> s/pa/ba
< •kanbo> < Tex> ayy
< TSDBot> kanbo meant to say: bark place
< •kanbo> < Tex> more like bark place
< Tex> fuck
< •kanbo> oh you bitch
< Tex> off
#1114 votes: 02016-05-20 17:31:18
< Schooly_D> I figure everyone remotely involved with aviation is sick to death of top gun references
< Schooly_D> Except for me
#1113 votes: 32016-05-16 16:52:48
< snipe> What kind of fucking alien eats a hard peanut butter pancake with their hands
#1112 votes: 32016-05-16 14:06:06
< Schooly_D> jennos, what's the one thing you're most looking forward to dong in dubai
#1111 votes: 02016-05-13 23:06:24
~hlmtre | so we're going to go down for hopefully not too long
willfro | That's what you said about the emergency server response system
~hlmtre | indeed
~hlmtre | down you go i7
< -- i7 ( has quit (Client exited)
willfro | did you just..
willfro | you did
~hlmtre | shut down his VM
willfro | you killed him
~hlmtre | also bye willfro
mechznc | sniper thre
willfro | wait!
willfro | nooooo
willfro | I WANT TO LIVE
#1110 votes: 02016-05-11 22:38:51
< TSDBot> Deej vs TSD: A Time to Die
#1109 votes: 02016-05-07 08:42:34
< Xenos> I wonder how long it would take my boss to notice if I just went home
< Tex> Tell him you had a family emergency.
< Tex> One of your wives died
< Xenos> Now I don't have an even 100!
< Tex> 99 problems
#1108 votes: 22016-05-04 15:19:36
< Tex> non-refundable deposit
< Tex> you know that
< Xenos> Damn it.

#1107 votes: 02016-05-03 21:52:51
< mechznc> >being the 3rd wheel
< hlmtre> mk
< hlmtre> you mean you?
< mechznc> yeah
< willfro> ahem
< mechznc> WILL
* willfro sobs
#1106 votes: 122016-05-03 20:07:28
< Schooly_D> whose idea was it to put tex in charge of food
< Tex> < Schholy> Tex what are u cooking for hbomb
< Tex> < Schholy> Tex what are u cooking for hbomb2
< Tex> < Schholy> Tex what are u cooking for hbomb3
< Tex> < Schholy> Tex what are u cooking for hbomb4
< Tex> < Schholy> Tex what are u cooking for tsdgh
< Tex> < Schholy> Tex what are u cooking for tsdgh.2
< Tex> < Schholy> Tex what are u cookin
< Tex> < Schholy> Tex
< Tex> < Schholy> TEX
< Tex> < Schholy> cook pls
< Tex> < Schholy> no carbs pls
< Tex> < Schholy> jus pancakes
< Tex> < Schholy> did someone say voot?
#1105 votes: 12016-04-28 16:32:26
< BoneKin> qdb doesn't work like odb, folks
#1104 votes: 12016-04-28 16:31:43
< NartFOpc> TSDBot, get bonekin a printout of pusheenosaurus
#1103 votes: 12016-04-28 14:54:25
< Tex> .fname submit Call_in_an_op_to_summon_the_final_Dorj
< TSDBot> Submitted filename for approval (id = HVIMRPmokW)
* Schooly_D dons reading glasses and evaluates the fname
< Tex> You got lasik
< Tex> you idiot
* Schooly_D adjusts glasses and stares harder
#1102 votes: 02016-04-26 12:51:41
< Schooly_D> voot voot voot
#1101 votes: 02016-04-22 22:09:15
< pybot> Tex MEANT to say: dick dick dick
#1100 votes: 22016-04-08 07:54:27
-!- Tex [] has joined #halo
< Tex> Morning all
< pybot> Hey Tex, Paddy says "your right"
< Tex> You're
< pybot> Hey Tex, Tex says "what about my right"
< Tex> Ugh
#1099 votes: 12016-04-07 08:33:01
< ~kanbo> something weird about seeing a car parked in the handicap spot with an "I CAN RUN" license plate
#1098 votes: 02016-04-07 08:04:35
< Tex> Star
< Tex> Wars
< Tex> Nation
< kanbo> 's Pride
< Tex> And
< Tex> Prejudice
< Paddy> And
< snipe> Butts
< Paddy> And
< Tex> Mutts
< Paddy> Or
< Tex> Nuts
< Paddy> 2
< snipe> Da
< Paddy> Origins
< Tex> Oscars for everyone
#1097 votes: 02016-04-02 17:57:19
< pybot> A mastapeece:
#1096 votes: 12016-04-02 10:00:14
< i7> i was waiting for BoneKin then i realized its saturday
< ~hlmtre> Here, I'll do it
-!- hlmtre is now known as BoncKin
* BoncKin beards up
< ~BoncKin> morning
< ~BoncKin> Dumb coworker
< ~BoncKin> Anarchocapitalism
< ~BoncKin> Jeans are cool
#1095 votes: 22016-04-01 17:12:23
< Schooly-D> The LPGA has come a long way in terms of the attractiveness of its players
< Schooly-D> The PGA too for that matter, no homo
< Tex> Doesn't the LPGA have like, the youngest girls ever this year
< Schooly-D> (sweats)
#1094 votes: 12016-03-26 00:01:31
< hlmtre> i need 8 gigs of ECC ram
< hlmtre> and amazon no longer has what i've gotten before on prime
< willfro> =(
< hlmtre>
< hlmtre> i can get it but it's a little more expensive i think
< willfro> ECC = Easy, Cheap, Chinese
< hlmtre> except it's twice the price of the same amount of regular ram
< willfro> ECC = easy, chexpensive, chinese
< willfro> #fixed
#1093 votes: 12016-03-18 07:05:10
< BoneKin> .meme jennos
< pybot> [10] outta 10:
#1092 votes: 02016-03-17 08:44:10
< kanbo> tex, do you want your future revealed?
< Tex> Sure
< --- kanbo has kicked Tex from #halo (kanbo)
#1091 votes: 12016-03-11 08:49:07
< hlmtre> lookit the source for the bofh module
< hlmtre> if that isn't brevity i don't know what is
< hlmtre> .module reload bofh
--Notice(pybot): reloaded bofh
< hlmtre> .bofh
< hlmtre> D:
< BoneKin> you broke it!
< hlmtre> .module reload bofh
< hlmtre> .. wtf
< hlmtre> .module reload bofh
--Notice(pybot): reloaded bofh
< hlmtre> .bofh
< pybot> BOFH: It was OK before you touched it.
#1088 votes: 22016-03-01 11:27:56
< i7> going to meet with a lady who owns a welding business, she needs to contract out some work to meet a deadline
< ~hlmtre> bitchin
< ~hlmtre> good luck
< ~hlmtre> does she need some pipes rammed or something
< i7> yeah i'm kinda nervous
< ~hlmtre> a sausage pizza delivered
< i7> NO
< ~hlmtre> perhaps a vagina dicked
< i7> i did some googling, i think she took over the business after her husband died
< ~hlmtre> some grief assuaged
#1087 votes: 02016-03-01 11:14:42
* kanbo grumbles
* BoneKin rumbles
< Unreal> Morning all
#1073 votes: 22016-02-24 12:28:23
< Paddy> .meme
< pybot> It's a trap!:
< Paddy> jesus
< BoneKin> haha
< Xenos> "N-nevermind"
< kanbo> i dont know much about art, but i know what i like
< kanbo> and i like this
#1072 votes: 02021-11-24 02:46:09
#1071 votes: 02016-02-19 11:27:57
< kanbo> candy for breakfast?
#1070 votes: 12016-02-17 09:35:58
< Paddy> I think about that alot actually
< Paddy> if I had won a contest
< Paddy> or gifted some super nice thing
< Paddy> it would be wasted on me
< BoneKin> or if they gave me a super nice bottle of whisky
< BoneKin> I would be wasted on them
< BoneKin> :D
#1069 votes: 12016-02-17 02:00:10
< hlmtre> i'd never let something like another human being prevent my uptime
#1068 votes: 72016-02-12 07:35:04
< jennos> I wonder how Nart is handling the sea life.
< BoneKin> I think he's really immersed himself in that life
< kanbo> he's swimming in it
< Tex> He's in over his head
< BoneKin> this isn't a subtle, naval-gazing experience. he's increasing the depth of his knowledge, so he can get full speed ahead in his career. he doesn't want to be in ballast place.
* BoneKin is murdered
< Tex> God
< Tex> Just leave and never come back
< kanbo> "doesn't want to be in the ballast place"?
< BoneKin> it's bad and a stretch
< BoneKin> last place
< kanbo> booooo
< kanbo> I misread it too
< kanbo> I get what you mean though. hopefully his prospects don't take a dive.
< kanbo> that would be sub-optimal
< kanbo> he might go nuclear
< kanbo> at least he has plenty of mates around to support him
< kanbo> who can help him decompress
< kanbo> I know he's under a lot of pressure
< snipe> This is why I smoke meth
#1067 votes: 02016-02-10 12:01:55
< Paddy> "for our next date, we can watch this sonic movie"
< Paddy> "no! please don't leave!"
< Xenos> "Gotta go fast!'
#1066 votes: 02016-02-09 13:27:46
< Paddy> we have no doge quotes?
#1065 votes: 02016-02-09 13:19:32
< jenkins> Project pybot build #233: SUCCESS in 34 sec:
< jenkins> hellmitre: edited online with Bitbucket
< BoneKin> build FAILED: updated
< hlmtre> D:
< hlmtre> oh fuck
< hlmtre> i thought that was jenkins bot
< hlmtre> i h8 u bonkin
#1064 votes: 02016-02-08 17:04:07
< kanbo> i love being retarded
#1063 votes: 32016-02-08 16:14:22
< kanbo> we should make a video game about hermes
< kanbo> like a telltale style story game
< kanbo> it could be a
* kanbo pauses
< kanbo> chews your own adventure
< Tex> Yes
< Tex> YES
< Tex> With the herding trials
< Tex> And Nike encouraging him to be lazy
< kanbo> "CHASE sheep and ducks and tennis balls!"
< kanbo> "CHEW through 10 different designer brands!"
< kanbo> "BEG for over 50 different types of human food!"
< kanbo> "WATCH your human play Mario Kart!"
#1061 votes: 22016-02-07 19:28:31
< kanbo> P A P A
< kanbo> E
< kanbo> Y
< kanbo> T
< kanbo> O
< kanbo> B
< kanbo> NOOOOOO
#1060 votes: 02016-02-01 19:49:49
< NartFOPusheen> cruz wins in iowa
< NartFOPusheen> trump on suicide watch
< Paddy> hey nart
< Paddy> you wanna try and roll a #rhyme trump one more time
< NartFOPusheen> let's give him the old chump and dump
< NartFOPusheen> #rhyme trump
< Bonk-Bot> DUMP, TRUMP, TSD
#1059 votes: 02016-01-29 09:57:41
< Xenos> I'll never understand people's need to get the best gear
< BoneKin> we still talking vasectomies?
#1057 votes: 22016-01-28 14:24:40
< i7> i got a $5 amazon gift card from 23andme
< ~hlmtre> here's 5 dollars towards medication for your debilitating genetic disease!
< @BoneKin> if I had $5 for every time I had a debilitating genetic disease, I'd have $5
#1056 votes: 02016-01-21 14:52:15
< hlmtre> i have an openvpn server running on a pfsense box in my house and it fucking works
< hlmtre> omg i r a gaynus
< BoneKin> need that lube back?
< mechznc> anus and gay
< mechznc> classic hlmtre
#1055 votes: 52016-01-21 14:43:52
< kanbo> i'd let her overly attach to me
< Paddy> s/e/uh dick
< pybot> kanbo MEANT to say: i'd luh dickt huh dickr ovuh dickrly attach to muh dick
#1054 votes: 62016-01-10 10:20:36
* kanbo is now known as Tex
< Tex> .tell Tex Morning yall
< pybot> I'll let Tex know when they're back.
* Tex is now known as kanbo
* Tex ( has joined
< Tex> Man I wish my friends picked better places to eat drunk tacos at. I feel like shit.
< pybot> Hey Tex, Tex says "Morning yall"
< Tex> Aw
< Tex> Wait
< Tex> Who the fuck was on my nick
#1053 votes: 02016-01-07 16:43:47
< Tex> Ask for her advice on how to deal with a clingy grill who can't take a hint
< Tex> Then use her advice on her
< Tex> Screenshot it
< Tex> Bam, viral
< NartFOpc> that'll teach her
< kanbo> that's brutal
< kanbo> don't shit where you eat
< Tex> I wish someone told that to Paddy in Bellingham
< NartFOpc> what am I supposed to do at hbomb
#1052 votes: 02016-01-07 14:10:40
17:41 < ~hlmtre> evening
17:48 < mechznc> evening
17:51 < i7> i'll probably be home in an hour and a half
17:51 < willfro> evening
18:03 < ~hlmtre> you FUCKED it up i7
#1051 votes: 12015-12-29 17:14:53
< mechznc> was she lifing weights?
< i7> no she got smacked in the head with a metal baseball bat
< i7> she was just saying she's nervous to work out now
< i7> even though her neurologist said it was fine
< mechznc> I would be nervous to play baseball not workout
#1050 votes: 02015-12-18 12:58:40
< mechznc> Me and a friend at work have 2 extra tickets so we through them up on reddit and got some guy and his wife interested
< BoneKin> you going?
< BoneKin> ah
< BoneKin> sarah not interested?
< mechznc> She didn't want to go
< mechznc> then she did want to go today
< mechznc> So she is going
< hlmtre> sarah_picks_dinner.mp4
< mechznc> I think she talked to people at her work and it made her want to go
< mechznc> this is prettty standard
< mechznc> I should have seen it coming
< mechznc> Her favorite place to eat is "Its up to you" and "I don't care"
#1049 votes: 02015-12-14 23:38:35
< i7> im going to ask josh tomorrow if he knows anything about getting our computers back
< i7> from what ive heard, we will when they close the investigation. but who knows when thatll be.
< mechznc> I am shocked something that stupid has people investigating stuff
#1048 votes: 32015-12-22 05:30:38
< Eutectic> did you finish alien insulation?
< Eutectic> alien isolation*
< mechznc> oh
< mechznc> lol
< Eutectic> alien insulation is a boring game about mexican carpenters
#1047 votes: 02015-12-10 15:39:30
< hlyntre> what the hell was that quote
< hlyntre> erm the topic
< RoastedChestnarts> L-O-V-E HAP-PY WAL-TER
< BoneKringle> it was a forgery
< BoneKringle> I can't remember the context
< Padreidel> community forgers
< RoastedChestnarts> TD was talking about something
< BoneKringle> probably someone hypothetically punching me in the dick
< RoastedChestnarts> and bonk jumped in with a pun based on what TD said
< BoneKringle> this seems accurate so far
< RoastedChestnarts> then TD continued by saying that something would be a pain in the dick
< RoastedChestnarts> and I posted that quote, assuming that is what bonk would do
< Snippletoe> Classic td always talkin about something or other
#1046 votes: 12015-12-07 13:13:16
< hlmtre> i need to tell your fridge how to get to my fridge
< hlmtre> but both our kitchens are named 'kitchen'
< hlmtre> so if i say 'fridge, to get to hlmtre's fridge, go to kitchen'
< hlmtre> it's gonna tell me 'you idiot i'm already in the kitchen'
< hlmtre> but if we name your kitchen 'i7's kitchen'
< hlmtre> we can say, 'to get to hlmtre's fridge, go to kitchen'
< hlmtre> it's gonna be like 'lol ok'
#1045 votes: 02021-10-25 23:14:58
#1044 votes: 02015-12-04 11:11:12
< SammyClaus> You seen Kung Fury?
< -- DominoEffect has quit (No route to host)
< BoneKringle> yeah
< SammyClaus> When higher shoots at the phone?
< SammyClaus> *Hitler
< BoneKringle> yeah
< SammyClaus> Me.
< SammyClaus> I'm Hitler
#1042 votes: 02015-11-30 20:38:11
< ~hlmtre> incidentally, i got called a hipster today at work
< ~hlmtre> i told irc that but i don't think you were there
< ~hlmtre> in my big knitted sweater and black rimmed glasses
< willfro> yeah, you're glasses are a bit more on the hipster side
< willfro> damn hipsters stole a style of glasses
< mech> They gave those to you in the military for free
< mech> we called them BCG's
< mech> birth control goggles
< mech> then it became the cool thing to wear
< mech> idk what happened
< willfro> not a valid form of birth control
< willfro> if used properly, will lead to pregnancy
< willfro> before it's cool
< ~hlmtre> i put them on my penis and she wouldn't let me have sex with her
< ~hlmtre> therefore, successful birth control
< willfro> not using them properly there
< willfro> penises don't wear glasses
< mech> they do if they have bad vision
#1041 votes: 22015-11-14 21:08:15
< BoneKin> can't wait to get some nartistic snaps
< Texducken> Fuck you
< BoneKin> I can't help it. I might have a problem
#1040 votes: 42015-11-12 22:43:36
< i7> i have an incredibly annoying problem
< i7> long story short, i want to find fifty different shades of the color gray, sorted from lightest to darkest
< i7> i don't know what to type into google image search.
#1039 votes: 02015-11-12 15:48:20
< NartFOpie> yeah, where is hlmtre?
< Texducken> Off being married
< Texducken> And restarting a server, somewhere
< NartFOpie> classic hlmtre
#1038 votes: 02015-11-03 20:32:21
< i7> yeah i suggest you plug it into something with hdmi, and run a diagnostics. see what kind of hardware you have
< Texducken> I said Iwas going to use the tv
< Texducken> but im playing halo right now
< Texducken> so
< i7> you're not playing halo you're chatting on irc
< Texducken> CAUSE IM DEAD
#1037 votes: 02015-11-03 19:53:38
< Eutectic> irc is or zero9f9?
< hlmtre> wot
< hlmtre> like srsly
< hlmtre> what
< Eutectic> no but seriously zach, what happened to your maine frame dawg?
< i7> ^
< mech> my server?
< i7> Eutectic do you know what irc is
< hlmtre> lol
< hlmtre> this conversation man
< Eutectic> yeah, its a chat client
#1036 votes: 02015-11-03 19:50:03
19:46 -!- Eutectic [webchat@8A54CC97.B1E2FF3A.8536724D.IP] has joined #fg
< ~hlmtre> hi Eutectic
< ~hlmtre> bonekin, mech, i7, willfro
< ~hlmtre> begin the interrogation
< mech> Where were you on the night of 72nd?
< mech> Also my computer is alive!
< Eutectic> er... the earthquake was my fault!
< Eutectic> there I said it
< mech> a likely story...
#1035 votes: 52015-11-03 14:40:20
[DominoEffect] I just had my first real wal-mart experience
[DominoEffect] went over to get stocked up on food
[DominoEffect] ended up at the deli, when I got there, there was a... large woman already there
[DominoEffect] pointing angrily at the specific cheese she wanted
[DominoEffect] the other lady behind the counter kept putting her hand on the wrong one just to fuck with her I think
[DominoEffect] "no THAT one. yes, that."
[DominoEffect] she ordered a pound of sharp cheddar
[DominoEffect] "don't slice it, just give me a block"
[DominoEffect] so the deli lady got just about a pound and handed it to her
[DominoEffect] "thanks yall have a great day"
[DominoEffect] as soon as the deli lady turned around
[DominoEffect] the customer lady opened the cheese and just took a huge bite out of it
[DominoEffect] then walked away to do her shopping while gnawing on the cheese

#1034 votes: 02015-11-03 07:03:24
< kanberry> buy it bonekin
< kanberry> give in to darkness
< kanberry> let satan in to your heart
< PadloGuthrie> I told TD I would
< kanberry> buy a Halo 5 Req Pack today and score big
< PadloGuthrie> .r ata|tate
< Blunderwearbot-PY> kanberry MEANT to say: let staten in to your heart
#1033 votes: 02015-10-31 12:07:39
< TDSpiral> I'm loving this Bob Ross on Twitch thing
< Paddevil> haha, it's awesome
< Paddevil> it's something I've always wanted to be a thing
< TDSpiral> It's really relaxing, and he does a great job of making you forget about your problems
< Paddevil> I wonder if he and mr. rogers ever met up
< TDSpiral> Jesus
< TDSpiral> I don't think the world can take that much kindness in one place
< TDSpiral> I wish I wasn't such an asshole
< Paddevil> world peace: achieved
#1032 votes: 42015-10-31 09:22:39
< kanboo> Went to a party at keshia's dad's place last night
< kanboo> Kind of a faget, actually
< kanboo> Uhm
< kanboo> .r faget|rager
< Blunderwearbot-PY> kanboo MEANT to say: Kind of a rager, actually
< kanboo> What the hell
#1031 votes: 12015-10-27 11:59:50
< ~hlmtre> she was in austin for her works' first conference they organized and had
< i7> oh so that's why you asked if i was in austin
< ~hlmtre> no, i asked if you were in austin because i know it's a weird town and you sent me two weird pictures of two weird guys on two weird bikes
< i7> it was pretty weird.
#1030 votes: 02015-10-27 06:18:34
< @BoneKin> fuggin windows. restart a remote computer
< @BoneKin> "Cannot restart right now. There are still programs running. 'Explorer.exe -Playing LOGOFF Sound'"
#1029 votes: 02015-10-22 18:15:21
< TDSpookles> Paddy, what do you have on deck tonight?
< Texhumed> .r eck|ick
< Blunderwearbot-PY> TDSpookles MEANT to say: Paddy, what do you have on dick tonight?
< Texhumed> ur mum
< TDSpookles> I'm okay with this
< TDSpookles> I always thought Paddy would make a good step-dad
< Texhumed> But not a dad-dad
< Texhumed> That's Bonk
< Texhumed> I don't thin we could handle two dads
< kanboo> I think paddy-bonekin would be a great two-dad combo
< Texhumed> Look
< Texhumed> kanboo
< TDSpookles> Dad's only come in trios, there aren't a lot of dad-duos
< Texhumed> I don't think you understand the two-dad system
< kanboo> I think I understand just fine
< kanboo> do you doubt the love and tenderness that a padbonk combo could offer?
< kanboo> both to their children and each other?
< Texhumed> Having played margarita pong with both
< Texhumed> I can personally tell you no good will come from it
< jennos_> Padbonk combo!!! Awesomeness!!
< Paddevil> >tfw tex thinks you're the lesser dad
< Texhumed> I just think you're better qualified to be the saucy aunt
< Ghoul_Vagueness> TSD: The Sexual Deviants
< Paddevil> I'll show you a saucy aunt
#1028 votes: 02015-10-21 15:40:13
< hlmtre> i think you should, and you should learn that you can have your cake and eat it too
< hlmtre> or not cake if it bothers your stomach
< hlmtre> but protein or something
< hlmtre> whatever
#1027 votes: 102015-10-19 11:22:08
< Texhumed> Who the hell is GrumpyCat117
< SkeleKin> the meowster chief
< Texhumed> fuck you
< kanboo> fuuuuuuck
#1026 votes: 42015-10-17 11:26:10
< hlmtre> i7 do you pay an orangutan to pick through your carpet for crumbs?
< i7> dude i don't have the money to buy a vacuum
< i7> how could i possibly afford skilled labor?
< hlmtre> *snort*
#1025 votes: 02015-10-17 11:32:40
< UnrealChief> Fuck this heat
< UnrealChief> .weather 93401
< Blunderwearbot-PY> San Luis Obispo, CA: Clear, 94.8F (34.9C). Humidity: 41%
< Texhumed> Whiner
< Texhumed> .weather 92084
< Blunderwearbot-PY> Vista, CA: Clear, 101.5F (38.6C). Humidity: 19%
< Texhumed> UU GH
< Paddevil> happy autumn tex
< Xenosphobia> s/autumn/hell
< TSDBot> Paddevil meant to say: happy hell tex
< Texhumed> Kill me
< Xenosphobia> Eh, not worth the drive
< Paddevil> hah
< Paddevil> and this is the guy who drove to pax and back twice in two weeks
#1024 votes: 02015-10-08 16:48:11
< i7> there will be negotiating.
< wilbur> heh
< hlmtre> it's my friday today
< hlmtre> hahaha
< wilbur> he's laughing to himself
< hlmtre> no
< wilbur> hlmtre's gone crazy
< hlmtre> i'm laughing at i7's comment
< hlmtre> you crazy person shamer
< wilbur> I'm a kettle
< hlmtre> you're black
< wilbur> D:
< wilbur> no, you're black! I'm crazy!
#1023 votes: 02015-10-01 14:57:32
< General_Vampire> I forgot what the original point was too so that's, yeah
#1022 votes: 02015-09-24 13:09:15
< ~hlmtre> i'm trying to get dinah on my insurance for work
< @BoneKin> problems?
< ~hlmtre> no
< ~hlmtre> but it feels very grownup
#1021 votes: 12015-09-19 14:01:51
< hlmtre> hey tex
< hlmtre> If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do they all drown?
< Tex> Shut up
#1020 votes: 12015-09-15 15:32:27
< UnrealChief> What was the Gamestop trade in offer?
< kanbo> $5 off the LE of taken king if you trade in a dog under 10lbs
#1019 votes: 12015-09-09 08:14:27
< @BoneKin> good morning, and fuck printers
#1018 votes: 12015-09-04 21:16:13
< mech> I hated dota and LoL
< mech> If I wanted to get yelled at by 14 year olds I would have become a junior high teacher
< mech> seriously
< mech> fuck that game
#1017 votes: 42015-09-02 16:21:32
< i7> i need gril advice
< mech> Turn the propane on then hit the igniter
< i7> i need girl advice
#1016 votes: 02015-08-31 18:35:19
< TSDBot> The scribes of our city, stewards of the lost knowledge from our Golden Age, have uncovered a mysterious tome whose pages are all empty but for one mysterious line: "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
#1015 votes: 02015-08-21 11:25:33
< Schooly_G> Paddy has the anime
#1014 votes: 72015-08-18 20:00:55
< BoneKin> TSDBot: get me a printout of people who vote for Halo 4
< TSDBot>
#1013 votes: 12015-08-12 22:32:32
< hlmtre> neighbors like to use the world's loudest blender with their windows open
< willfro> fight fire with fire
< willfro> throw thermite at them
< hlmtre> yeah that seems fair
< willfro> I thought so
< willfro> my other thought was straight out of farenheight 451
< hlmtre> hey, a book
< willfro> wouldn't quite be burning books though
< willfro> oh! new idea, just go straight up to their window and just watch
< hlmtre> hah!
< willfro> when its quiet, ask what they are making
< hlmtre> heh.
< hlmtre> more blender...
< hlmtre> .. more blender.
< Eutectic> do you have any loud things?
< Eutectic> I'd go find some thick pipe and get an angle grinder or the chop saw and have a db war
< hlmtre> i have a guitar and amplifier.
< hlmtre> i can do a signal db war
< hlmtre> i can literally shoot so much signal at their house their wifi would stop working
< hlmtre> ... we can have wifi broadsides, william
< willfro> "honey, why does the internet not work?"
< willfro> "because you pissed off the neighbors with your blender"
#1012 votes: 02015-08-12 17:55:39
< Xenos> I ALMOST responded to car15
< Xenos> I was half way through typing it, and then said "WTF are you doing?"
< -- Speedracer has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
< Paddy> the trials of xenos
< Paddy> now on ebook and radio play
< Xenos> I know, my life is so hard
< Xenos> The second chapter is about me trying to choose between types of muffins
< Paddy> s/ins/
< TSDBot> Xenos meant to say: The second chapter is about me trying to choose between types of muff
< Paddy> .kanbo
< Blunderwearbot-PY> |╲/( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)/\╱\
< Xenos> You know me
#1011 votes: 02015-08-11 20:53:42
< willfro>
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< pybot>
< hlmtre> what
< hlmtre> the fuck
< hlmtre> pybot, what the hell was that.
#1010 votes: 32015-08-07 22:41:20
< BoneKin> How To Seduce Women, By Bonk:
#1009 votes: 12015-08-07 10:35:29
< @BoneKin> I saw organic blankets for sale at target
< ~hlmtre> eat them, then sue
#1008 votes: 12015-08-05 23:01:44
< @BoneKin> welcome back everyone
< @KP> explain yourselves
< snipe> I had to save the world
< @KP> oh shit did i make it in first
< @KP> must've
< Tex> Ayy
< @KP> i've gone mad with power.
< General_Vagueness> >
-!- mode/#tsd [+b *!*] by KP
-!- General_Vagueness was kicked from #tsd by KP [KP]
#1007 votes: 02015-08-03 17:57:45
< kanbo> youre an affront to nature
< kanbo> an insult to god himself
< BoneKin> cool
#1006 votes: 42015-07-23 19:07:33
< Bonk-Bot> >NartFOpc Loses Both Arms Making Homemade Fireworks With Coffee Grinder
< Paddy> .gv
< TSDBot> < Paddy> umm nart
< TSDBot> Why am I supposed to care about that?
< Paddy> we love nart
< Paddy> he's armless now
< BoneKin> >tfw bomb disarms you
#1005 votes: 02015-07-22 14:30:23
< Tex> I'd say O L D but I'll probably get called a retard
< snipe> O L D
#1003 votes: 12015-07-15 07:57:12
< Yapok> doesnt really apply to the whole: your story about getting a piece of gear
< Yapok> that bungie likes to talk about
< Yapok> like for me: How did you get hawkmoon? Well I got lucky in a rumble match I guess
< Yapok> wow what a story mark
< Yapok>
< Blunderwearbot-PY> YouTube: "what a story mark" (00:00:04)
#1002 votes: 12015-07-15 07:34:13
< KP> old man paul ain't got no time for the bryan newmans of the world
#1001 votes: 02015-07-14 16:23:24
< TSDBot> Previously on "Team Schooly D IRC":
< TSDBot> < fameushotdog> Minotaur bitches can suck it??
< TSDBot> < Spiedracer> NOW!
< TSDBot> < fameushotdog> XD
< TSDBot> < fameushotdog> Went super quick last night. Didn't even wipe on Skolas...
< TSDBot> Tonight's episode: "Dr. DeeJ and Mr. DorJ"
#999 votes: 32015-07-13 15:55:30
< Schooly_G> Watch general vagueness ANNIHILATE internet relay chat
< NartFOpc> You won't believe what happens next!
< General_Vagueness> if you write off the show based on its fans you might as well write off all of existence
< kanbo> Chatters hate him!
#998 votes: 12015-07-12 20:27:38
< Paddy> Doc, get your head out of that stripper
< Doc> get your troll swole on and Bonk and Welcome to Madcast
#997 votes: 22015-07-12 19:33:11
< Eutectic_point> sorry If I smell like burnt spiders and jamesons
< Eutectic_point> gf is away all week
< Eutectic_point> were you able to repair the DNS ?
< Eutectic_point> also, I must beg anyones' expertise, have they used usenet before at all?
< Eutectic_point> omg so in love with saxapohne music right now
< Eutectic_point> signifacantly passed drunk
< Eutectic_point> ah, but that momentary lucidity it provides, It is no wonder it was described as an ambrosia by nikola tesla, it definately sets the mind free, if only to heed its own thoughts for a moment
< Eutectic_point> owch
#996 votes: 12015-07-12 12:45:51
< NartFOpc> this fucking bear on the waterfall
< NartFOpc> keeps seeing all his friends walk away with tasty fish
< NartFOpc> but he's too stubborn to move to the bottom of the falls
< NartFOpc> I take it all back
< NartFOpc> he just got the biggest fish of them all
< NartFOpc> there's a lesson here somewhere
#995 votes: 02015-07-10 14:40:54
< kanbo> are you commenting on an article that was posted over three fucking hours ago
< General_Vagueness> no, that was about the one from last night, and I did imply I was dumb to go back and read it
#994 votes: 02015-07-10 10:08:04
< Bonk-Bot> A_single_bear: I am very okay with not being able to fly. I am a bear, and I will never be a flying bear. It is fine. It is okay. There is no shame in it.
< Paddy> classic Tex manuver
< Sammy> Patrick Star you are one smart shopper
< Paddy> s/bear/kanbo
< TSDBot> Bonk-Bot meant to say: A_single_kanbo: I am very okay with not being able to fly. I am a kanbo, and I will never be a flying kanbo. It is fine. It is okay. There is no shame in it.
< BoneKin> soon he'll be a_married_kanbo
< BoneKin> and then he will fly
< Paddy> superman dat ho
< Paddy> .kanbo
< Blunderwearbot-PY> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
#993 votes: 52015-07-08 13:11:04
< Paddy> jesus christ
< Paddy> go home jeff goldblum
< Paddy> having a baby on july 4th
< Paddy> get out
* Tex slaps BoneKin
#992 votes: 02015-07-08 09:07:24
< Tex>
< @BoneKin> ah yes, breakout
< @BoneKin> like counter-strike, but not fun
#991 votes: 02015-07-07 15:22:21
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Fanfiction_txt @fanfiction_txt] Michael Jordan died for your sins. He was a true patriot who slaughtered the fuck out of baka gaijin Communists everywhere. (1 minute ago) id=7089
#990 votes: 12015-07-06 11:39:38
< Sammy> Co-worker is sick. I'm left handling accounts receivable. Customers have me liek ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ
< Doc> Co-worker is sick. I'm left handling accounts receivable. Customers have me totally intrigued
< BoneKin> Doc enjoying his new job, I see
< Doc> enjoying his new vagina
#989 votes: 22015-07-03 20:32:10
< NartFOpc> BoneKin was only 8 when he watched his favorite franchise get brutally murdered right in front of him
< NartFOpc> From that day forth he vowed to use all of his resources to fight against criminally bad game companies
< NartFOpc> And so he became the BatKin, a vigilant crusader hell-bent on protecting the innocent gamers of the world
#988 votes: 22015-07-03 20:29:56
< Doc> i'm the world's most unusual candy maker.
#987 votes: 02015-07-03 15:03:54
< NartFOpc> Doc, get me a printout of voot
< Doc> get me the money back? nice
< Schooly-B> did someone say voot?
< NartFOpc> voot, get me a printout of Doc
< Doc> voot, get me a printout of happy days just isn't the x1 preorder edition
< Schooly-B> did someone say voot?
< Doc> Did someone bonk tsdbot
< Schooly-B> did someone say voot?
< Paddy> happy days x1 preorder edition
#986 votes: 102015-10-09 11:10:40
< kanbo> >tfw bonekin steals your flippity flops
< kanbo> please throw them away
< kanbo> that was the only time i ever wore them and i wasnt super stoked on them
< Paddy> kanbo so rich he buys new floppys for every bp
< BoneKin> you sure kanbo?
< kanbo> pretty sure
< BoneKin> kk, will do


< BoneKin> >when kanbo says they're his flipflops.mp4
< BoneKin>
< NartFOpc> jokes on you
< NartFOpc> kanbo lives in your trash can
< kanbo> oh my god
< kanbo> i cant
< kanbo> not at work
< Paddy> .odb add #flippyfloppies #bonk #kanbo #trashlife
< TSDBot> Successfully added item to the Omni DB ( 6S3i4Ujojp )
< kanbo> christ, that was good
< NartFOpc> BoneKin, Mother Fucker
< Tex> Oh jesus
< Tex> I'm crying
< Tex> I need a hip hop horn
#985 votes: 152015-06-29 11:58:54
< Dan_de_Board> On your wild TSD adventure?
< Tex> Yees
< Dan_de_Board> Jelly, wish I was going
< kanbo> ha
< kanbo> haha
< kanbo> just thought of something
< Tex> I wish everyone who wanted to go could
< Tex> Sup
< kanbo> when bonekin gets off his plane
< kanbo> he'll be Dan Deboard
< kanbo> ahahhaha
< Tex> Shut uppp
< Tex> Are you high already
#984 votes: 12015-06-25 21:26:21
< mech> Hola
< pybot> Hey mech, hlmtre says "did you change your phone number?"
< mech> hlmtre I was at work
< pybot> Hey mech, hlmtre says "I'm planning on being in Portland a little early. could I come by your place?"
< mech> I have sent my response to your cellular device
< willfro> congrats, you just had a conversation with a bot
< mech> Just another average day then
#983 votes: 02015-06-24 21:09:14
< NartFOpc> Doc, give Bonk road head
< Doc> give Bonk road head
#982 votes: 12015-06-19 13:24:30
< Tex> Oh man AND I'm getting KBBQ for dinner
< Tex> The only way this day can get better is if I got rear-ended again
#981 votes: 02015-06-18 14:39:32
< NartFOpc> what are YOU up to, bonk?
< %BoneKin> workin
< %BoneKin> truly an exciting afternoon
< %BoneKin> attempting to find print drivers for an unknown model of printer
< %BoneKin> living on the edge
#980 votes: 22015-06-17 20:35:37
< i7> so why would you be mad because of hbobp?
< i7> i'd be happy
< Tex> everyone is
< Tex> except mr high and whitey
< i7> and everyone else, because the monster that causes desolation everywhere it goes has been let back into here
< General_Vagueness> I missed you too
#978 votes: 02015-06-17 08:50:55
< ~hlmtre> windows just took 100% cpu 15 minutes to error and tell me another printer with teh same name exists
< ~hlmtre> you failure of an operating system
< ~hlmtre> sorry, i'm like the abusive parent who tells their kid they don't love them after they get a B on a test
#961 votes: 02015-06-11 13:18:34
< Paddy> I'll be in my bunk
< Paddy> s/un/on
< &TSDBot> Paddy meant to say: I'll be in my bonk
#959 votes: 02015-06-03 12:06:14
< i7> son of a bitch
< i7> second tick on me tonight
< i7> going to do exactly what i did to the last one
< i7> throw it into the toilet
< i7> and as i flush it
< i7> bellow "into the abyss"
#958 votes: 32015-06-03 11:24:28
< i7> TPB is dumb
< i7> can someone download a torrent file for me
< ~hlmtre> they're magnet links
< ~hlmtre> what client do you use
< i7> azureus
< i7> doesnt work with it apparently
< ~hlmtre> what version are you using?
< i7> no idea
< ~hlmtre> also, azureus sucks
< i7> you suck
< ~hlmtre> pshaw
< ~hlmtre> you're going to need a torrent client that works with magnet links over DHT
< ~hlmtre> since more and more torrent hosts are moving that way
< ~hlmtre> Get A New Torrent Client
< i7> just download the fuckin torrent
< ~hlmtre> i can't
< ~hlmtre> you can't get
< ~hlmtre> torrent files
< ~hlmtre> from the pirate bay
< ~hlmtre> any more
< i7> why not
< i7> fuck this im googling the torrent
< ~hlmtre> because they can't host .torrent files on a centralized server running a tracker because they get shut fucking down
< ~hlmtre> and DHT means the torrent data and where other seeds are is no longer hosted centrally
< i7> down with government
< i7> oh wait i already downloaded this torrent
< ~hlmtre> jesus christ i'm going to strangle you
#957 votes: 02015-06-03 13:05:29
< ~hlmtre> 'i didn't see the (insert thing here) and hit it at four hundred miles per hour'
< ~hlmtre> i7 when flying anything
#956 votes: 02015-06-03 10:50:07
<@Lucifer7> You were killed by LiberalTexRebates
#955 votes: 12015-06-03 13:05:48
< i7> if muslims have beards and jews have hats
< i7> what do christians have?
#953 votes: 02015-06-03 13:06:01
< BoneKin> also, my boss is currently interviewing some new guy to potentially hire
< hlmtre> is he hardcore derp?
< hlmtre> Hello, I'm Hardcore. Derp Hardcore.
#952 votes: 22015-06-03 13:07:10
< @BoneKin> what's this about a gossipy girl?
< @BoneKin> well, yeah, but I don't see how I should be the one providing them
< @BoneKin> I mean, I'm like the least likely person to find a woman here
< tarehart> umm
< tarehart> well
< i7> don't worry, I got this.
< i7> "hi my name is tarehart and I'm a socially awkward gay snail"
< tarehart> yep thanks
< @BoneKin> ha, okay, I got some competition in the "no women" department
#951 votes: 02015-06-03 13:09:01
< Lucifer7@> i forgot i had that fan image bound to anything
< Lucifer7@> well, if i kept it
< Lucifer7@> guess you could say i'm a
< Lucifer7@> ( •_•)
< Lucifer7@> ( •_•)>⌐■-■
< Lucifer7@> (⌐■_■)
< Lucifer7@> fan of that image
< Lucifer7@>
#950 votes: 12015-06-03 13:09:18
< i7> my mother is tarehart
#949 votes: 12015-06-03 13:09:56
< ~hlmtre> wait
< ~hlmtre> these are already frozen and shaped patties?
< i7> yeah
< ~hlmtre> how did you manage to turn that into liquid.
#948 votes: 02015-06-03 13:10:33
< hlmtre~> >mfw free coffee all day at work
< hlmtre~> free PEET'S coffee
< zophim > they have folgers here...
#947 votes: 32015-06-03 13:11:05
< Lucifer7> do you ever wonder what's up there
< i7> like what?
< Lucifer7> maybe someone up there is probably wondering what it's like here
< i7> i guess. do think we'll ever meet them?
< Lucifer7> i hope so... don't you?
< i7> weeeeeeEEEEERCHT BOOM
< Lucifer7> lol
< i7> lol
#946 votes: 42015-06-03 13:11:34
< Tex> Im off at 2
< hlmtre> why do you get to get off work at 2 in the afternoon :(
< Tex> cause my mom owns the place
< Tex> she stops seeing patients at 2
< Tex> so office is usually done at 2-3pm
< BoneKin> I run out of patience by 2. can I go home?
#945 votes: 42015-06-03 13:13:04
-->Jester (Andrew@hhorg-cin.0sd.50.209.IP) has joined #bf3
< --Jester has left (Quit: Leaving)
< BoneKin> wut
#944 votes: 12015-06-03 13:13:52
< i7> one of my friends once decided to refuse to put on his seatbelt
< i7> i drove my truck into a stone wall
< BoneKin> wow
< i7> he wore his seatbelt from then on
< i7> you know what they say, if it hurts, it works
< BoneKin> kind of an expensive lesson, right?
< i7> nah i wanted to get rid of that bumper anyway
#943 votes: 12015-06-03 13:14:43
< hlmtre~> sincerely, everyone
< BoneKin@> are you listening to fucking metal?
#942 votes: 12015-06-03 13:14:53
< i7> i froze some bananas, because fuck you nature
#941 votes: 02015-06-03 13:17:56
< i7> whats a good registry cleaning tool
< Lucifer7@> ccleaner should be able to do both
< Lucifer7@> it'll blow the shit out of a system if you tell it to
< Lucifer7@> even the stuff you like
< hlmtre~> yeah
< hlmtre~> Be Careful
< i7 > uhoh
< Lucifer7@> one time i ran it wrong and it erased a family pet
< Lucifer7@> but then it argued that the space gained in the house was worth it
< Lucifer7@> so i was like aight, you know best
#939 votes: 12015-06-03 18:28:02
< hlmtre~> i'm an idiot
< hlmtre~> i don't know why i never named a drive March
< hlmtre~> because the drive would then be March of IDE
< Lucifer7@> you're horrible
< Lucifer7@> the only worse thing would be to put several IDE drives into one tower and make them a striped array in a system named march
< Lucifer7@> then, because one of the drives is bad
< hlmtre~> YES
< Lucifer7@> you could say beware the IDEs of March
#937 votes: 12015-06-03 13:20:03
< NotDominoEffect> hlmtre I said my solutions would work, I didn't say they'd be easy
< NotDominoEffect> 1. make coffee
< NotDominoEffect> 2. evaporate coffee
< NotDominoEffect> 3. snort powder
< NotDominoEffect> alternatively, do cocaine
#936 votes: 12015-06-03 13:20:24
< Lucifer7> i'd imagine marrying a barista wouldn't be too difficult
< Lucifer7> just be rich enough to support her and she'll probably jump on you
< NotDominoEffect> her?
< Lucifer7> marrying a guy in california wastes a lot of opportunities
< NotDominoEffect> at least you're a no fault state
< NotDominoEffect> so you'd both get half the dildos
#935 votes: 12015-06-03 10:50:07
<NotDominoEffect> have you considered suicide as a career profession
#934 votes: 22015-06-04 00:04:37
< BoneKin> >family dinner
< ohai> BoneKin >implying you're greentexting
< BoneKin> shut up ohai. you don't have a family
#933 votes: 12015-06-04 00:05:51
< BoneKin> and funny story about wind waker. one of the stages of the second to last boss is so ridiculous that I apparently had blocked it from my memory
< BoneKin> played the game again a couple years later and was like, "WTF is this giant, dancing, marionnette pig doing here?"
< BoneKin> unfortunately, it stayed in my memory this time
#932 votes: 12015-06-03 13:21:44
< Jester> okay dan. im just waiting for heather to go to bed lol
< Jester> she has to work at 8am so hopefully soon
< Jester> oops she's reading this
< Jester> shit
< -- Jester (Andrew@hhorg-2qv.1fl.90.50.IP) has signed off (Quit: Leaving)
#931 votes: 02015-06-03 13:22:46
< NotDominoE> and most of the players are p good 
< NotDominoE> so I get to medic people that know how to play
< hlmtre~> this is tf2?
< NotDominoE > yes
< hlmtre~> oh
< NotDominoE> well
< hlmtre~> that last line gave it away
< NotDominoE > this is irc
< Lucifer7@> no this is irc
< NotDominoE> but yes
#930 votes: 22015-06-03 13:24:08
< i7> dbqp
< i7> looks better that way
< hlmtre~> dbqp?
< i7> the letters
< i7> d b q and p
< i7> it's all the same shit just flipped
< i7> vertically and horizontally
< i7> i can do that with politicians too
< i7> bushkerryobamaromney
< i7> get it now?
#929 votes: 12015-06-04 05:58:12
< Tex> >mfw professor is pretty much plugging/selling us on LateX
< BoneKin> I hear how great it is all the time, but I'm still kind of unsure what it actually is, even after reading the wikipedia article
< Tex> I've heard of it but never seen it
< Tex> Apparently in the 'real world' for out tech writing and reports no one accepts word
< Tex> ^profs words
< BoneKin> yeah, and my elementary school teachers told me everyone used cursive in real life
#928 votes: 02015-06-04 05:59:00
< Lucifer7@> i don't even remember why i was allowed into their little group
< hlmtre~> >
< Lucifer7@> i think it was because one of the chicks had a crush on me
< hlmtre~> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#927 votes: 32015-06-04 05:58:49
< i7> how much longer are you going to be on for
< hlmtre~> i just got off
< i7> lol thats fine
< hlmtre~> making dinner with jenny
< i7> >with
< ohai> i7 >implying you're greentexting
< tarehart> ohai was actually pretty effective right there
#926 votes: 32015-06-03 13:26:38
< hlmtre~> hey BoneKin
< hlmtre~> got a joke for you
< BoneKin@> joke, eh?
< BoneKin@> let's hear it
< hlmtre~> alright so
< hlmtre~> programmer is gonna go out to get his dry cleaning
< hlmtre~> wife says, 'while you're out, get groceries'
< hlmtre~> programmer never returns.
< BoneKin@> lol, but I linked you to the reddit thread that showed up in. :)
< hlmtre~> oh, wait, fuck
< hlmtre~> TAREHART
< hlmtre~> JOKE FOR YOU
< hlmtre~> shut up bonekin
< BoneKin@> hahahahaha
#925 votes: 02015-06-04 05:59:43
< ~hlmtre> dude bonekin it looks like there's a velociraptor in the back on the chair
< i7> hlmtre
< ~hlmtre> see it?
< i7> no
< ~hlmtre> really? the jacket looks like a velociraptor
< i7> its a fucking jacket
< i7> which is like a regular jacket
< i7> except it looks even less like a velociraptor
#924 votes: 02015-06-04 06:00:17
< hlmtre~> cachunk cachunk cachunk cachunk cachunk cachunk
< BoneKin@> it's enormous
< willfro> lolz
#923 votes: 02015-06-03 13:32:20
< hlmtre> how much memory does this VPS have?
< hlmtre> mysql+php might be a bit tough on it
< hlmtre> yeah eep
< hlmtre> we don't have much available memory
< BoneKin> ooh, I should probably shut down my minecraft server
< BoneKin> I forgot I threw one on there just to try it
< hlmtre> ahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha
#922 votes: 12015-06-18 09:23:12
< i7> also i found a folder full of all of the screenshots that i took with hlmtre's little tool
< ImmergingAP> sounds disgusting
#921 votes: 22015-06-03 11:25:07
< ImmergingAP> man i sound gay in those vids
< i7> everyone thinks that
< i7> about themselves. not you.
#920 votes: 12015-06-04 06:00:30
< ~hlmtre> we all have pretty unique, interesting names
< ~hlmtre> compared to the majority of internet denizens
< ~hlmtre> who are like, xXxW33D420xXx
#919 votes: 12015-06-12 11:36:45
*hlmtre assuages tarehart's guilt
< hlmtre~> heh, ass-wages
< hlmtre~> hehehehehe
#918 votes: 12015-06-03 10:50:07
< tarehart> my spirit animal is actually a gay snail
#917 votes: 02015-06-04 06:01:08
< BoneKin> i7: I was trying to play "soldier skirmishes"
< BoneKin> it was a mix of tdm, conquest, and rush
< BoneKin> my team, however, believed that the gametype was always "bend over and take it in the ass"
#916 votes: 12015-06-04 06:02:22
< hlmtre~> there were some weirdnesses with git merging the two
< hlmtre~> but i think i've ironed them out
< hlmtre~> hello ohai2
< ohai2 > well hello to you too hlmtre
< ohai > well hello to you too hlmtre
< ohai > well hello to you too ohai2
< ohai2 > well hello to you too ohai
< ohai2 > well hello to you too ohai
< ohai > well hello to you too ohai2
#915 votes: 12015-06-04 06:02:42
< willfro> i had glass container that had spagetti that had melted (this comes after molding) and coagulated into a new life form
< willfro> i named it george
#914 votes: 52015-06-03 11:21:21
< i7> I DID IT
< i7> bitch was all "lol im not an executable" so i just opened that shit up through terminal
< i7> motherfucker never knew what hit it
< i7> i'll get on soon though
< i7> hlmtre if you get on with me that'll make four
< -- i7 ( has signed off (Quit: Lost terminal)
#913 votes: 12015-06-03 10:50:07
<   willfro > is it bad that im using a java 6 book to hold my bed together?
#912 votes: 12015-06-04 06:02:54
< ~hlmtre> you guys still around?
< ~hlmtre> having interesting connectivity issues
< @BoneKin> *crackle**static*
#911 votes: 12015-06-04 06:03:08
< i7@> i did a school report on lithuania, back when the internet sucked
< i7@> so i just used screenshots from Ghost Recon for pictures of the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius
#910 votes: 12015-06-04 06:03:43
< ~hlmtre> .bf3 stats fro4thought
< ohai> fro4thought's stats:
< ohai> KDR: 1.2351
< ohai> SPM: 308.42
< ohai> Headshots/kill: 28.017
< ohai> win/loss: 1.6603
< ~hlmtre> how cool is he :3
< ~hlmtre> i'm proud of that bot
< ~hlmtre> and tarehart's work was a huge part of it
< ~hlmtre> he did almost the entire bf3stats integration
< i7> it is very fucking cool
-!- ohai [mypy@hhorg-o9m.tvh.0.127.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
#909 votes: 22015-06-08 11:37:52
< hlmtre~> i wanted to play bf3
< BoneKin%> I'd like that, but I really must decline this time
< hlmtre~> fooey
< hlmtre~> i h8 u bonekin :'(
< BoneKin%> Nuh uh
< BoneKin%> U luv me
< hlmtre~> you're right
< hlmtre~> take me bonekin
< hlmtre~> i'm yours
< hlmtre~> all of me
< hlmtre~> *silence*
*hlmtre  notches his headboard
< BoneKin%> Or I'm on my phone and doing something else
< hlmtre~> doesn't matter; my uncomfortableland is funnier
#908 votes: 12015-06-03 11:22:08
< tarehart> I'm roleplaying an anchor tag
< tarehart> just go with it
#907 votes: 12015-06-04 06:06:02
< luci> it's 6 o'clock in the mornin
< luci> conversation got borin
< luci> said you're installin sql soon
< luci> so i snuck off to your /lib/room
< luci> and i thought i'd just make there
< luci> til i heard you compile up the stairs
< luci> and i pretended i was sleepin()
< luci> hopin you would uh
< luci> i have nothing for "creep in"
< luci> but i do have hot dogs so brb
#906 votes: 22015-07-09 13:11:05
< hlmtre> the h1 pistol is not an analogy for a cock
< BoneKin> powerful, handheld
< BoneKin> sure it is
< Tex> one shot
< hlmtre> i suppose
< Tex> yeah it is
< i7> zoom scope
< hlmtre> takes three shots to the face
< BoneKin> lol
< Tex> um
< i7> ....yall have a zoom scope right?
#905 votes: 02015-06-04 06:06:18
#904 votes: 22015-06-04 06:06:43
< BoneKin> hahaha. watching a news report about people making prank calls to 911 and getting swat involved. "They may work alone or in groups." "They target specific people or sometimes just random targets"
< BoneKin> thanks, news crew
< BoneKin> that's super helpful
#903 votes: 32015-06-04 06:07:09
< Lucifer7> i'm gonna get another 120GB SSD and i'm looking at $200 for that part alone
< Lucifer7> intel 510 series SATA III 120GB SSD $239.99
* Lucifer7 cries
< Lucifer7> i'm still pissed at thailand for flooding and fucking up the storage market
< Lucifer7> entirely not a cool move
< i7> why? doesn't that drop prices?
< Lucifer7> it cut the supply for a lot of the major hard drive manufacturers
< Lucifer7> so 1TB drives went from $60 to $150+
< i7> but why not just get a cheap Thai TB drive?
< Lucifer7> not like, they flooded the market with drives
< Lucifer7> thailand flooded
< Lucifer7> like, underwater
#902 votes: 12015-06-04 06:07:36
< Schooly-D> is there anyone left who thinks halo 4 and 343 will be anything other than the blunder of the century
< Schooly-D> >mfw humans show up on that forerunner planet thing
< Schooly-D> >mfw Sgt Johnson's twin brother, Sgt. Tavery Johnson, is with them
< NartFOpc> Nope
< NartFOpc> Ancient forerunner AI that takes the form of Johnson
< Schooly-D> Sgt. Slavery Johnson
< NartFOpc> A Racist Analysis of ilovebees by Schooly D
< NartFOpc> Avery Johnson? More like SLAVERY JOHNSON!!!
< NartFOpc> end
#901 votes: 02015-06-04 06:08:24
< hlmtre>
< hlmtre> didja see my screeny?
< BoneKin> yeah, what is that?
< hlmtre> supposed to be htop
< hlmtre> but instead it's cthulhu
#900 votes: 02015-06-04 06:08:45
< NartFOpc > .8ball is 8ball loaded?
< automato%> Question: is 8ball loaded?
< automato%> Answer: Sorry, but no.
< NartFOpc > FUCK
#899 votes: 12015-06-04 06:09:13
< Lucifer7@> i drew a heart on a wall with the repair torch
< Lucifer7@> then i realized it was the wrong squad member standing next to me
< Lucifer7@> accidental bromance
#898 votes: 02015-06-04 06:10:33
< ldooks> im not a faggot who ignores people*
< %patconn87> I don't ignore *people*, I ignore bots like SKYNET
< ldooks> unless they are octavio
< ldooks> or have aspergers
#897 votes: 12015-06-04 06:10:50
< Lucifer7> i like how i used a USAS-12 on some guy and then he started using his
< Lucifer7> but i started using one because they were using one
< Lucifer7> and then i started roadkilling with the MAV
< Lucifer7> i guess this is how society dies
#896 votes: 12015-06-04 06:11:04
< BoneKin@> heh, circlejerking ourselves to the top of bf3
< hlmtre~> we're like a helicopter of dicks
#895 votes: 132015-06-03 11:27:31
< i7> woman their purpose is to hold delicious fucking cookies, not to look pretty
< i7> if i wanted my cookie delivery to be pretty i'd buy you a plane ticket
#894 votes: 02015-06-04 06:11:13
< hlmtre> 12 inch, 3.5-4 hours of battery life
< hlmtre> oh dude i love it
#893 votes: 02015-06-04 06:11:36
< iTex > How many cookies should I send?
< hlmtre~> all of the cookies
< BoneKin%> all of them
#892 votes: 02015-06-04 06:11:51
< hlmtre~> it was just pulling nil from the db because the user no longer exists and deciding, intelligently, that THAT MEANT THERE WAS NO FIELD FOR THAT
< hlmtre~> asdf;lkjsad;lfkj rails
< Lucifer7@> hahahaha sounds like the exception really threw it off the rails
#890 votes: 12015-06-04 06:12:22
< Tex> The Fast and The Furious (two sep dudes)
< Tex> that was cause you had two guys
< Tex> 2Fast 2Furious was just to say 'lol its a sequel'
< Tex> Tokyo Drift implied NOT the same story
< Tex> now they're a team
< Tex> they're the Fast AND Furious
< Tex> Fast 5, they had 5 sep parties in on he job
< Tex> Dom's Gang (sister, paul, Diesel)
< Tex> The two mexican dudes
< Tex> Han
< Tex> Pauls Friend from 2Fast
< Tex> and the hot chick
#889 votes: 12015-06-04 06:13:10
< Lucifer7> hmm this girl says her penis is up
* Lucifer7 hits next on omegle
#888 votes: 12015-06-03 11:52:33
< Schooly_D> but we need 2 more people
< Schooly_D> hlmtre, i7
< Schooly_D> BoneKin
< Schooly_D> go knock on i7's door nart
< NartFOpc> no
< NartFOpc> its like 5 minutes away
#887 votes: 12015-06-04 06:13:18
< @hlmtre> im at mcdonalds in a walmart
< @hlmtre> i feel like an american
#886 votes: 12015-06-03 11:21:49
< NartFOpc> jesus christ I had like double anti-backwards host that game
< NartFOpc> put five shots into a dudes head when he wasn't even playing to no effect
< NartFOpc> in SWAT, btw
< tarehart> not host -> you got served
< tarehart> can't even argue, it's a tautology
#885 votes: 12015-06-04 06:13:32
< elessar> I feel like playing video gaymes
< @Lucifer7> >:O
< @Lucifer7> you are training for murder
< elessar> I murder people to train for video games
#884 votes: 12015-06-04 06:14:04
*hlmtre comes up with a nifty little algorithm
*hlmtre is observed as being intelligent, witty, and attractive
< Tex> By who? Daredevil?
< ~hlmtre> >:|
#883 votes: 02015-06-04 06:14:31
< i7> how do i make it so that my Google+ isn't completely dominated by Jilly
< @Lucifer7> ignore her posts
< %BoneKin> friend someone else
< @Lucifer7> ask her to make you a sandwich
< @Lucifer7> turn off the wifi in the kitchen
#881 votes: 12015-06-04 06:15:07
< Schooly_D> I'm gonna give important characters ridiculously high ranks for people who are still on the ground fighting
< Schooly_D> like, the Demolitions Expert of a squad will be 3-star-general Gutierrez
< hlmtre> what, that could be legit
< hlmtre> all the other demo experts died heroically
< hlmtre> in explosions
< hlmtre> expertly
#880 votes: 12015-06-03 13:31:43
< @Schooly_D> pre-emptive apology, hlmtre
< @Schooly_D> ..._...|..____________________, ,
< @Schooly_D> ....../ `---___________----_____|]=
< @Schooly_D> ...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/
< @Schooly_D> .....), ---.(_(__) /
< @Schooly_D> ....// (..) ), ----"
< @Schooly_D> ...//___//
< @Schooly_D> ..//___//
< @Schooly_D> .//___//
< @Schooly_D> WE TRUE HOMIES
#879 votes: 12015-06-03 10:50:07
<Lucifer7> not rain nor snow nor vagina and tits shall interfere with checking who just tabbed me
#878 votes: 02015-06-03 13:30:17
< @Schooly_D> anti can come too
< Antithesis> F*** YEAH
< ~hlmtre> they're gonna drug and rape you
< Antithesis> ranch dressing and jalapenos and steaks everywhere
#877 votes: 12015-06-03 13:29:42
< @hlmtre> i've actually had a thing for amy smart for a long time
< @hlmtre> since road trip
< +DominoEffect> me too
< +DominoEffect> I call it my penis
#876 votes: 02015-06-04 06:15:44
< patconn87-svr> time to play neckbeard and do my server upgrade testing
< patconn87-svr> w00t
< patconn87-svr> wtf... my computer just shit the bed on me
#875 votes: 02015-06-03 11:16:01
< Zophim> the gym is for pussies *looks for something to hide behind*
* patconn87-svr grabs something heavy and blunt
* patconn87-svr goes looking for Zophim
* patconn87-svr finds Zophim and proceeds to beat him with blunt object
< Zophim> at least it is blunt!
< patconn87-svr> so it'll bruise nicely
* patconn87-svr searches for a switchblade
< Zophim> *grabs the one at patconn87-svr's feet*
* patconn87-svr can't find one :/
* patconn87-svr proceeds to beat Zophim more
< Zophim> *swings the switchblade frantically only cutting the air*
* workmitre calls the domestic abuse hotline
* patconn87-svr knocks the switchblade out of Zophim's hands
* patconn87-svr reaches for it while keeping Zophim pinned to the ground
< Zophim> *starts to urinate*
< patconn87-svr> aw what the hell
#874 votes: 12015-06-03 11:15:29
< Avateur> I'm about to go see Transformers
< Antithesis> I'm sorry
#873 votes: 22015-06-03 11:15:16
< Tex> moral
< Tex> pls
< Tex> more like
< hlmtre> moral is just short for more-oral
< Tex> m-or-al
< Tex> oh
< Tex> my
< Tex> god
< hlmtre> iWin
< Tex> shut up
< Tex> get out of my head
#872 votes: 02015-06-03 11:14:19
< Lucifer7> ive had two crashes since switching
< Lucifer7> one was because i did a funny with its resources
< workmitre> heh<
< Lucifer7> and the other was just a random add-on-lreated crash
< workmitre> just start catting /dev/urandom into its segment of memory
< Lucifer7> no i think that's what firefox does normally
< workmitre> bahahahaha
#871 votes: 02015-06-03 11:13:50
< DominoEffect> I win the internet
< DominoEffect> winamp crashed as soon as I started playing this song
< DominoEffect> but I left the error message open, and the song is still playing
< DominoEffect> fuck you, explorer
#870 votes: 22015-06-03 11:13:20
< ldooks-work> youre worreid someone will walk by and think "gee, i should go see what tom is doing on his computer" and get right up behind you and read the head line on your IRC window?
< Zophim> if you looked at someones random screen and say a window with "I love penis" on the top what would you think of that person
< ldooks-work> id think they wre in CSLUG
#869 votes: 22015-06-03 11:13:07
< rets>Sarcasm is unbecoming of you, domino.
< Domino> I'll be coming on your mom.
#868 votes: 12015-06-03 11:12:59
* Schooly_D makes some protein
< Nomi> Schooly you'd best not be eating that protein powder shit
< Schooly_D> don't worry, nomi
< Schooly_D> I'm drinking it
< Nomi> ugh
< Tex> next he'll be taking fish oil capsules
< Tex> and making shakes
< Schooly_D> uh
< Schooly_D> I'm making a protein shake right now
< Schooly_D> and drinking it with fish oil capsules
< Schooly_D> and a tablet of zinc
#867 votes: 02015-06-03 11:12:18
< BoneKin> I feel like I'm stuck skillwise. When I play with TSD, I'm usually towards the bottom in score. When I play with randoms, I often get stuff like this game: two teammates that went -14 and -20 that cause a loss.
< @Schooly_D> when you play with TSD you're literally playing with the best players HBO has and probably ever had
< Lucifer7> and schooly
#866 votes: 12015-07-17 01:00:31
< Schooly-D> it's not a very good helmet if he's able to turn his head to look at the camera without it moving
< NartFOpc> it's not a very good helmet because there's a fucking hyokin in it
#865 votes: 02015-06-03 11:11:51
< +i7> DominoEffect: truf or dare
< @hlmtre> ah yes
< @hlmtre> tradition
< DominoEffect> "yes"
< +i7> (you're supposed to say truf)
< DominoEffect> (well I said yes, dammit)
< @hlmtre> people who say dare have to eat 400 tijuana mamas
< DominoEffect> oh god no
< DominoEffect> truf
< @hlmtre> bahahahaahhahahahahaha
#864 votes: 02015-06-03 11:11:11
< Schooly-D> these neogaf guys aren't even good at insults
< Lucifer7> they neogaffed when they talked trash to the D
#863 votes: 12015-06-03 11:10:33
== dickburger [] has quit [Quit: youguysarenofun.jpg]
< workmitre> hahah I was about to boot him
< ldooks-svr> why?
< workmitre> *sunglasses on*
< workmitre> ... kicks.
< workmitre> YEAHHHHHH
#862 votes: 02015-06-03 11:10:04
< DominoEffect> Schooly_D
< Schooly_D> what does a man need to do around here to get some ops
< DominoEffect> you have to send me nudes
< Schooly_D> I can do that, DominoEffect
< Schooly_D> but I won't show my penis
< DominoEffect> nudes... of tex.
< Schooly_D> OPS HERE I COME!
#860 votes: 22015-06-03 11:30:35
< i7> fuckdammit
< i7> imageshack keeps redirecting me to
< i7> i don't want to meet black people i want to link my goddamn image
< @Lucifer7> ...
< @Lucifer7> lol..
< @Lucifer7> i think you got a virus already
< i7> what kind of virus wants me to MEET OTHER BLACK SINGLES TODAY ?
< &vector40> aids
#859 votes: 12015-06-03 11:08:12
< %Tex> My Math professor is Canadian.
< %Tex> And looks like Slith.
< %Tex> Tall, skinny, glasses, short hair, light mustache, big t-shirt, khaki pants and sneakers.
< %Tex> He looks like the internet.
#858 votes: 12015-06-03 11:07:13
< i7> the easier os ive seen so far is ubuntu
< i7> i dunno what os it was
< Lucifer7> i hate ubuntu
< Lucifer7> never mention it
< Lucifer7> it's a step in the wrong direction
< i7> its easy
< Lucifer7> getting people to think linux is a desktop OS
< Lucifer7> is bad
< Lucifer7> that's like making people think a semi is a commuter vehicle
< i7> well that already happened in the late 90's
< i7> semi, ford excursion, whats the difference
< Lucifer7> an excursion can fit under most low bridges
< Lucifer7> youtube says otherwhise about semis
#857 votes: 12015-06-03 11:06:12
< Schooly-D> >everyone's faces when korny munky is hired to write-up the script for Halo 4, and it only contains the events up to when the chief enters the planet thing and his journey after he leaves
< Schooly-D> >grey thor and furhman are with the chief for some reason
#856 votes: 12015-06-03 11:05:59
< i7> so there was a talent show at the school.
< Lilli> ooohh. and?
< Lilli> I have to go...
< Lilli> but my guess is your talent was drving through the building
#855 votes: 12015-06-03 11:05:40
< hlmtre> domino
< Domino> hlmtre
< hlmtre> just played a THC with mingtimmy
< hlmtre> on my 360, which I'm not as good on
< Domino> did you touch yourself?
< hlmtre> no
< hlmtre> no
< hlmtre> no
< hlmtre> so
< hlmtre> THC
< Domino> did you touch timmy?
< hlmtre> I hate you with the fiery passion of a thousand suns
< Domino> well what the fuck is the point of the story then if there's no touching people
< hlmtre> ANYWAY
#854 votes: 12015-06-03 11:04:30
< rets> the loving relationship is the hardest thing there is
< rets> keeping girls from going batty on you is like a double-shot killimanjaro without looking at the screen
#853 votes: 12015-06-03 10:50:07
rets: yeah, but women are crazy so their point of view doesnt matter
#851 votes: 12015-06-03 11:03:50
< i7> so i figured out how you can turn your washing machine into a snowblower
< i7> for really really cheap
< i7> cost-effective
< hellmitre> .. uh
< i7> ?
< hellmitre> explain
< i7> oh its easy
< i7> just give lilli a shovel
#850 votes: 12015-06-03 10:50:07
<retsamolah> you need to get your priorities in line and drop that school bullshit
#849 votes: 12015-06-03 11:03:20
< Infinite Se7en> and we ended up on her living room chair playing who's-in-my-mouth, but it was only two of us, so there was no guessing involved
#848 votes: 02015-06-03 10:50:07
<Infinite Se7en> then nipple-titties, me-tray, retsy-wetsy,  and infinite-suck shall unite once again
#847 votes: 02015-06-03 11:03:03
< i7> i dont think there is much organized crime left
< i7> they all split up and ran for office or something
#846 votes: 22015-06-03 10:50:07
< i7> owstbbecd mylsef brbr
#845 votes: 12015-06-04 06:17:23
< @i7> but get this
< @i7> in The Thing
< @i7> the character Mac has trouble with his computer and destroys it
< @i7> and when the character Windows is needed most, he freezes
< @i7> neither OS existed at the time of the film's making.
< @hlmtre> :O
< @hlmtre> wow
< @hlmtre> that's awesome
< @i7> stranger than fiction eh, can't make this shit up
< @i7> well, i guess it is fiction
< @i7> but the writing isnt
< @i7> well the writing itself is fiction
< @i7> but the writers who wrote the writing at the time werent fictional<
< @i7> SHUT UP
< @hlmtre> I think that's being submitted to bash
#844 votes: 82015-06-03 10:29:18
< Dan_de_Board> I want sweet things :(
< Dan_de_Board> I am a fat man trapped in a somewhat fit guy's body
< Tex> toot sweets
< Dan_de_Board> toot toot
< Tex> wanna trade? I dont like sweets but god damn if I dont want sour cream and cheese on errything
< Dan_de_Board> I'm afraid I don't have any of the like on me
< BoneKin> are you getting therapy to transition to a fat man's body? do we have to use different pronouns?
< snipe> Fatself
< Dan_de_Board> Transfat
#843 votes: 22015-06-01 19:28:30
< Mech> 50 shades of grey was bad
< i7> how do you know
< willfro> it was lacking color
#842 votes: 02015-06-01 18:59:21
< willfro> my computer is having windows problems
< hlmtre> ?
< hlmtre> get some blinds
< willfro> taking simple tasks and butchering them
#841 votes: 02015-06-01 14:36:27
< General_Vagueness> E3 is shaping up to be more and more interesting, potentially
#839 votes: 02015-05-20 07:38:56
< Tex> > TSD GH
< Paddy> >$3.5 mill
< Paddy> load up them stocks boys
< BoneKin> fuck, let's just have PAX there
< BoneKin> should be enough room
< Paddy> >sleeps 92, still only 1 gril
#838 votes: 02015-05-14 17:19:07
< Tex> s/it/
< TSDBot> Schooly_D meant to say: just h me
< Tex> fuck my life
#837 votes: 02015-05-14 10:12:01
< Paddy> #engrish bonk is supreme
< Bonk-Bot> Engrish: Sex is the best
#836 votes: 02015-05-14 10:11:52
< TSDBot> < kinbo> i'd burn this channel down before i let cody join...
< TSDBot> Tonight's episode: "BoneKin Dies"
#835 votes: 12015-05-11 17:34:09
< BoneKin> bleh. did all my outdoor chores today. I really don't like yardwork
< willfro> ^
< willfro> Being forced to do it by my dad was awesome especially with terrible allergies to pollen and no working allergy medication
< BoneKin> oof. at least I don't have the allergy problem
< BoneKin> just an aversion to super boring, hot, sweaty, tedious work
< willfro> yeah, be greatful, it could always be worse
< BoneKin> also got to do the full gutter clean today
< willfro> here's what you do, hire the mexicans
< BoneKin> pulling sopping wet pollen and leaves and sticks out from all around while up on a ladder
< BoneKin> when I have an aversion to heights
< BoneKin> heh, we don't just have packs of mexicans for hire in st. louis
< willfro> have them imported
< willfro> I hear the going rate is a decent authentic mexican restaurant
< willfro> and a lowered truck
< BoneKin> I'll have to see what I can scrounge up
#834 votes: 12015-05-11 12:45:25
< hlmtre> yep yep
< hlmtre> it's really easy to get dynamic dns working nowadays
< hlmtre> back in the old days
< hlmtre> you had to hire a small child to sit at home and refresh
* willfro breaks out cane
< hlmtre> and then send you a letter by avian carrier
< willfro> I prefered torti carriers
< willfro> slower, but more reliable shipping
< hlmtre> true
< hlmtre> didn't have the issue of packet loss by hawk
#833 votes: 02015-05-19 06:29:19
< hlmtre> which sister?
< hlmtre> (sorry)
< willfro> 100% improvement
< hlmtre> ?
< BoneKin> was a kidney/liver transplant nurse. now doing something with endoscopy stuff
< BoneKin> this is Julie
< BoneKin> the one that lived with me
< hlmtre> got it, thank you
< hlmtre> sorry to forget :\
< hlmtre> i think i've asked a million times which sister
< BoneKin> no prob. you've never met her
< BoneKin> it's hard to keep track of those things
< hlmtre> .kanbo
< pybot> i am kanbo, watch me disobey simple and direct instruction
< hlmtre> no
< hlmtre> .aknbo
< hlmtre> .kanbo
< pybot> i am kanbo, watch me disobey simple and direct instruction
< BoneKin> haha
< hlmtre> .kanbo
< pybot> i am kanbo, watch me disobey simple and direct instruction
< hlmtre> fff
< hlmtre> fff
< BoneKin> you cannot leer face my sister
< hlmtre> .kanbo
< pybot> i am kanbo, watch me disobey simple and direct instruction
< hlmtre> got
< BoneKin> get fukt
< hlmtre> dangit
< hlmtre> .bonk hlmtre
* pybot reks hlmtre
< hlmtre> .kanbo
< pybot> i am kanbo, watch me disobey simple and direct instruction
#832 votes: 12015-05-11 08:49:46
< UnrealChief> < Community> Halo... It's finished.
< UnrealChief> < 343i> No, I think we're just getting started...
< kanbo> < 343> and how would you like your games?
< kanbo> < Community> just fuck my shit up
#831 votes: 02015-05-10 22:00:01
< willfro> you can come by whenever
< hlmtre> i'll bring you coffee
< willfro> that would be appreciated
< hlmtre> alright, it'll be a minute
< hlmtre> something is in the middle of something
< willfro> stop watch has been started
< hlmtre> ffffff
* hlmtre is seen sprinting down the street with a pc and a UPS
#830 votes: 12015-05-10 21:58:46
< willfro> I got canned peaches
< willfro> yuss
< willfro> can't open mouth wide enough to put peaches in
* willfro cries
#829 votes: 02015-05-04 09:12:06
< Schooly_G> Power, snipe
< BoneKin> .dorj
< TSDBot> Right Dorj ONLINE... [ WARNING! ] Dorj imminent!
< Schooly_G> The ability to shape the landscape
< tarehart> .dorj
< TSDBot> (lights go dim as the Core Dorj hums to life) I can't believe it! It's happening!!!
< TSDBot>
#828 votes: 22015-05-04 09:11:29
< Tex> the fridge was left open at work this weekend. Should I assume my almond milk is bad?
< tarehart> plot twist it was always bad
#827 votes: 02015-05-02 22:57:37
< Schooly_D> I accept paypal and venmo, kanbo
< UnrealChief> Was there ever any doubt?
< kanbo> venmo
< kanbo> youll never trick me like that again
#826 votes: 02015-04-25 20:31:48
< Schooly_D> I believe in unreal
#825 votes: 02015-04-20 19:09:37
< tareharu> has anybody said how TSD is the Ginyu Force and Schooly is Vegeta?
< Tex> I'm sure we were thinking it
< tareharu> oh crap
< tareharu> apparently Vegeta was not the leader of the ginyu force
< Paddy>
< Schooly_D> not only is vegeta NOT the leader of the ginyu force
< Paddy> so my buddy challenged me to watch a terrile movie with him on $5 movie day
< Schooly_D> I'm pretty sure he killed every member
#824 votes: 02015-04-19 12:29:50
< Bonk-Bot> Engrish: Friends, colleagues, this is not the same thing.
#823 votes: 12015-04-14 09:08:57
< kanbo> Paddy MEANT to say: We had some a railroad tie that was apparently hollowed out and just full of bees.
#822 votes: 12015-04-12 19:17:44
< ~Schooly_D> alcohol isn't the answer, BoneKin
< %BoneKin> no, but it is fun
#821 votes: 12015-04-09 10:28:31
< Tex> I am a delicate flower
#820 votes: 12015-04-08 11:15:03
< kanbo> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
#819 votes: 12015-04-08 11:00:36
< Schooly_G> They say it can't be done
#818 votes: 82015-04-06 07:46:08
< Schooly_D> I don't spend money on bitches. and rets is a bitch
#817 votes: 22015-04-05 20:14:36
< hlmtre> i paid with car
< hlmtre> card
< i7> "yeah i'd like to have all of your chinese food...yeah, all of it. i've got a 1990 saturn sedan that i really want to get rid of"
#816 votes: 02015-04-01 14:45:40
< Bonk-Bot> Engrish: We have removed the option for a multiplayer game, select your gender, because now all the characters or genderfluid
#815 votes: 02015-03-31 13:23:09
< TSDBot> A message appears written in the amber skies above Earth's last city, at once a harbinger of caution and hope for all whose light shines bright against the darkness: "Danza kuduro~"
#814 votes: 12015-03-31 12:35:47
< Paddy> You're lucky you didn't take too long to finish
< Schooly-G> Whoa, party now. Spendin money in a large amount
< Paddy> after 3 minutes, The Rock comes down to beat you himself
< Schooly-G> Hands in the air make you scream and shout
< Paddy> he cackles and does his 20 minute preshow trash talk
< Paddy> you see your dream of time trails drift beyond the noise and lights of the stage
< Paddy> you wake up, you're Stone Cold Steve Austin, but you're late for your spelling test
< Paddy> The Rock, your 3rd grade teacher, docks points for being so late
< Paddy> Then he pulls you into Suplex City and ends your misery
#813 votes: 12015-03-30 14:17:41
< Schooly_G> It can't be done
#812 votes: 32015-03-29 20:23:48
< kanbo> xenos whats the most exciting part about H5 so far?
< Xenos> That I'm going to save $60
#811 votes: 22015-03-29 10:57:10
< i7> i'm turning into retsamolah :(
< ~hlmtre> ?
< i7> too busy to be active in irc
< ~hlmtre> life does that
< ~hlmtre> the only reason i'm on irc is i idle at work
< ~hlmtre> and at home
< ~hlmtre> well i idle all the time
< ~hlmtre> nevermind, that's a lot of reasons
#810 votes: 02015-03-27 21:18:39
< Tex> I bet it's not as long as schoolys
#809 votes: 02015-03-26 10:58:54
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Fanfiction_txt @fanfiction_txt] [Amy:] I see what you doing. You trying to scare me away. That's not working. [Sonic:] GO AWAY! I'm a bad nigga with a fuck life okay?! (19 seconds ago) id=7744
#808 votes: 82015-03-25 11:02:37
< snipe> I'm starting to worry about lionheart
< snipe> I'm worried he'll keep coming back
#807 votes: 02015-03-24 14:44:39
< ~hlmtre> i hate windows
< ~hlmtre> fucking end task
< ~hlmtre> no
< ~hlmtre> nno
< ~hlmtre> no
< ~hlmtre> nn-non-nno
< ~hlmtre> die
< ~hlmtre> die die
< ~hlmtre> do you want to try to recover your work
< ~hlmtre> no
< ~hlmtre> fucking die
#806 votes: 22015-03-24 13:50:10
< TSDBot> [DBO Forum] (61686) anita -- Insurgent 2015 --
< TSDBot> [DBO Forum] (61687) anita -- Cinderella 2015 --
< TSDBot> [DBO Forum] (61690) anita -- Run All Night --
< TSDBot> [DBO Forum] (61695) Beorn -- A note about spam --
#805 votes: 32015-03-23 20:36:51
< i7> holy shit, the stupidity
< i7> the derpidity
< i7> Woman brought over a box full of glasses that her sister was getting rid of
< i7> so i took about half of them, and she took the rest of the glasses home in the box
< i7> and she put her phone in the box because she was wearing yoga pants and had no pockets
< i7> and...couldn't carry her phone in her hand?
< i7> and i was closing up the box, so i decided to just make it easier on her and put her phone in my pocket, and give it to her when we got to her jeep, because i was carrying the box out to her jeep
< i7> but we both forgot about the phone
< i7> so like half an hour later, i pull "my" phone out of my pocket and
< i7> "wat happened? how did my phone get so small? :( "
< i7> so i figured out what happened, and left for her house, and just told jim that i'd be back in half an hour
< i7> i told him earlier that i was going to the gym, so he just figured that i was going there
< i7> so i get to her house and her jeep isn't there, and i realized that she went to my place to get her phone
< i7> i was afraid she'd get there, realize i wasn't there and that i had gone to her place, and get back on the road and try to meet me there, so i just left her phone in her doorstep
< i7> about halfway home, i decide to check skype on my phone and jim messaged me, asking what gym i had gone to, because she was there looking for her phone
< i7> so i told him where the phone was
< i7> and i passed her on the road going the other way near my apartment
< i7> herp
< i7> derp
< i7> and now i can't find my gym clothes for some reason, and the gym closes in 45 minutes, so i don't even have time to go there and workout tonight
#804 votes: 12015-03-23 14:20:05
< Xenos> So sorry you don't have gigabit at home
< hlmtre> do you?!
< Xenos> Yep :) Google Fiber
< hlmtre> o
< hlmtre> i'm moving in
< Xenos> Haha
< hlmtre> which room is mine?
< Xenos> The living room closet
< Xenos> I'll run an ethernet cable into there though
< hlmtre> as long as i get an ethernet cable
< hlmtre> cool
< Paddy> xenos and hlmtre: weeknights at 5 and 5:30
#803 votes: 02015-03-18 12:40:28
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Fanfiction_txt @fanfiction_txt] as long as Robotnik's keeping the liberals happy with crap like this and throwing a bone to the conservatives with the ARK satellite defence (15 seconds ago) id=8224
#802 votes: 32015-03-16 17:27:11
< snipe> So when's halo time
< kanbo> ah man you missed it by like 7 years
#801 votes: 02015-03-17 06:52:37
< Tex> I can't believe schooly accidentally fell asleep while I was watching tsdtv last night
< Tex> New era indeed
< Paddy> sleep tight schooly
< Schooly_G> That's a joke, right
< Schooly_G> You passed out in your burrito. TSDTV didn't play anything last night
< Tex> Scroll up, bitch
< Tex> I enjoyed my B.B. Burrito
< Schooly_G> So you stealth played an episode after I'd already given up on you
< kanbo> big beautiful burrito?
< Tex> Always late but worth the wait.
#800 votes: 02015-03-14 12:15:07
< Tex> I'll be the asshole that orders margaritas
< Paddy> I think anything is on the table as long as it's alcohol
< Paddy> lemme check my irish handbook
< Paddy> yep
< Tex> Ayyy
< Tex> On the plus side I'll be dressed like the green ranger
< Paddy> hmm
< Paddy> ayyy
< Paddy> it just says "Drink and drink and drink and drink and fight"
#799 votes: 12015-03-12 13:36:51
< TSDBot> A message appears written in the amber skies above Earth's last city, at once a harbinger of caution and hope for all whose light shines bright against the darkness: "this franchise has had launch problems"
#798 votes: 12015-03-12 08:03:29
< Schooly_L> so tex is right
#797 votes: 62015-03-10 18:43:04
< Tex> Dad called :*)
< Tex> They went to his hometown and his parents graves, even the place where our clan originated. Cool stuff.
< Tex> Wish I could go
< KP> why can you not
< Tex> I don't have any deep desire to go until I've reached spinster lady status
< Tex> Also ain't no way I'm taking a month off to go to a place where I'm not drunk every night
< %BoneKin> I mean, you could try. I don't see what could possibly go wrong
< Paddy> Iranians learn the secrets of the bomb from American grill engineer
< Paddy> "tell us more about HBOMB"
#796 votes: 02015-03-10 12:42:52
< Schooly_G> That's not my fault
#795 votes: 02015-03-09 08:28:48
< Paddy> TSDBot get me a printout of here we are born to be kings
< TSDBot> Not computing. Please repeat.
< TDSpiral> TSDBot, get me a printout of the princes of the universe
< TSDBot>
< TSDBot>
#794 votes: 02015-03-06 18:14:44
< UnrealChief> I need to fucking read EVERYTHING first
#793 votes: 02015-03-05 14:49:20
< &Schooly_G> Time to make an important life decision
< &Schooly_G> .choose buy a place in Bellevue | Houston | San Antonio | Mexico
#792 votes: 02015-03-02 21:38:36
< General_Vagueness> if you pressed me I might be able to remember how build an AM receiver from scratch
#791 votes: 02015-02-28 12:15:03
< General_Vagueness> I mean, sorry for assuming/probably not paying attention at some point
#790 votes: 02015-02-28 10:45:57
< Schooly_D> "my tail smells like marshmallows"
#789 votes: 02015-02-26 12:00:27
< Schooly_G> Meanwhile, at 343 Industries...
< BoneKin> so, did that update ever come out, or did 343 go bust?
< Paddy> TSDBot get me a printout of Meanwhile, at 343 Industries
< TSDBot>
#788 votes: 02015-02-26 12:01:46
< kanbo> .quote
< TSDBot> < Xunos> Yeah I am going to use up all my vacation this year, gonna be "tight"
< Xenos> Haha, that was not at all what I meant
< BoneKin> behold the beauty of scare quotes
< BoneKin> .quote
< TSDBot> < Xonos> Yeah I always "see" events lately after they're full, haha
< Paddy> I love this place
< Paddy> classic Xunos
< BoneKin> man, he got two decent ones in a row
< BoneKin> mine are always terrible
< Paddy> let's go for three
< Paddy> .quote
< TSDBot> < BonoKin> "mine" are always terrible
#787 votes: 82015-02-26 08:22:11
< TDSpiral> Go ahead and quote me on this
< TDSpiral> I like crime and I'm a criminal
#786 votes: 02015-02-25 20:14:05
< General_Vagueness> oh shit, the giga slave
#785 votes: 02015-02-25 11:16:58
< TDSpiral> GV. WAS. RIGHT.
#784 votes: 12015-02-18 14:48:23
< Ibeechu> anyone got any good stock tips
< Ibeechu> or upcoming pump and dumps, ill take those too
< i7> yes. never buy stocks. ever.
< Paddy> only sell?
< Ibeechu> good idea
< &Schooly_G> Don't listen to i7
< Ibeechu> buy none, sell high
< kanbo> get low, get high
< Paddy> get lower, kanbo
< General_Vagueness> Get_Low.mp3
< i7> this financial advice has been brought to you by Team Schooly D
#782 votes: 52015-02-17 21:40:42
< Ibeechu> you know whats fucking bullshit
< Ibeechu> the letters in bingo are redundant
< Ibeechu> like
< Ibeechu> theres no such thing as I7 or N7 or G7 or O7
< Ibeechu> like
< General_Vagueness> >
< Ibeechu> all you need is a sheet covered in numbers
< Ibeechu> you dont need the fucking letters
< Ibeechu> god im so fucking mad
< General_Vagueness> is this what it's like when I do this?
< Ibeechu> yes
< General_Vagueness> ugh
#781 votes: 12015-02-17 11:40:55
< i7> 44 unmatched women ages 40-44 in chico
< ~hlmtre> so there really ARE older ladies desperate for sex in my area!
< i7> yes.
< @BoneKin> yeah, all those unmatched single ladies in stl were over 55 or so
< ~hlmtre> you're old bonekin
< ~hlmtre> they're within range
* hlmtre double whammies
< ~hlmtre> actually i'm not sure what the other whammy is
* hlmtre single whammies
#780 votes: 12015-02-14 20:24:31
< Schooly_G> .dorj
< TSDBot> D.O.R.J. system starting ... [ ONLINE ]
< BoneKin> .dorj
< TSDBot> Left Dorj primed and ready!
< NartFOpc> .dorj
< TSDBot> (lights go dim as the Right Dorj hums to life) [ WARNING! ] Dorj imminent!
< Paddy> .dorj
< TSDBot> Initiating Core Dorj subsystems... [ ONLINE ] I can't believe it! It's happening!!!
< TSDBot>
#779 votes: 02015-02-13 23:18:24
23:01 < %BoneKin> happy vd, peeps
23:01 < %BoneKin> < 3
23:03 < Tex> Vds are not happy
23:05 < i7> Schooly_D
23:05 < ~Schooly_D> this better not be about VD i7
#778 votes: 02015-02-13 11:01:38
< i7>
< Blunderwearbot-PY> Youtube: How to Pick up Chicks: Johnny Bravo Style. (0:03:45)
< Paddy> Johnny Bravo M.D.
< Tex> >they've gone to spread the word
< i7> i'm using that eyes line from now on
< Tex> >tfw i7 calls you a pretty cookie container
#777 votes: 12015-02-12 15:03:43
< Bonk-Bot> Tweet from OriginalBubsRA : @itsstarmanda @fyrasec @vocalnight I WANT TO GET OFF MS.BONEKIN'S WILD RIDE (
#776 votes: 02015-02-12 12:42:34
< Ibeechu> you dont get rid of racism just by desegregating
< General_Vagueness> do you get rid of racism?
< Ibeechu> dude if i knew that then there wouldnt be racism, would there
#775 votes: 02015-02-11 20:10:03
< Schooly_D> I like GV's idea
#774 votes: 12015-02-11 09:50:35
< TSDBot>
#772 votes: 02015-02-11 08:33:03
< Paddy> TSDBot get me a printout of great sonic fan art, I mean, just the best.
< TSDBot>
< Paddy> never disappoint
#771 votes: 12015-02-10 13:06:43
< i7> just bkought a public transit pass with a debit card that i canceled a year ago
< BoneKin> on purpose?
< i7> yeah
< i7> was goijg to miss train, had no time to buy ticket witu cash
< i7> no one to check my ticket on the train, didnt want to risk a $50 ticket thogdownloaded the ass app thatvi used to use, ad my old card on ileft my new card atvhome, no option
< i7> old ap* wtf juice ssh
#770 votes: 02015-02-07 20:55:44
< Schooly_D> Big O is off WW because we needed room for Tex's D and Paddy's gay space jam
#769 votes: 12015-02-07 15:22:16
< i7> i am down like a clown with a frown to play some bf4
< Mech> The sad clown
< Mech> for BF4!
< Mech> I am in
< Mech> Im dog like frog in log in a bog that needs to jog through fog.....for battlefield
< Mech> 4
< i7> "Im dog"
< i7> you sound Russian there. no article.
< willfro> mech... no
< Mech> I was picturing dog the bounty hunter
< i7> you have to admit, that was pretty impressive, will
< Mech> willfro
< Mech> yes
< Mech> speaking of which, willfro
< Mech> do you want to be an amphibian in a bog in a some battlefield?
< Mech> eh\
< Mech> eh
< Mech> eh
< Mech> cmooooooooon
< willfro> are you saying what I think you're saying?
< Mech> im not sure anymore
< willfro> yeah neither am i
#768 votes: 02015-02-06 20:55:36
< willfro> hlmtre, join bf4
< willfro> I'll be on in a bit
< ~hlmtre> oh
< ~hlmtre> i joined #bf4
#767 votes: 02015-02-06 20:55:03
< Mech> lol sam, just got his computer back up and running. He forgot to plug in the SSD
< ~hlmtre> hahaha
< Mech> part of it was a bad partition, but he would have caught that....had he plugged it n
< ~hlmtre> wait
< ~hlmtre> he thought his ssd was bad because he forgot to plug it in?
< Mech> yes
< Mech> he could not figure out why it would not boot
< ~hlmtre> ... norb
< ~hlmtre> that would be like the last thing i checked
< ~hlmtre> *digging, swearing*
#766 votes: 02015-02-06 20:49:44
< hlmtre> i joined #bf4
< hlmtre> lol
< willfro> ...
< Mech> ..
< Mech> .
< Mech> ..
< Mech> ...
< Mech> ....
< Mech> .....
< Mech> ......
< Mech> .....
< Mech> ....
< hlmtre> ........
< hlmtre> snrk
< Mech> FUCK YOU
#764 votes: 02015-02-06 19:31:40
< Ibeechu> s/cod/cock
< TSDBot> TDSpiral meant to say: s/red panda/cock piece
< Schooly_G> 2015
#763 votes: 02015-02-06 11:48:24
< General_Vagueness> Hikaru sees with the eyeballs of love, and he's young, and so is Minmay
#762 votes: 02015-02-05 11:45:29
< TSDBot> < Piddy> Step 1. join #tsd IRC
< TSDBot> < Piddy> what an age of miracles!!
#761 votes: 02015-02-05 10:54:14
< Paddy> >parents were watching capt. america 2 last night
< Paddy> >dad hits remote and doesn't notice
< Paddy> >"Didn't you guys just watch this scene?"
< Paddy> >"No, it's a flashback"
< Paddy> >"to when, 2 minutes ago?"
< Paddy> >"o-oh"
#760 votes: 02015-02-04 13:11:30
< General_Vagueness> >tfw I don't care
#759 votes: 22015-02-04 11:32:13
< Schooly-G> I can't wait for gv to get back so I can show him the pause functionality
< Schooly-G> And for him to immediately complain about something
#758 votes: 02015-02-04 07:50:06
< Paddy> you remember the old TSD motto
< TDSpiral> Why can't CC night also be a pizza place?
< Paddy> dem carbs
< Paddy> I want pizza now
#757 votes: 12015-02-03 19:00:13
* Cody_Miller ( has joined #tsd
< Cody_Miller> later
* Cody_Miller has quit (Quit: Leaving)
#756 votes: 02015-02-02 13:34:03
< TSDBot> But be wary, Guardians of our city: I'm not the one who is legally retarded
#755 votes: 02015-02-02 11:59:09
< General_Vagueness> if I'm dumb, Tex is dumber
#754 votes: 02015-02-01 19:20:29
< Tex> Skip, be nice.
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Skip Bayless @RealSkipBayless] You mad, bro? (21 seconds ago) id=0416
< Tex> ...uh
< Tex> No
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [GS Elevator Gossip @GSElevator] Domestic violence shelters in greater Boston can send all the extra staff home now. (1 minute ago) id=5281
< TDSpiral> There’s someone outside blowing a whistle
< Paddy> this is skip unleashed
< Tex> I wonder if city hall is on fire in schooly's neck of the woods
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Skip Bayless @RealSkipBayless] Let this sink in: Tom Brady just threw for 328 yards and 4 touchdowns against one of the greatest defenses ever. (21 seconds ago) id=4993
< TDSpiral> They’re still lighting fireworks
< TDSpiral> Wait… those are drums
< TDSpiral> WHAT
< Paddy> TD
< Paddy> Hide
< Tex> RUN
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< NartFOpc> MAD
< Paddy> Tex, they don't know how to run
#753 votes: 02015-01-31 01:54:08
< EutecticPoint> ah, well goodnight, make sure to read up on usb 3.1 I think extremetech has a good article
< pybot>
< -- EutecticPoint has quit (Quit: Page closed)
< -- eutectic has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2)
< hlmtre> dumbass
#752 votes: 02015-01-30 14:56:16
< TSDBot> Last week, on a very special "Schooly and the Funky Bunch":
< TSDBot> < Poddy> Schooly plz??
< TSDBot> < Poddy> Schooly??
< TSDBot> < Schoaly_G> HA HA HA HA...
< TSDBot> Tonight's episode: "Hickory Dickory... Dead"
#751 votes: 02015-01-28 08:46:03
< i7> eh the bullet will get there eventually
< i7> you might want a tracking number, though
#750 votes: 02015-01-28 07:46:20
< ~hlmtre> yay!
< ~hlmtre> so you're registered!
< ~hlmtre> what does that mean?

#749 votes: 02015-01-26 07:34:52
< Tex> I missed the chance to score his party hard hello kitty tank
< Tex> Where shes got the bloody nose
< Tex> Depressing
* Paddy tries to even imagine
< Paddy> that sounds like him actually
< Paddy> TSDBot get me a printout of Andrew W.K. Hello Kitty Tank
< TSDBot>
< Paddy> ahh
< Paddy> ok
< Paddy> a tank top
< Paddy> not military hardware
#748 votes: 12015-01-24 09:54:32
< General_Vagueness> >TSD_chooses_the_next_HBOMB_location.jpg
< General_Vagueness>
#747 votes: 02015-01-23 20:56:03
< TSDBot> A message appears written in the amber skies above Earth's last city, at once a harbinger of caution and hope for all whose light shines bright against the darkness: "Robots"
#746 votes: 02015-01-22 21:51:31
< NartFOpc> next year we should have a Miss HBOMB contest
< Tex> I'd lose you to, Nart
< Tex> dat t-shirtkini
< NartFOpc> especially after I sing my famous song
< NartFOpc> my boyfriend is an ogre
< NartFOpc> >"is that a new song"
#745 votes: 32015-01-22 16:33:54
< hlmtre> i'm terrible
< DominoEffect> yes
< DominoEffect> but why this time?
< Lucifer7> he got banned from he own irc network
< DominoEffect> haha dummy
#744 votes: 02015-01-21 20:52:02
< kanbo> TSDBot get me a printout of hlmtre
< TSDBot>
< kanbo> B)
< Schooly_D> TSDBot get me a printout of the hbo beach party
< TSDBot>
< Schooly_D> it's like we've turned back the clock
< Tex> If only
< BoneKin> man, 3 games of matchmaking. not one even remotely close to balanced
< Paddy> you wanted this bonk
< Paddy> it "works"
< Paddy> TSDBot get me a printout of HBOMB
< TSDBot>
< Schooly_D> TSDBot get me a printout of schooly d vs retsamolah
< TSDBot> Not computing. Please repeat.
< TSDBot>
< kanbo> frig
< kanbo> my cord just turned off the xbox again
< TDSpiral> What a dink
< Paddy> TSDBot get me a printout of HBOMB Beer Pong Championship
< hlmtre> ow that is some serious recursion, kanbo
< TSDBot>
< hlmtre> TSDBot get me a printout of hlmtre
< TSDBot>
< hlmtre> bahahah
#743 votes: 02015-01-21 13:05:29
< Ibeechu> aint no party like an hbo party cause an hbo party milks a joke
#740 votes: 02015-01-20 21:46:33
< Texbox> Romo a rigatoni Mr Bonk-Boto
#739 votes: 02015-01-20 12:31:28
< TSDBot> A message appears written in the amber skies above Earth's last city, at once a harbinger of caution and hope for all whose light shines bright against the darkness: "sleep tight pizza"
#738 votes: 02015-01-19 15:16:43
< hlmtre> who is satan
< hlmtre> this is not some existential question
#736 votes: 02015-01-14 08:22:52
< Schooly_L> laugh at bonkbot with me, as a fellow owner of enterprise-level bot software
< hlmtre> ha ha ha
< Schooly_L> haw haw haw
< hlmtre> also i can't claim to be an owner of pybot
< hlmtre> he imported freedom
< hlmtre> and now stands as a self-determining bot
< Schooly_L> s/also i can't claim to be an owner of pybot/haw haw haw
< TSDBot> hlmtre meant to say: haw haw haw
#735 votes: 02015-01-13 13:03:29
< General_Vagueness> WTF why can't I type music
#734 votes: 02016-02-17 04:15:54
< Schooly_D> need a filename
< Schooly_D>
< General_Vagueness> Nart_sees_your_KD.jpg
< NartFOpc> >Every_HBOMB_participant_when_KP_talks_about_the_great_changes_coming_in_H5.jpg:large
< NartFOpc> >Reading_Lionhearts_posts.jpg:large
< Schooly_D> s/H5/Nightfall_Part_2
< TSDBot> NartFOpc meant to say: >Every_HBOMB_participant_when_KP_talks_about_the_great_changes_coming_in_Nightfall_Part_2.jpg:large
< General_Vagueness> are they really doing more of that?
< NartFOpc> >Angry_Mike_Tirico.jpg:large
< Schooly_D> >UnrealChief_sees_the_enemy_flag.jpg:big
< NartFOpc> >Tex's_face_all_night_after_her_chicken_dinner.jpg:large
< Schooly_D> >Nart_drinks_coffee.big:jpeg
< Tex> Ay
< NartFOpc> >Destiny.png
< NartFOpc> >TDSpiral_every_10_seconds.tiff
< NartFOpc> >GV_drinks_so_much_chocolate_milk_that_he_turns_chocolate_himself.pdf
< General_Vagueness> I feel like I shouldn't have laughed so hard at that, either because of the color thing or because it probably won't seem like that good of a joke later
< NartFOpc> >TSDBot_tells_GV_not_to_drink_his_coffee.lel
< NartFOpc> I'm gonna submit that one as my final answer
< NartFOpc> I like it the best
#730 votes: 02015-01-10 11:45:14
< TDSpiral> kanbo, you’re going to get DRENCHED in beer
< TDSpiral> And NO ONE will clean you up
< Tex> hot
< kanbo> :(
< Ibeechu> Did somebody say HaloRuns?
< Ibeechu> monopoli is playing at agdq :D
< Paddy> s/DR/CL
< TSDBot> TDSpiral meant to say: kanbo, you’re going to get CLENCHED in beer
< Paddy> how else would you clean kanbo?
< Paddy> he's a bear
< Paddy> 🐻
< TDSpiral> TSDBot, can I get a printout of a clean bear?
< TSDBot>
< kanbo> AWWW
#729 votes: 02015-01-10 11:43:25
< TDSpiral> TSDBot, can I get a printout of a clean bear?
< TSDBot>
< kanbo> AWWW
#723 votes: 02015-01-09 22:10:33
< tarehart> this hustle hate thing is cool
< hlmtre> .hustle
< TSDBot> Current Hustle/Hate ratio for #tsd: 0.64 --
< hlmtre> hey, it went up
< hlmtre> i'm assuming cool makes it cool
< hlmtre> hustle hustle
< hlmtre> hustle hustle
< tarehart> it's cool and interesting and it makes me cheerful and happy
< hlmtre> .hustle
< TSDBot> Current Hustle/Hate ratio for #tsd: 0.62 --
< hlmtre> NO
< tarehart> WHAT
< hlmtre> .hustle
< TSDBot> Current Hustle/Hate ratio for #tsd: 0.64 --
* hlmtre snorts
#721 votes: 02015-01-09 09:28:09
< &Schooly_G>
< Tex> So, rowboat could still be alive
< LSR> rip
< LSR> he died doing what he loved
< LSR> getting eaten
#720 votes: 02015-01-08 16:53:50
< TDSpiral> “Rambo’s gone”
< TDSpiral> “Nooo"
< TDSpiral> “Yes, he was too big"
< TDSpiral> XD
< kanbo> XD
#719 votes: 02015-01-08 16:53:00
< BoneKin> TD: if you want to quote something, go ahead
#717 votes: 12015-01-08 14:45:19
< BoneKin> if you try and spam the qdb, I will kick you
#716 votes: 02015-01-08 14:37:52
< Tex> I'll probably only be at work for like, 3 hours
< kanbo> how many of those hours will you work
#715 votes: 02015-01-08 15:38:09
< TSDBot> Current Hustle/Hate ratio for #tsd: 0.69 --
< Paddy> this is starting to look like an xkcd graph
#714 votes: 02015-01-08 07:48:30
< kanbo> they'll look up at me, and say 'save us, kanbo'
< Paddy> I'm a fan of this
< kanbo> ill look down at them, and whisper, "H E H"
#713 votes: 02015-01-03 21:36:42
< @hlmtre> i can hear a couple fighting a few houses down
< @hlmtre> who have been fighting for literally 9 hours
< @BoneKin> D:
< i7> at that point
< i7> i would go over to their house
< i7> knock on their door
< i7> and tell them to shut up and fuck
< mechZNC> You should be a marriage counselor
#712 votes: 12015-01-03 10:35:06
< hlmtre> i will now use the power of the continuum transfunctioner to banish you to hoboken new jersey
< i7> pls no, i think lsr lives there
#711 votes: 02015-01-02 10:03:00
< Schooly_G> TSDBot I need a printout of a malicious red panda
< TSDBot>
< Schooly_G> All star printout
#710 votes: 12015-01-02 06:07:25
< BoneKin> woo
< mechZNC> I am back at work for one day as well
< mechZNC> there is nothing to do and they wont let us go home early
< hlmtre> mornin
< hlmtre> sorry to do this
< mechZNC> I will reddit all day
< hlmtre> but i'm home and don't have to work
< mechZNC> in the words of Louis C.K.
< mechZNC> Suck a bag of dicks
< hlmtre> present them
< mechZNC> Im unsure of where to get a bag of dicks
< hlmtre> but the tables have turned now haven't they
< hlmtre> the power is in my court
< mechZNC> -_-
#709 votes: 12015-01-01 22:08:08
< Tex> The doc said I was cured
< kanbo> Like a ham
< Paddy> I did win most honey baked in high school
#708 votes: 12014-12-30 15:25:45
< %BoneKin> "I don't want to pet you right now" -Tex, to her dog, 2014
#707 votes: 02014-12-27 16:14:05
< Schooly_L> my answer percentage is still leagues above tex's
< Texmas> how is that when I've won the league?
< PaddyNewYear> fantasy leagues
< Schooly_L> fantasy league
< General_Vagueness> Texmas always wins my fantasy league
#706 votes: 02014-12-27 16:04:37
< Schooly_L> NO NO NO
< Schooly_L> NO NO NO NO NO NO
< NartFOpc> are we talking about fantasy football again :^)
< Texmas> Bazinga
#705 votes: 02014-12-26 12:41:50
< General_Vagueness> in the first hole it won't go in far enough, in the second one I don't know if I'm doing it right, in the third one it doesn't feel like I can find anything to push on or at least not anything that'll move
#704 votes: 02014-12-26 11:05:03
< TDSpiral> Isn’t there like a part that melts or get overheated that causes this problem?
< PaddyNewYear> they call that part the Xbox 360
< General_Vagueness> da da da da da da da, daaaaaa
< PaddyNewYear> I bought a 360 once from ebay, It was known to have video probs
< PaddyNewYear> the idea was I'd wrap it in a towel and cook it until it got an e74 error
< General_Vagueness> it makes some horrible noises and then stops, it sounds like the tray isn't moving
< PaddyNewYear> then claim a free fix from MS
< PaddyNewYear> only thing is, I wrapped it in a towel
< PaddyNewYear> cooked it
< PaddyNewYear> then it worked
< General_Vagueness> I got this one as a replacement for a red ringed console
< General_Vagueness> and the warranty is up
< PaddyNewYear> so for a few months if my video cut out I would cook it a bit and get the video back
< PaddyNewYear> then it finally bit the dust on Mass Effect 2
< General_Vagueness> fuckin' Xbox man, always fails me at the worst time
< Schooly_G> TSDBot I need a printout of a confused red panda
< TSDBot> Not computing. Please repeat.
< General_Vagueness> this when I have a raid tomorrow, XBL down on Christmas
< TSDBot>
< General_Vagueness> the red ring I mentioned was during the Reach beta
< PaddyNewYear> TSDBot get me a printout of shaved red panda
< TSDBot>
< PineTreechu> [14:00:40] < TDSpiral> Isn’t there like a part that melts or get overheated that causes this problem?
< PineTreechu> [14:01:06] < PaddyNewYear> they call that part the Xbox 360
#703 votes: 22014-12-22 22:50:25
#702 votes: 02014-12-22 18:51:16
< Bonk-Bot> Tweet from thebubb_ : fuck u mom i dont wanna eat ramen again (
#701 votes: 12014-12-22 10:14:46
< DominoEffect> anyone can make them
< DominoEffect> if you have an oven
< DominoEffect> and a potato
< DominoEffect> bake the potato like you normally would (stab some holes into it -> into the oven for awhile, don't cut a giant hole in one side like restaurants do)
< DominoEffect> when its done, take it out, put it in the fridge for a long time or just leave it out overnight or something
< DominoEffect> when its cooled thoroughly, cut into 1/2in slices, skin and all, and put it in a pan with some salted butter and/or bacon grease if you have it handy
< DominoEffect> salt and pepper and whatever other seasonings you want, then cook on each side until it starts to brown
#700 votes: 02014-12-22 07:09:16
< Schooly-G> TSDBot get me a printout of 343 saving halo
< TSDBot> Not computing. Please repeat.
< PadsonBrown> heh
< Schooly-G> 343. SAVING. HALO.
< TSDBot>
< PadsonBrown> K
< PadsonBrown> L
< PadsonBrown> E
< PadsonBrown> K
< Schooly-G> It's real
#699 votes: 02014-12-18 13:09:50
< PaddyChrist> the interview was so good
< PaddyChrist> glad I watched it
< brewman> How???
< PaddyChrist> ;^)
< brewman> Link me
< PaddyChrist>
< We_Beechu_A_Merry_Christmas> paddy is a film critic
< PaddyChrist> I kek'd
< We_Beechu_A_Merry_Christmas> got special access
< We_Beechu_A_Merry_Christmas> o
< PaddyChrist> to DEATH
< PaddyChrist> le shiggy troll squad
< brewman> There's a certain rung in hell reserved for paddy
#698 votes: 02014-12-17 12:32:41
< PadridgeInAPearTree> TSDBot can I get a printout of John Cena the hedgehog
< TSDBot>
#697 votes: 82014-12-17 09:27:23
-!- brewman [] has joined #tsd
< Texmas> Hey tall, white and ok-looking
< Texmas> whats up
< brewman> Got banned from Gaf because I made a joke that Guests in matchmaking should only get 3/5ths of a vote
#696 votes: 32014-12-16 09:03:15
< Tex> You're so cute when you're mad
< Schooly_L> why would I be mad? I just fixed a bug that's been causing me grief for a few days
< Tex> No, GV banned himself.
#695 votes: 22014-12-16 08:51:03
< ~Schooly_D> I'm sorry it had to be like this gv
-- Mode #tsd [+o General_Vagueness] by Schooly_D
< ~Schooly_D> OH NO
< TDSpiral> WHOA
< TDSpiral> STOP IT
< @General_Vagueness> hi
< TDSpiral> GET OFF IT
< TDSpiral> GET OFF IT
< TDSpiral> GET OFF IT
< TDSpiral> GET OFF
< TDSpiral> GET OFF
< NartFOpc> \o/
< NartFOpc> \o/
< NartFOpc> \o/
* Schooly_D pulls the giant lever from ON to OFF
< @General_Vagueness> are those Prince lyics?
< @General_Vagueness> if you want me to leave for a while I'll just go and not come back until tomorrow, and for the record I only complained because the whole point of gfycat is to prevent the slow loading and display I was getting
< @General_Vagueness> or the day after, even
< @General_Vagueness> let's see if I remember how to do this
-- Mode #tsd [+b General_Vagueness!*@*] by General_Vagueness
< NartFOpc> yooooooooo
-- Mode #tsd [-o General_Vagueness] by Schooly_D
< ~Schooly_D> my hands are clean
< -- General_Vagueness ( has quit (Connection reset by peer)
< ~Schooly_D> remember
< ~Schooly_D> he banned himself
#694 votes: 12014-12-15 13:06:50
< @BoneKin> all this trouble because of some lazy fuck's incompetence at writing down 6 characters on a sheet of paper
< i7> this is clearly payback for the census thing
< @BoneKin> heh
< @BoneKin> these people are so incompetent that that level of petty revenge would blow my mind
< i7> or even more likely
< i7> you're put into these sorts of situations
< i7> so that you can be a thorn into the side of government
< @hlmtre> it is your density, bonekin
#693 votes: 02014-12-15 12:04:00
< Bonk-Bot> Fanfiction_txt: But now, it just seems like you're taking current events and posting you opinions on them, then slapping some Halo characters in.
#692 votes: 02014-12-12 09:27:10
< Schooly_G>
< Schooly_G> Is there a way I can do this without having my junk on display
< Tex> Other than wearing a cup
< Tex> no
< kanbo> somehow, schooly
< Schooly_G> What about castration
< Tex> or doing it drag queen style and duct tape
< kanbo> i dont think youll need to worry about it
#691 votes: 02014-12-11 18:59:27
< Schooly_D> christ I'm a retard
#687 votes: 02014-12-10 17:57:02
< Tex> Yeah I'm kinda hype for films next year
< Yapok> who broke gv
< -- GeneralVagueness has quit (Connection reset by peer)
< -- General_Vagueness has quit (Quit: Pong timeout)
< -- General_Vagueness has quit (Quit: Pong timeout)
< -- GeneralVagueness has quit (Quit: Pong timeout)
< Gen_Vagueness> wtf HELP
< Yapok> that gv needs to be put down
#686 votes: 02014-12-10 06:31:47
< i7> i tried cooking this morning
< i7> now there's carbon dioxide all over my kitchen
< i7> i hope i don't catch global warming :(
< @BoneKin> wat
< i7>
#685 votes: 02014-12-09 06:54:21
< BoneKin> we had timeout issues with pybot. so now if it hasn't seen a message in over a couple minutes, I think, it retries the connection
< Bonk-Bot> BonkBot Online.... use #howtobonk for instructions and running modules
< BoneKin> it's very good at rejoining now. even better than hlmtre
< Paddy> I need to build a reconnection function
< kanbo> HA
< Paddy> let's try this again
< Paddy> #engrish Seattle or Green Bay? Rodgers now better than Favre? "I Can't Breathe" T-shirts. Marvin Lewis vs Manziel. We discuss/debate 10-12E, ESPN2
< BoneKin> hehe, didn't realize hlmtre was currently missing
< BoneKin> dat unintentionally good timing
#684 votes: 12014-12-08 10:48:38
< i7> the word 'first' looks really weird
< @hlmtre> it does now
< @hlmtre> i blame you
#683 votes: 12014-12-08 07:57:53
< BoneKin> let me tell you guys a little tale of how I completely fucked my day up. and it's only 9AM
< Paddy> ayyyy
< BoneKin> this weekend I'd been having a little trouble with my car ignition. harder to turn than it should be, but still working
< BoneKin> I figured I'd get it looked at sometime this week
< BoneKin> woke up this morning, car actually started fine. no problems or difficulty turning the key
< Paddy> the time is nigh?
< BoneKin> get to work. turns out, I had asked for the day off. it just wasn't on my calendar and I'd forgotten
< BoneKin> get in car to go home, car no longer starts. at all. key doesn't turn
< Paddy> wow
< BoneKin> so now I'm spending my vacation day waiting on a tow truck to get my fucking car fixed
< Paddy> ugh
< BoneKin> at work
#682 votes: 02014-12-07 17:15:01
< Paddy> "MCC needs an update, but something went wrong"
#681 votes: 22014-12-07 02:17:51
< TSDBot> The spirits and specters from our bygone era of prosperity remind us: Schooly
#680 votes: 02014-12-06 06:14:47
< General_Vagueness> she's at a 5 to 5-and-a-half year old level, intellectually
< Ibeechu> well arent we all
< Ibeechu> anyway
< General_Vagueness> well she is literally
< General_Vagueness> as opposed to your mom who just gets that way when I come over
#679 votes: 02014-12-05 20:52:39
< General_Vagueness> I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Dellaro
#678 votes: 02014-12-05 09:29:11
< Tex> >Look at me
< Tex> >Look at me
< Tex> >Look at me
#677 votes: 12014-12-04 15:31:10
< @hlmtre> heh, rets
< @hlmtre> schooly is trying really hard to get you to join #tsd
< rets|audrey> what's he doing now?
< @BoneKin> "This would never have happened if rets were here" when anything goes wrong
< rets|audrey> sigh
#676 votes: 02014-12-03 12:33:04
< PaddingtonBear> Marty's over
< PaddingtonBear> Farnkie is the new biz
< PaddingtonBear> I still remember that nightmare I had before HaloFest
< PaddingtonBear> where I walked to Marty/Frankie and say "OMG, you're Frankie O'Donnell/ Marty O'Connor"
< PaddingtonBear> then I apologize and leave halo forever
< General_Vagueness> and then return and created customs?
< PaddingtonBear> ;^)
< PaddingtonBear> #hyokin Frankie O'Donnell
< Bonk-Bot> >Frankie O'Donnell recieved his Halo: Reach Beta Code from Frank O'Conner through e-mail. Frankie gave it to him because Frankie O'Donnell posted first in a thread where Frankie was asking Cody Miller if he had a code yet. Frankie O'Donnell explained that Cody had one but he did not. Frankie then e-mailed him a code subject line reading "Cody's Sloppy Seconds"
< Yapok> too frank for me
#675 votes: 02014-12-03 10:03:54
< hlmtre> it's small but you're going to have to deal with it
#674 votes: 22014-12-03 09:47:49
< mechZNC> I am not sure, but sarah might have got me an xbox for christmas
< mechZNC> There is a box in the shape of it
< hlmtre> an xbone?
< mechZNC> yes
< hlmtre> a .. rectangle?
< mechZNC> Well not only that
< mechZNC> she has dropped a hint or 2
< mechZNC> I am not basing all gift assumptions on rectangles
< mechZNC> In that case I have 3 xbones
< mechZNC> and a small xbone
#673 votes: 02014-12-02 11:29:50
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Salon @Salondotcom] "It makes you masturbate to really gross porn": Big Pharma's real reason behind the creation of Adderall (40 seconds ago) id=5648
< General_Vagueness> ...that's not remotely true, is it?
* General_Vagueness is now reexamining his viewing habits over the last few years
< BoneKin> parody account, but there's always an element of truth that makes it funny
#672 votes: 02014-12-02 10:46:05
< Schooly_G> TSDBot, can I get a printout of Marty O'Donnell reimagined as an employed bear?
< TSDBot>
#671 votes: 02014-12-02 10:38:35
< TDSpiral> TSDBot, can I get a printout of an employed marty?
< TSDBot> Not computing.
< TDSpiral> HEH
< kanbo> H E H
< PaddingtonBear> #twit Marty O'Donnell Employed
< Bonk-Bot> No tweets found, that's pretty shitty.
#670 votes: 12014-12-02 10:00:10
< i7> cant play blood dragon because uplay isn't working
< i7> fuck you ubisoft
< @BoneKin> I thought you fixed that issue?
< i7> guess it's broken again!
< mechZNC> I think that is a feature of Uplay
< @BoneKin> Udontplay
#662 votes: 02014-12-01 12:10:06
< Schooly_G> TSDBot, can I get a printout of a cute widdle red panda?
< TSDBot>
< General_Vagueness> whoa, he can sing
#661 votes: 02014-12-01 11:02:53
< kanbo> "As his body grows, twice so shall his nose"
#660 votes: 12014-11-26 09:03:01
< mechZNC> I get off work soon....That island is gonna be as flat as Keira Knightley's tits by the time I am done today
#659 votes: 02014-11-26 05:41:25
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Fanfiction_txt @fanfiction_txt] RT @crime_man_: Hey there everyone, and welcome back to Let's Play Sonic Adventure!! In this episode, Sonic and Tails kiss and I will jerk … (1 minute ago) id=5616
#658 votes: 12014-11-21 12:50:35
< i7> remember when we used to play starcraft
< Tex> remember when we would play Monopoly
< i7>| friends don't let friends sell railroads.
< Tex> B]
< Padderin+> why isn't there a version of monopoly where someone DM's as the government
< Padderin+> and you use money to try and change the rules of the game as you play
#657 votes: 02014-11-19 12:46:33
< hlmtre> TSDBot get me a printout of mad tex
< hlmtre> y
< TSDBot>
< hlmtre> o
< hlmtre> that'll do
#656 votes: 02014-11-19 10:37:33
< Schooly_G> Can we test how the bot handles a fake printout URL?
< Padderino> TSDBot, get me a printout of the real hlmtre
< TSDBot>
< Padderino> TSDBot, get me a printout of the TSD gulags
#655 votes: 02014-11-19 10:31:17
< kapowaz> excitement builds for the next Uwe Boll movie
< Padderino> whut?
< hlmtre> TSDBot get me a printout of bonekin being smart
< TSDBot>
< kanbo> that picture comes up a lot for bonekin
< hlmtre> is that mig hiding his face?
< kanbo> thats morty o'connel
< hlmtre> TSDBot get me a printout of walter brimley
< TSDBot>
< Padderino> TSDBot, get me a printout of bonekin screaming in agony
< TSDBot>
< kanbo> the CoD composer
< kanbo> and tdspiral
#647 votes: 02014-11-18 14:58:34
< TSDBot> Tex meant to say: I have a photograph of my skin crawling all summer long at the very thought of such a declaration.
#646 votes: 02014-11-17 08:32:43
< UnrealChief> It didn't actually take 2.4 GVs to enable voice chat did it?
#645 votes: 22014-11-16 18:12:41
< winmtre> enchilada casserole
< willfro> I want
< winmtre> dinah made it
< winmtre> very tasty
< winmtre> well we made it
< winmtre> it's her recipe
< winmtre> very simple
< winmtre> takes an hour to abke though
< winmtre> so it's not for those who are hungry right now
< willfro> just turn the heat up
< willfro> put it in the microwave
< willfro> and put the microwave in the oven
< willfro> and set the oven on fire
< willfro> set the timer to call 911
< willfro> serves 1 to firetruck
#644 votes: 12014-11-14 22:03:30
< kanbo> get in the party, schooly
< ~Schooly_D> too late
< ~Schooly_D> can't find the invite
< ~Schooly_D> KP
< ~Schooly_D> the xbone sucks
< ~Schooly_D> it took me 30 seconds to accept a friend's party invite and now I'm stuck in the pause menu in MCC
< ~Schooly_D> during a game
< Tex> Womp womp
< ~Schooly_D> it's ok though, because the game crashed
< ~Schooly_D> each successive error makes me think UnrealChief is less and less dumb for suggesting a class action lawsuit against MS/343
#642 votes: 02014-11-12 00:20:33
< @BoneKin> Hello from Boston.
< mechZNC> Hello from the internet
#641 votes: 12014-11-16 18:07:44
< General_Vagueness>
< General_Vagueness> a lot of old names there, some that I don't remember hearing of even
< Schooly_G> If you post anywhere in that thread, vagueness, you're banned from IRC for a long time
< Tex> born on the 4th of july
< snipe> He's bluffing gv
< snipe> Do it
< Schooly_G> Your ride or your life, gv
< kanbo> I choose Homeward Bound 2!
< snipe> Little Kanbo, big adventure
< kanbo> I wonder who they'll get to dub my voice
< kanbo> I hope it's Bradley cooper
< snipe> It'll be nart
< snipe> Barks only
< Schooly_G> GV
* Yapok prepares a farewell card
< Schooly_G> I see you posted in my thread
< Schooly_G> I told you, in no uncertain terms, what would happen if you posted in that thread
< Schooly_G> I'm a man of my word. And I am bound by it
< General_Vagueness> [16:02:03] < Schooly_G> If you post anywhere in that thread, vagueness, you're banned from IRC for a long time
< General_Vagueness> didn't see
< General_Vagueness> also, dramatic
* General_Vagueness goes and plays Destiny
< Schooly_G> The only thing I want to know before I send you off: was it worth it?
< Schooly_G> Insolence
< Schooly_G> I didn't want it to be like this, gv
< Schooly_G> But this is the future you chose
< --- Schooly_G has kicked General_Vagueness from #tsd (Schooly_G)
< snipe> Huh, guess he wasn't bluffing
< snipe> Ah well
< Padderino> RIPIP
* Tex claps
< Schooly_G> I can't believe it's finally over
< Padderino> let's all #ugh in solidarity
< Padderino> #ugh
< BonkBot>
< Blunderwearbot-PY> Youtube: Twilight Sparkle - UGH (0:00:04)
< snipe> I'd like to thank Schooly_G, for making this possible
#640 votes: 02014-11-10 11:03:47
< TDSpiral> Is there anyway to generate a nude Elite?
< TDSpiral> NUDE
< TDSpiral> ELITE
< UnrealChief> MP
→ General_Vagueness joined (
#639 votes: 02014-11-09 15:44:59
< ~Schooly_D>
< NartFOpc> And that's when GV was perma-banned from IRC
#638 votes: 12014-11-08 19:03:02
< Tex> >mlg pros wrote the map book
< Tex> >none of them label what teleporter goes where on chiron
#637 votes: 02014-11-08 15:35:32
< kanbo> whoops, booted up destiny on accident
#636 votes: 02014-11-08 12:38:17
< General_Vagueness> do you have something better to talk about?
< TDSpiral> #twit gv pls
< BonkBot> Tweet from 5 sausages : @Luke5sos
< BonkBot> ~~~~~~
< BonkBot> ~~~~
< BonkBot> ~~
< BonkBot> ~~
< BonkBot> ~~~~
< BonkBot> ~~~~~~
< BonkBot> 😁😁😁
< BonkBot> #vote5sos gv
< TDSpiral> N-no
#635 votes: 02014-11-07 17:52:22
< BonkBot> Translation: do not know why but I love this bonekin
#634 votes: 12014-11-04 18:33:14
< i7> do you know anything about Lansing?
< Tex> its the capitol
< i7> yeah I know it's the capitol and that's about it
< i7> small city, center of government, pretty average in just about everything else, so it seems
< General_Vagueness> it's pretty unremarkable, but that's kind of remarkable in itself
< General_Vagueness> almost everything I've heard about it paints it as exceedingly average, like above and beyond the call of mediocrity and normality
#633 votes: 02014-11-04 10:15:25
< TSDBot> Fear not, Guardians: I don't have the answers you seek
#632 votes: 02014-11-03 08:12:58
< Padderino> #engrish Fear not, Guardians: Although clearly the Xbox is going to increasingly become the ghetto platform
< BonkBot> Engrish: Don't be afraid, the guards: although clearly the Xbox gets more and more games for the platform
#631 votes: 02014-11-03 00:44:44
< Cody_Miller> hi
< Cody_Miller> I'm fucking gay as shit
< ~Schooly_D> impersonating other users is a ban-worthy offense
#630 votes: 12014-11-01 12:39:53
< Tex> Some punk-ass kids threw eggs at my car last night.
< ~Schooly_D> there's hope for america's youth after all
#629 votes: 22014-10-29 09:33:29
< kanboo> "And they're hyping their games!" he snarled witha sneer,
< kanboo> "Next month is MCC! It's practically here!"
< kanboo> Then he growled, with his warlock fingers nervously drumming,
< kanboo> "I MUST find some way to stop the Collection from coming!"
< kanboo> For November, he knew, all the HBO neckbeards and foxes,
< kanboo> Would wake bright and early. They'd rush to their Xboxes!
< kanboo> And then! Oh, the forge! The forge!
< kanboo> Forge! Forge! Forge!
< kanboo> That's the one thing he hated! The FORGE!
#628 votes: 12014-10-27 22:07:40
< Texorcist> Even though the stream is dead for me, I have a feeling I can still know where yall are in the show based off gv's live tweets

#627 votes: 02014-10-26 14:20:54
< TSDBot> But be wary, Guardians of our city: ‘In your darker moments, you will question whether humanity is really worth saving when it surrounds the war effort with this much red tape.’
#626 votes: 22014-10-22 23:14:42
< General_Vampire> I'd say Kenny G is the worst Schooly D impersonator
< General_Vampire> like, you got the name pattern down, you've got a memorable trait, but you just completely failed at everything else
#625 votes: 02014-10-22 14:05:20
< Padracula>
< Padracula> Star Wars Prequels edited into one 2 hour movie
< Yapokalypse> but is it a better movie
< Padracula> fluff cut, more coherent story
< Padracula> maybe
< Padracula> only one scene of Episode I seems to be in there
< Yapokalypse> sounds like a better movie to me
< Padracula> 8 minutes in, it's already better than Episode I
< Yapokalypse> excellent
< Padracula> fun fact: 8 minutes is all they kept from Episode I
#624 votes: 02021-10-26 23:54:22
#623 votes: 82014-10-22 10:10:57
< &Schooly_G> I want a life where I come home and have to tread carefully because I never know when or from where my red panda will jump on me playfully
< &Schooly_G> Then we'd play voot
< Schooly-B> did someone say voot?

#622 votes: 02014-10-21 14:35:12
< General_Vampire> can I just say I resent smartphones?
< General_Vampire> people are making some genuinely cool and even useful things and making them only for smartphones-- or worse, just one kind, or slightly better, for smartphones and tablets-- and leaving out regular computers
< kapoltergeist> such as?
< General_Vampire> I don't know off the top of my head
< kapoltergeist> cool story bro.
< Padracula> gym time
< Padracula> bbl creeps
< Yapokalypse> doho
< Yapokalypse> later
< kapoltergeist> o7
< Texorcist>
< Texorcist> on the flip side
< kanboo> GV, i dont think youll understand the real value of a smartphone if you sit at your computer all day
< Yapokalypse> ^
< kanboo> modern jetsetting men-about-town like us need to stay connected while we're on the go
< Nartferatu> dayummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
< Texorcist> That was a 4G LTE burn right there
< General_Vampire> I get the utility
< General_Vampire> I don't like the exlusivity
< Snipemare> Ripip gv
< Yapokalypse>
< Blunderwearbot-PY> Youtube: DAAAMMMMMMMMMMMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (0:00:03)
< General_Vampire> +c
-- Schooly_G has changed the topic for #tsd to "Team Schooly D IRC || GV status: blown the F U C K out"
< General_Vampire> really?
#621 votes: 02014-10-20 19:29:08
< Texorcist> .owlpls
< Texorcist> Nooio
< kanboo> s/oi/bu
< TSDBot> Texorcist meant to say: Nobuo
< Texorcist> I'm not hoooome
< TDSpiral> And is that US?
< hellmitre> s/not hoooome/homo
< TSDBot> Texorcist meant to say: I'm homo
* hellmitre snickers
< Texorcist> would have to be after seeing a pic of you
< hellmitre> >:(
< hellmitre> >:(
< BaneKin> same
< BaneKin> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
< hellmitre> oh god
< hellmitre> get that shit out of here
< hellmitre> also you literally slept with me so you've got that going for you
< scarehart> spicy
< hellmitre> thank you for the packages tarehart
< hellmitre> what does the 'based' prefix mean?
< kanboo> >hellwhiter
< kanboo> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
#620 votes: 12014-10-20 14:13:40
< kanboo> #engrish is that a fucking red panda
< BonkBot> Engrish: This is a fucking red panda
#618 votes: 02014-10-20 11:56:01
< hellmitre> i touch children... woooooo
#617 votes: 02014-10-19 13:18:35
< Texorcist> My bf is still going to wreck me
< Texorcist> and not in the way I want
#616 votes: 02014-10-15 06:33:15
< i7> holy shit game review publishers are corrupt news at 11
#615 votes: 12014-10-11 18:04:38
< BoneKin> heh, census agent came by
< BoneKin> 8pm on a fucking saturday
< BoneKin> told her I didn't have time, but really I'm just half drunk
< mechZNC> LOL
< BoneKin> also, I was in the middle of a boss fight in destiny. you can't pause, so I managed to run to a safe location before opening the door
< BoneKin> I doubt she missed the gunfire and fight music in the background
< BoneKin> :)
< mechZNC> Sounds more important then a consensus to me
< mechZNC> save the world > survey
< BoneKin> my favorite part is how the convo ended
< BoneKin> she asked for my name before leaving
< BoneKin> I said she should already have it, she's with the census
< BoneKin> her nervous laugh probably means she knows I'm going to be a problem
< mechZNC> hahaha
< mechZNC> thats too fucking good
#614 votes: 02014-10-11 15:48:33
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Fanfiction_txt @fanfiction_txt] SpongeDick SquareFuck (16 seconds ago) id=1936
#613 votes: 02014-10-09 09:56:04
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! I would never want to be in a CM-type position
#612 votes: 02014-10-08 10:25:35
< TDSpiral> Yeah, there’s a pony farm near my house
< TDSpiral> I walk by it all the time
< Paddy> s/walk/clop
< TSDBot> TDSpiral meant to say: I clop by it all the time
< TDSpiral> No pls
< Paddy> a stop n clop
#610 votes: 12014-10-06 21:36:30
* Schooly_D removes ban on *!*
* Schooly_D removes ban on *!*
< General_Vagueness> I was warned, and I thought--oh
* Schooly_D sets ban on *!*
#609 votes: 02014-10-06 18:20:24
< @hlmtre> what
< @hlmtre> a
< @hlmtre> fucking
< @hlmtre> day
< @hlmtre> i am in a terrible mood and downvoting all the reposts and shitty overdone meme references and >mfws
< @hlmtre> it's kind of cathartic
#608 votes: 02014-10-05 19:33:00
< hlmtre> upboats pls bonekin
#607 votes: 02014-10-04 20:42:57
< General_Vagueness> sorry, you can't have my sausage
#606 votes: 02014-10-03 12:08:09
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! dammit!
#605 votes: 02014-10-03 10:49:11
< kanbo> guy at work just asked if lisa frank was related to anne frank
#604 votes: 12014-10-02 23:05:25
< i7> when i have a son i want to make his middle name danger
< i7> so he can say "my middle name is danger" and then whip out his birth certificate or some shit
< Texbox> cute
< i7> no all of the girls are supposed to say "omg awesome you're so cool" not "cute" >:(
< i7> my poor son, how could you do this to him?
< Texbox> if only I was a girl
#603 votes: 02021-10-25 01:53:11
#602 votes: 22015-11-09 19:32:20
< i7> welding isn't hard physical work, unless it's overhead or in some weird position
< i7> but it's really mentally draining
< i7> it's like trying to speedrun a brain surgery in a hot, noisy kitchen while wearing a bucket over your head
#600 votes: 02014-10-02 11:00:27
< bhhorg> where'd bawk go
< @hlmtre> i don't know, bhhorg, i miss bawk too
< bhhorg> hlmtre, I miss neutral assault
< @hlmtre> that was a shitty gametype and you know it
#599 votes: 02014-10-02 10:59:15
< bhhorg> where'd bawk go
< @hlmtre> i don't know, bhhorg, i miss bawk too
#598 votes: 12014-10-01 10:36:41
< BoneKin> despite all his rage, he's still just Nicolas Cage
#596 votes: 32014-10-01 08:09:41
< @hlmtre> good morning, peons
< mechZNC> good morning dictator hlmtre
< @hlmtre> now bring me a sandwich
< @BoneKin> .bonk your sandwich
* pybot feeds your sandwich a knuckle sandwich
#595 votes: 02014-09-29 15:22:47
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! did you try turning it off and back on again?
#594 votes: 02014-09-29 14:53:28
< BingleChief> rekttttttt
#593 votes: 32014-09-29 13:01:02
< Paddy> buy low
< Paddy> sell low
< skeltoblast> where do you live schooly?
* BoneKin lets Paddy handle his money
* Paddy has made a terrible mistake
< Paddy> looks like you're
< Paddy> Bonkrupt
#592 votes: 02014-09-28 20:55:25
< General_Vagueness> I never quite got the appeal of porn games
< General_Vagueness> seems like too much concentration on a separate thing unless it's just "press the button now and then", which then makes it not worth being a game instead of a video
< General_Vagueness> I'm signed in, should I try to do something serious or is the risk of booting too high?
< General_Vagueness> he said, right before being booted
< General_Vagueness> like really, it just happened
< General_Vagueness> fucking
< General_Vagueness> why?
< General_Vagueness> why do this?
#591 votes: 02014-09-27 17:45:04
< TDSpiral> I should do the Nightfall now that I’m 28
< kanbo> s/do/solo
< TSDBot> TDSpiral meant to say: I should solo the Nightfall now that I’m 28
< TDSpiral> :)
< TDSpiral> :|
< TDSpiral> >:|
< TDSpiral> :(
< TDSpiral> :’(
< TDSpiral> >:’(
< TDSpiral> >:’O
< TDSpiral> :’)
< TDSpiral> My range of emotions playing Nightfall solo
#590 votes: 12014-09-26 13:39:28
< BoneKin> omg
< BoneKin> trying to remote into my dad's computer at work to look at how it's configured
< BoneKin> we gave him a pretty low end one to use temporarily while his laptop was out of commission earlier this year
< BoneKin> he ended up keeping the desktop and was complaining it's a bit slow
< BoneKin> he's got 15+ emails open, 9 word documents, 9 excel documents, internet with 10+ tabs open, a few PDF files, and miscellaneous other applications
< MechWork> Just in case he needs to get to something quickly
#589 votes: 22014-09-25 21:53:46
< DominoEffect> "Anime! The second worst thing Japan has done to America!"
#588 votes: 02014-09-25 21:39:42
< General_Vagueness> is this what it's like to care about your appearance?
< General_Vagueness> it looks exhausting
#587 votes: 02014-09-25 18:25:38
< bhhorg> so edgy u r luci
#586 votes: 82014-09-25 12:35:47
< i7> remember that paperclip faggot in microsoft word or whatever?
< BoneKin> clippy
< i7> what a little shithead
#585 votes: 12021-10-19 21:31:35
#584 votes: 12014-09-24 19:17:59
< General_Vagueness> at least this time I already explored the starting area
< General_Vagueness> .choose drop off this engram|not worth the time
< TSDBot> I don't always choose, but when I do, I choose 31
< General_Vagueness> wow
< BoneKin> .choose drop off this engram | not worth the time
< TSDBot> I don't always choose, but when I do, I choose drop off this engram
< General_Vagueness> .choose drop off this engram | not worth the time
< TSDBot> I don't always choose, but when I do, I choose Cooler Ranch
< General_Vagueness> =_=
< BoneKin> heh, good job tsdbot
< kanbo> huh
< kanbo> Hahaha
#583 votes: 12014-09-23 15:45:10
< MechWork> Well if she has been with him and they have a baby together isn't that basically married?
< MechWork> Excluding tax benefits
< MechWork> I really don't see the big deal in the whole thing
< MechWork> some dude in a tiny hat or collar says some stuff
#582 votes: 22014-09-23 10:19:14
< Texbux> Alright so, last night I had this dream.
< Texbux> We were all at some PAX-ish panel.
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Seth Payne @PayneNFL] Thoughts I had while @MikeMeltser and @McClain_on_NFL were discussing adult matters like investigations and such. (7 seconds ago) id=2256
< Texbux> Claude is there, mig is there, Laird is there being Laird
< Texbux> The whole peoples is there
< Yapok> sounds like a party
< Texbux> Demo of the game goes up
< Texbux> It's Schooly's Macross Rock Band idea where one person is a pilot and the singer's performance has a direct effect on his abilities
< Texbux> But for whatever reason he's walking around, up and down the aisle, handing out 'Schooly Was Right' pamphlets
< Texbux> Like, handwritten, personally addressed Jehovah's witness type pamphlets
< Texbux> and I hear Claude in the back go 'oh CMON'
< Texbux> and I wake up
#581 votes: 02014-09-23 09:02:54
< General_Vagueness> is it safe to play?
< General_Vagueness> Schroogle D
< General_Vagueness> .tsdtv play Samurai_Champloo 15
< &TSDBot> [TSDTV] NOW PLAYING: Samurai Champloo: SC-15 Bogus Booty [1280X720 BDRip] [] -- PREMIUM: -- POVERTY:
< General_Vagueness> it keeps stuttering...
< General_Vagueness > it's stuttering constantly
< &Schooly_G> Gv
< General_Vagueness> I don't have anything else going but a browser and I killed all my tabs
< General_Vagueness> yes
< &Schooly_G> You fucking idiot
< General_Vagueness> what?
< &Schooly_G> .tsdtv kill
< &TSDBot> The stream has been killed
< General_Vagueness> I asked you
< General_Vagueness> you said 6:00 would be fine, and I asked again to be safe and you didn't answer
< &Schooly_G> You typed Schroogle D
< General_Vagueness> oh it's past 7:00 even
< &Schooly_G> How the fuck is that going to beep me
< &Schooly_G> It's only past 7 in your time zone
< General_Vagueness> firstly, why would it not? secondly, you run this chat, it's not fault you weren't looking at it
< General_Vagueness> well what did you think I meant?
< &Schooly_G> Next time if you're trying to get a hold of me, try a name that's in the chat
< &Schooly_G> Why would it not beep me?
< &Schooly_G> You're really asking why "Schroogle D" doesn't beep me?
< &Schooly_G> I can think of like 8 fucking reasons it wouldn't
< General_Vagueness> I mean what did you think I meant by 6:00 or 7:00?
< &Schooly_G> Time zone mishaps happen, but you should have waited for me to clear you given that I told you not to use it
< &Schooly_G> Specifically
< General_Vagueness> (and you use schroogle all the time, it would make sense for you to add that to your highlight list, but I didn't exactly expect it to work, no)
< &Schooly_G> I use Schroogle as a fucking VERB
< &Schooly_G> I've never used it as my handle
< General_Vagueness> well I don't keep track of your nicks, and that doesn't mean no one will call you that
< &Schooly_G> And if you're trying to get a hold of me, beep something in the chat or, here's a thought, PM
-- Mode #tsd [+b General_Vagueness!*@*] by Schooly_G
< &Schooly_G> And remember rule 5
< NartFOpc> Schroogle D
< kanbo> For someone who enters and exits conversations at will like you do GV, you sure had low expectations for how long it should take him to respond
#580 votes: 02014-09-23 11:55:48
< hlmtre> BONK BINK BANK
< i7> did you do that?
< bhhorg> we did terrible
< hlmtre> yes he did
< i7> oh okay
< BoneKin> it's ZNC on the second server
< hlmtre> bhhorg is super talkative
< bhhorg> hey bhhorg is in a talkative mood
< hlmtre> yes.
< BoneKin> just waiting for you to connect to it and take over before I shut down the first one
< i7> kk
< hlmtre> .qdb bonk bink bank | bhhorg is in a talkative mood
< pybot> QDB submission successful!
< bhhorg> somebody already submitted the bhhorg is super talkative
< hlmtre> what the fuck
< BoneKin> lololol
#579 votes: 02023-12-02 20:42:51
< hlmtre> BONK BINK BANK
< i7> did you do that?
< bhhorg> we did terrible
< hlmtre> yes he did
< i7> oh okay
< BoneKin> it's ZNC on the second server
< hlmtre> bhhorg is super talkative
< bhhorg> hey bhhorg is in a talkative mood
#578 votes: 02014-09-22 14:50:16
< TSDBot> Fear not, Guardians: apparently there is literally zero challenge or danger
#577 votes: 22014-09-22 11:58:12
< General_Vagueness> >Tex with the dog spam
< Texbux> You can't see it, but I'm motioning for you to suck a dick.
< Paddy> I hear it will pass the house
< Paddy> but it may have trouble in the senate
< Texbux> Filibuster-nut that shit
#576 votes: 12014-09-22 10:14:01
< General_Vagueness> I guess he is a good troll after all because I can't tell if he's stupid, deluded, or trolling
#575 votes: 42014-09-22 09:11:32
< General_Vagueness> .choose j|n
< •TSDBot> I choose null
< General_Vagueness> ...
< General_Vagueness> .choose thing|stuff
< •TSDBot> I don't always choose, but when I do, I choose null
< General_Vagueness> yep, it's broken
< Texbux> .choose work for Tex|work for GV
< •TSDBot> I don't always choose, but when I do, I choose work for Tex
< Texbux> AYYY
< •BoneKin> lel
#574 votes: 02014-09-19 17:56:23
< General_Vagueness> Internet says yes, Webster's says no
< Paddy> .choose Internet|Webster's
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardian! The holders of the ancient ways have chosen Internet
< Paddy> ayyy
< kanbo> ayy
< General_Vagueness> ay
#573 votes: 32014-09-19 15:32:58
< bhhorg> makes maximum noise when handling bars, plates, doors, anything going on and explain how apple trees are the same area, not a fan of dmrs so far I have been
< MechWork> y'know I was thinking that exact thing
#572 votes: 02014-09-17 14:23:49
< TDSpiral> Can anyone get me in contact with Waka Flocka for the blunt roller position? I’m not really qualified, but it doesn’t sound too difficult to learn
< Texbux> Just say you live in WA
< Texbux> hired
< kanbo> you should probably practice first, though
< kanbo> or youre gonna find yourself waka flocka fired
#571 votes: 12014-09-16 20:34:02
* General_Vagueness puts on his kanbowizard robe and tarehat
< Paddy> thank god gv killed them and made their skins into an outfit
#570 votes: 02014-09-16 11:40:27
< UnrealChief> So what I can see
< UnrealChief> *from what...
< UnrealChief> These raids ruin friendships
< Paddy> the way God intended
#569 votes: 02014-09-16 09:39:06
< MechWork> I got a speeding ticket in a school zone this morning =(
< BoneKin> :(
< hlmtre> eeeeeeesh
< BoneKin> you just rejoined, hlmtre
< hlmtre> mechwork
< hlmtre> how much is it gonna be, MechWork?
< hlmtre> BoneKin: my client didn't think it had disco'd, so i had to manually disco/reco
< MechWork> They dont put it on the ticket anymore
< MechWork> I have to wait 3 days to check it online =(
< MechWork> STUPID
< BoneKin> wow that's dumb
< MechWork> I was going 20 in a 15 apparently
< BoneKin> that's even dumber
< hlmtre> what
< MechWork> I was going the same speed as the people in front of me
< hlmtre> they pulled you over for driving 20 miles an hour?
< MechWork> yes
< hlmtre> i fucking hate that
< hlmtre> you're going flow of traffic speed and they pick out a random car to ticket
< MechWork> Its gonna be at least a 200 dollar ticket
< hlmtre> fuck
< hlmtre> that
< hlmtre> shit
#568 votes: 12014-09-15 21:22:14
< General_Vagueness> >watching anime
< General_Vagueness> >subbed, even
< General_Vagueness> >reading /v/
< General_Vagueness> I am become weeaboo, baka of worlds
#566 votes: 02014-09-14 20:38:00
< General_Vagueness> am I racist or was she literally on The Cosby Show?
#565 votes: 02014-09-14 18:06:45
< Texbux> Yo is that CPK
< NartFOpc> Camelot Pizza Kitchen?
#564 votes: 02014-09-12 17:36:10
< General_Vagueness> my 360 sounds like it's shifting gears
< General_Vagueness> that's good, right?
#563 votes: 42014-09-12 17:07:38
-!- I_Love_Anime_29942 [] has joined #tsd
< I_Love_Anime_29942> why was I banned?
-!- I_Love_Anime_29942 [] has quit [Client exited]
< &Schooly_G> You keep dropping in and out and it's impossible to have a conversation with you because you do shit like go afk right after joining
< &Schooly_G> ...
#562 votes: 12014-09-09 18:16:40
< kanbo> tarehart, you cuold work backwards in this situation, but other situations would just get a false positive still
< hlmtre> as opposed to oldest thing it finds that matches, we'd do newest
< kanbo> the main issue being that there isn't a way to make it perfect
< hlmtre> neither is really that great
< hlmtre> what kanbo said
< kanbo> its especially hard if you're trying to match on a line with a single word
< hlmtre> what kanbo said
< kanbo> i am smart and handsome
< kanbo> ...hlmtre plz
#561 votes: 02014-09-09 18:11:42
< kanbo> haha
< kanbo> youre excited
< kanbo> you fucking loser
< Paddy> ~
#560 votes: 02014-09-08 19:01:06
< TSDBot> Last week on "Real Housewives of Bellevue":
< TSDBot> < snepe> Needs in what sense? To succeed, or to be good???
< TSDBot> < kanbu> is there forge???
< TSDBot> < Schaoly-G> I've got bad news for you kanbo...
< TSDBot> Tonight's episode: "Paddy's Big Goodbye"
#558 votes: 12014-09-08 11:38:56
< Schooly-G> Damn
< Schooly-G> Collateral tom cruise would make a good cosplay
< Schooly-G> Maybe next year
< kanbo> s/y/b
< TSDBot> Schooly-G meant to say: Mabbe next bear
< kanbo> see, i told myself i would stop
< kanbo> and then i didnt
< Schooly-G> s/Collateral tom cruise/a fucking bear
< TSDBot> Schooly-G meant to say: a fucking bear would make a good cosplay
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [NFL Philosophy @NFLosophy] PR 101: Anyone who wants to break NFL-related bad news, do it now. It will go largely unnoticed due to much larger story. (1 second ago) id=4592
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> Schooly-Actual, TSD Top Brass gives you clearance to use "A Fucking Bear"
< kanbo> a fuckbear
< General_Vagueness> who told you about the fuckbears?
#557 votes: 02014-09-07 22:54:04
< Duncan> is there a way to set a password for nicks or is it just the wild west in here
< BoneKin> yeah, there's a way
< BoneKin> I forget what it is
< BoneKin> but there's a way
< TSDBot> [DBO Forum] (34416) Avateur -- Destiny Gets Day One Patch to Version 1.02 --
< Schooly_D> /msg nickserv register [password] [email]
< BoneKin> this is why schooly gave me hops
< BoneKin> so I could be helpful and shit
< Schooly_D> I gave you hops specifically so you could bring rets back
< BoneKin> >implying the dead can be brought back
< BoneKin> by which I mean I saw him talking on hlmtre's server 2 days ago
< Paddy> night all
< BoneKin> night
< Paddy> hope I don't miss ippo tomorrow
< Paddy> we'll see how this all pans out
< Duncan> msg nickserv register #1bieberf@n
#556 votes: 12014-09-07 21:29:12
< General_Vagueness> I shouldn't have been so specific and direct
#555 votes: 02014-09-07 21:00:23
#554 votes: 02014-09-07 11:52:16
-- mechmast1r48 has changed their nick to FrazzleBazzleDingleBall
< FrazzleBazzleDingleBall> No more one in my name
< hlmtre> um
#553 votes: 02014-09-07 11:51:36
< Cody_Miller> "siri, I need directions to gidley street"
< Cody_Miller> misheard as "I need directions to getlaid
< Cody_Miller> and she listed a bynch of escort services
#552 votes: 02014-09-06 23:14:00
< TSDBot> < Tixbux> Delicious long "sandwiches"
#551 votes: 02014-09-06 18:18:05
< General_Vagueness> and that's all I have to say
#550 votes: 02014-09-06 13:08:10
< Schooly_D> and I'd like everyone to hear me out before interjecting
< Schooly_D> we are lucky to have marty show up here
< Schooly_D> marty **IS NOT** showing up here because he's interested in us
< Schooly_D> he comes here because (1) he likes the attention, and (2) occasional other things, like looking for pics or bungie party info
< Schooly_D> ** marty is in control **
< Schooly_D> we need to accomodate HIM, not the other way around
< Schooly_D> trying to get the scoop with questions like "hey what's your personal opinion on this contentious issue that I really want to know?" is not how you keep him engaged and coming back
< Schooly_D> it's like chatting up a girl for the first time: you talk about shit SHE wants to talk about
-- Tex has changed their nick to PPFFFT
< Schooly_D> the lullaby or whatever else (usually stuff centered around him), etc
< Schooly_D> when marty joins, just accept that, for now, we are here for HIM, not the other way around. stop trying to get the scoop
< Schooly_D> it's extremely unlikely, but it could happen that if he likes being here enough, he could become a semi-regular visitor
< Schooly_D> after which time he'd be more likely to divulge info, put up with our shit, or both
< Schooly_D> in summation: when marty joins, (1) be cool, (2) talk about shit he wants to talk about
#549 votes: 02021-10-10 07:29:52
#548 votes: 02014-09-05 18:32:33
< Schooly_G> Some guy who designs campaign levels left 343i
< Schooly_G> Future so bright, gotta wear shades
#547 votes: 12014-09-05 15:04:26
< FrazzleBazzleDingleBall> im bored
< hlmtre> i'm working on teh ability to update qdb quotes
< hlmtre> so i or bonekin can fix typos and poor formatting
< hlmtre> AS FATHER
< hlmtre> AND BONE-SON
< hlmtre> UM
< hlmtre> um
< FrazzleBazzleDingleBall> um
< FrazzleBazzleDingleBall> MY NAME IS TOO DAM LONG
#546 votes: 02014-09-08 09:59:38
-- mechmast1r48 has changed their nick to FrazzleBazzleDingleBall
< FrazzleBazzleDingleBall> No more one in my name
< @hlmtre> um
#545 votes: 02014-09-06 15:07:43
#544 votes: 52014-09-05 16:03:31
< @hlmtre> oh, by the way guys
< @hlmtre> we're going to have some downtime this afternoon
< @hlmtre> new comcast line
< @BoneKin> k
< MechWork> k
< @hlmtre> k
< @hlmtre> GASP
< @BoneKin> FG: RACIST
#543 votes: 02014-09-04 08:16:59
< BonkBot> >A real American's favorite Halo level of all time is Assault On The Control Room in Halo: Combat Evolved.
#542 votes: 02014-09-03 08:57:50
< -- Paddy has quit ( (Too many invalid passwords))
#541 votes: 02014-09-02 23:24:12
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! I'm just Dustin echoes
#540 votes: 02014-09-02 19:20:33
< TSDBot> Last time, on a very special "Slappy Days":
< TSDBot> < Schooly_G> I'll still be playing 2v2 BG CTF
< TSDBot> < Texbox> yeah!!
< TSDBot> < kapowaz> bud light: the ultimate truth serum...
< TSDBot> Tonight's episode: "The Mystery of DeeJ"
#539 votes: 02014-09-01 20:23:46
< TSDBot> The spirits and specters from our bygone era of prosperity remind us: ayyy
#538 votes: 02014-08-31 02:06:03
< General_Vagueness> so I saw Bungie tweeted about the slow walkers shirt
< General_Vagueness> which is kind of a relief, now I have an excuse not to buy it
#537 votes: 02014-08-29 13:51:32
< General_Vagueness> oh wow, games on one of the most popular Halo maps ever, let me get my heart medication
#536 votes: 02014-08-28 14:09:02
< TSDBot> The scribes of our city, stewards of the lost knowledge from our Golden Age, have uncovered a mysterious tome whose pages are all empty but for one mysterious line: "#battlebonk"
#535 votes: 22014-08-26 13:19:00
< willfro> car, y u no start
< MechWork> science
< BoneKin> PT Snoozer
#534 votes: 02014-08-25 20:44:08
< BonkBot> "Dude, that totally obese guy is husky, though not obese."
#532 votes: 32014-08-25 14:17:00
< General_Vagueness> man, Kermit is just not getting it in this thread
< Tex> imagine what that must feel like
#531 votes: 02014-08-24 23:01:16
< Blunderwearbot-PY> Sheeeiiiiittttt. Stone Cold's told status: [X] STONE TOLD STEVE AUSTIN
#530 votes: 22014-08-24 20:28:39
< TSDBot> Last week on "#tsd":
< TSDBot> < ZackDark> i have no idea!!
< TSDBot> < NartFOpc> use some imagination, Schooly!!
< TSDBot> < kanbo> what an incredible story...
< TSDBot> Tonight's episode: "Dr. GV, PhD, although I guess if he was a medical doctor he wouldn't have a PhD? Or maybe they can, I don't know. I know he'd be called "Dr." though. I think they should make that clearer, like in the dictionary or wherever they spell things out like that. But I guess it wouldn't be an English thing it'd be a medical licensing and terminology thing? Uuuuuuugggggghhhh it's already so late and I was supposed to go to bed 23 minutes ago but then t
#529 votes: 12014-08-24 07:13:34
< i7> the other day we ate sausages
< i7> with poppy seed bread
< i7> i kept waking up and falling asleep
< i7> and stumbling all over like i was drunk
< i7> it was really hot, so i went outside
< i7> and went to sleep on the tailgate of my truck
#528 votes: 02014-08-22 19:55:33
< BonkBot1> "Bungie has been making video games for almost ten years, though never completeing a project."
#527 votes: 02014-08-22 10:32:13
< TSDBot> Last time, on a very special "Team Schooly D: Internet Relay Chat":
< TSDBot> < BonkBot> "DeeJ has been designing websites since 2003."??
< TSDBot> < kapowaz> Half right
< TSDBot> < Schooly_G> So that's definitely happening. Maybe it'll come in on Friday and we'll be fine!!
< TSDBot> < kapowaz> get in whilst you still can!??
< TSDBot> < Schooly_HQ> no one ever gave me a chance...
#526 votes: 02014-08-21 20:06:45
< TSDBot> Last time, on a very special "Survivor: TSDIRC":
< TSDBot> < tarehart> but I'll reserve judgement
< TSDBot> < BonkBot> ~ZACKDARK FACT #4700~
< TSDBot> < Texbox> just trying to get an idea of how much cleavage is acceptable !!
< TSDBot> < Paddy> I don't wanna do it...
#525 votes: 12014-08-21 18:51:37
< BonkBot> Schooly_D is husky, though not obese.
#524 votes: 02014-08-21 18:09:55
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! Release from my mouth, my laughter and >muh sides
#523 votes: 12014-08-21 17:46:01
< NartFOpc> Kek 'em kek 'em gotta kek 'em all
< NartFOpc> Gotta kek 'em all, Pokekmon
< NartFOpc> I'll kek across the land
< NartFOpc> Lel far and wide
< NartFOpc> Release from my mouth, my laughter and >muh sides
#522 votes: 02014-08-21 13:15:29
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> GV, please inform snipe of dick metrics
< General_Vagueness> in fact, it is
< General_Vagueness> well metric is very simple, really
< General_Vagueness> it's all powers of 10
< kapowaz> it's the bandwidth, not the frequency
< BoneKin> everyone get out your measuring tapes
< snipe> Gv, I need you to kill padraig
* Paddyfly_in_the_Sky tips
#521 votes: 22014-08-20 21:17:25
< hlmtre> boom
< hlmtre> comment the test!
< hlmtre> that fixes it.
< kanbo> im learning so muc
#520 votes: 22014-08-20 21:05:36
< hlmtre> but i'm both an OK programmer and durnk
#519 votes: 02015-01-21 10:25:11
< ZackDark> #battlebonk Cody_Miller
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 100% of Cody_Miller's clonkers are not recognizable anymore by ZackDark's Tumblr Mercenaries
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: UNBONKINGBELIEVABLE
< ZackDark> boom
< Cody_Miller> Was I just owned
< ZackDark> we don't know yet
< ZackDark> battlebonk me back
< Cody_Miller> #battlebonk ZackDark
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 17% of ZackDark's clonkers were made just... just a mess by Cody_Miller's Hydrogen powered chest blimps
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: Dark Side of the Clonk
< ZackDark> yes
< ZackDark> by orders of magnitude
< NartFOpc> BONKED
< NartFOpc> THE
< NartFOpc> FUCK
< NartFOpc> OUT
< Cody_Miller> chest blimps
#517 votes: 02014-08-20 13:01:33
< TSDBot> < Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> are you familiar with where this is going kanbink?
< TSDBot> That doesn't really sound like something I'd like
< General_Vagueness> that actually helped
#516 votes: 02014-08-20 08:46:09
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> it's a storytime
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> yes
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> soon muh bro
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> soon
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> wait it was 2 PAX's ago
< TDSpiral> 2012? I’m down to hear
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> ok
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> it's 2012
< TDSpiral> So it is
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> my bro NsU had been off and on XBL for months
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> soul searching, working, etc.
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> but
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> he would sometimes be logged
< TDSpiral> s/soul/hole
< TSDBot> Paddyfly_in_the_Sky meant to say: hole searching, working, etc.
* Paddyfly_in_the_Sky tips
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> but it wasn't him
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> enter TheIrony
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> his friend theIrony
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> was enamored with HBO and HBOpeople
< TDSpiral> Thelrony or TheIrony?
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> so NsU would keep telling him to post on the forum
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> make friends
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> et
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> etc
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> but he would either post litely or not at all
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> fine
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> he would play during customs and coop nights here and there
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> I heard a few times I wasn't there he was kinda annoying
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> but nothing unforgivable
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> except when he heard I was coming to pax that year
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> he would keep messaging me
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> "Can't wait to see you at PAX"
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> like every week
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> it stopped being cute
< TDSpiral> Jesu
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> I was afraid he killed NsU, wore his skin, and was luring me to PAX to kill me too
< kanbo> oh yeah i remember theirony
< Yapok> pfft
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> are you familiar with where this is going kanbink?
< kanbo> ive been in a similar situation with him
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> kek
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> so PAXtime
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> NsU has always been 50/50 on HBO stuff
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> I don't think he wants the attention, so he's not 100% HBO events like I was
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> which is fine
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> but Irony
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> he is all about HBO
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> without being HBO
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> so we all find invites to the Halo 4 screening/ playtime at Microsoft
* TDSpiral coughs
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> my buddy Tom and NsU want to do concerts
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> we split ways, with mutual understanding
< TDSpiral> s/we all/we all except kanbro :’(
< TSDBot> Paddyfly_in_the_Sky meant to say: so we all except kanbro :’( find invites to the Halo 4 screening/ playtime at Microsoft
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> Irony asks NsU where I am
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> he says some secret Halo thing
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> his eyes get all big
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> "Where at?"
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> "I don't know"
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> "Also, you weren't like invited"
< kapowaz> .catchup
< TSDBot> On last week's "#tsd":
< TSDBot> < kapowaz> what community is that???
< TSDBot> < Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> if I get home early, we can start early??
< TSDBot> < kapowaz> at Frontier???
< TSDBot> < Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> his friend theIrony...
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> "Hmmm, just trying to see where it is"
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> kinda pushing it
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> so the next day
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> it's the HBO dinner at the one bar's basement
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> Tom and NsU come with me for the beginning
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> they split for concerts early
< TDSpiral> The Elephant Room or whatevs?
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> no, it was like...
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> hmmm
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> alibi room?
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> either way
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> Irony wants to stay
< TDSpiral>
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> so they leave
< TDSpiral> Close enough
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> Irony stays
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> talks to me/Kermit
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> we're really the only people who know him
< TDSpiral> Was he right next to you at the long table?
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> I think so...
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> anyway
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> I start chatting up other people
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> hours later
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> I begin to wonder where Irony went
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> he just kinda slipped under my radar
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> I was also trying to avoid cling, because of the aftforementioned messages
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> so, I kinda ignore it
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> he's a free man, he can do as he pleases
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> night starts wrapping up
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> people start leaving
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> somebody finds a pax badge
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> unattended
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> dan and grim try to figure out who's it is
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> they start saying, "start calling people who left"
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> going at lengths to help peeps find their badge
< TDSpiral> Wasn’t PAX over at that point?
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> then a thought shoots into my head
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> it was saturday night
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> one more day
< Schooly_HQ> are we in the middle of another story time
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> yes
< Schooly_HQ> who called this in?
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> I did
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> selfed
< TDSpiral> I ordered this in as well
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> so, I call it out, "I know who's it is"
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> I grab it, make sure to assure them victory
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> try calling tom and nsu
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> no answer
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> concerts and all
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> so I leave and head for the concerts
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> NsU was a little weirded out
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> then Tom told me Irony texted him
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> that apparently
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> he left the badge there for me to have
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> but never told me
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> or anyone
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> in reality
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> he got up and left and dumped his badge
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> Idk if to signify he was done with PAX or to communicate dissatisifaction
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> but he clearly didn't want to talk to me like a human being about it
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> as soon as Tom stated he left it there
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> NsU sighed
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> apparently Irony gets like this and is uber passive aggressive
< TDSpiral> Jeeeeeeeebs
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> according to NsU, he was upset peeps weren't treating him like HBO royalty for posting maybe once and not engaging the community
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> and not getting invited to 343
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> etc
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> essentially, being a bitch about it
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> so, since he left
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> we pawned his badge for swag money
< Yapok> lol
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> a winner was me
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> and since then, Irony defriended me on XBL and muted me
< Yapok> what a butt lol
< TDSpiral> What a child
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> only reason I even knew was cause he couldn't hear me in the party weeks later
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> yea
< kanbo> That was like
< kanbo> A 25 minutes story
< TDSpiral> I’m interested to hear kanbo’s similar experience
< Paddyfly_in_the_Sky> that is the end of this tale of epic entitlement and failing social situations at even a base level
#515 votes: 02014-08-19 19:39:02
< TSDBot> Previously on "Team Schooly D IRC":
< TSDBot> < snipe> More like durrrandal, amirite
< TSDBot> < kapowaz> well I definitely am with you on that one!!
< TSDBot> < kapowaz> But will they consider the campaign a success or not?
< TSDBot> < snipe> Mmmm
< TSDBot> < General_Vagueness> I didn't realize it had been three minutes, to be fair...
#514 votes: 02014-08-19 18:41:08
< ZackDark> and znite is...?
< ZackDark> i mean, i've played tons with him
#513 votes: 02014-08-19 04:10:42
< i7> that's the second time this show has referred to lucifer as luci
< Lucifer7> n spooky n^2 me
< Lucifer7> what show
< i7> supernatural
< Lucifer7> oh
< Lucifer7> i guess i should watch more of that show
< i7> how far have you watched?
< Lucifer7> 2 episodes
#512 votes: 02014-08-18 21:46:16
< General_Vagueness> does Japan have any notable lakes?
< General_Vagueness> I never thought about it before
< kanbo> yes, the pacific ocean
< Paddy> ummm
< Schooly_D> gv pls
< Schooly_D> just watch
< Paddy> yes
< General_Vagueness> it seems weird to have a country with no significant lakes
#511 votes: 12014-08-18 12:58:34
< hlmtre> hehe, messing with the past is fun
< TDSpiral> s/e/a
< TSDBot> hlmtre meant to say: haha, massing with tha past is fun
< Grizzlei> You're playing with shit you shouldn't be messing with, hlmtre.
< TDSpiral> s/i/u
< TSDBot> Grizzlei meant to say: You're playung wuth shut you shouldn't be messung wuth, hlmtre.
< BoneKin> s/e/oo/hlmtre
< Texbox> Its like no one saw Butterfly Effect
< TSDBot> hlmtre meant to say: hoohoo, moossing with thoo past is fun
< hlmtre> wow
< Texbox> s/past/pasta/hlmtre
< TSDBot> hlmtre meant to say: hehe, messing with the pasta is fun
#510 votes: 32015-01-21 10:26:17
< Paddy> live by the bonk
< Paddy> die by the bonk
< hlmtre> #battlebonk Paddy
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 100% of Paddy's clonkers were judged by hlmtre's Weaponized Dubstep
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: UNBONKINGBELIEVABLE
< hlmtre> OH
< hlmtre> MY
< hlmtre> FUCKING
< hlmtre> GOD
< Paddy> i
< tarehart> whoa
< Paddy> I' dead
< Paddy> #battlebonk hlmtre
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 29% of hlmtre's clonkers were made to understand their fate by Paddy's Vaguemind
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: bonks all around
< Paddy> nope
< Paddy> goodbye world
#509 votes: 12014-08-17 18:58:09
< kapowaz> you understand English, Nart?
< kapowaz> or are you just wilfully sense?
#508 votes: 12014-08-17 18:57:59
< Schooly_D> I'm dumb
#506 votes: 12014-08-16 20:31:12
< Schooly_D> it's kind of depressing that in a few years people will nostalgia over Halo 4
< Nomi> who would do that
#504 votes: 32014-08-15 19:26:40
< kanbo> hes learning
< Schooly_G> s/ferry/bury
< TSDBot> Doc meant to say: Can't bury the Perry
< Doc> meant to say: skinflute status: revved
#503 votes: 02014-08-15 14:35:03
< &Schooly_G> Korny just never gives up
< kapowaz> he's like the Rick Astley of DBO
#502 votes: 12014-08-14 20:23:09
< BoneKin> .weather 63127
< Blunderwearbot-PY> Saint Louis, MO: Mostly Cloudy, 72.1 F (22.3 C), 75% humidity
< NartFOpc> what about the percent chance of riots?
#501 votes: 02014-08-14 16:42:04
< TSDBot> The scribes of our city, stewards of the lost knowledge from our Golden Age, have uncovered a mysterious tome whose pages are all empty but for one mysterious line: "BonkBot will return"
#500 votes: 02014-08-14 13:38:48
< Schooly_G> Can I get the most recent Cody argument in a nutshell
< Tex> something about drums
< UnrealChief>
< Tex> and grinding
< Paddy> I have the PAX packs
< Paddy> and
< Paddy> that's it I think
< Grizzlei> Who would grind against... oh, you mean grinding in video games.
< Schooly_G> Another day, another isnotcanon joke by unreal
< UnrealChief> Bring those Paddy
< Paddy> same diff
< Paddy> you gotta spend a lot of time and effort to get something you want
< kanbo> grinding for TSD rep is a full time job
< Tex> yeah, Grizzlei
< Tex> if it were any other kind we'd know by now
< Grizzlei> Yeah, I don't know why I asked. :P
< Schooly_G> .deej
< TSDBot> But be wary, Guardians of our city:
< Schooly_G> God fucking damn it
< Yapok> haha
< kanbo> unreal
< kanbo> show schooly the door
* UnrealChief shows Schooly_G the door
< Paddy> top kek Unreal
< kanbo> get this hothead outta here
#499 votes: 02014-08-13 22:36:25
< Paddy> nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY journey7
< Paddy> fuck
< Paddy> no
< Paddy> nooooooooooooooooooooo
< Paddy> I am fool
< Paddy> how does change ps
< UnrealChief> /ns ghost Paddy journey7
< UnrealChief> Seriously though
< UnrealChief> /ns set password journey8
#498 votes: 02014-08-13 17:27:03
< Schooly_G> The only thing keeping snipe from being another schooly is that he never made it into the pantheon of HBO players
< Schooly_G> He was close. But he never quite made it
< kanbo> another schooly?
< kanbo> is he a pretty good player?
< Schooly_G> He's good
< Schooly_G> His opinions on multiplayer should be listened to
#497 votes: 12014-08-13 16:55:51
< Tex> wow
< Tex> so ghost much coast
< &Schooly_G> The block has always stuck around for legacy reasons
< &Schooly_G> It was the first ever tsdtv scheduled block
< &Schooly_G> And it's never let us down
< Tex> its what got us banned from twitch
< &Schooly_G> Shush
#496 votes: 12014-08-12 16:42:52
< i7> schooly, check out this maryana naumova
< i7> undoubtedly strong little girl, but, that benching form...
< &Schooly_G> If you're talking about whom I think you're talking about, I know exactly whom you're talking about
< &Schooly_G> -Schooly D, 2014
#495 votes: 02014-08-11 16:59:58
< Schooly_D> does anyone else with marty was here
< Paddy> always carry around a 40
< Schooly_D> wish
< Victory_Lap> Yes
< Paddy> I with marty was here
< General_Vagueness> it's over, Schooly
< kanbo> Reck and Marty
< Texbox> I bet Marty wishes he was here
< Victory_Lap> Dammit Kap
< Texbox> Rekt and marty
#494 votes: 02015-01-21 10:27:06
< Rupert_Murdock> #battlebonk Ted_Danson
< BonkBot1> Battlebonk results: 4% of Ted_Danson's clonkers are currently in bite sized chunks scattered to the wind by Rupert_Murdock's MAKUROSU
< BonkBot1> Battlebonk Status: Whadda ya gonna do, drop a bonk on me?
< Rupert_Murdock> no
< Ted_Danson> You can
< Ted_Danson> You can’t bonk the Danson
< Rupert_Murdock> Ted, be reasonable
< Ted_Danson> #battlebonk Rupert_Murdock
< BonkBot1> Battlebonk results: 66% of Rupert_Murdock's clonkers were slammed, jammed, thank you maamd by Ted_Danson's Invisibrutes
< BonkBot1> Battlebonk Status: Samurai Bonk
< Rupert_Murdock> nooooooooooooooooooooo
-- Rupert_Murdock has changed their nick to Paddy
< Ted_Danson> Ted_Danson stands victor
#493 votes: 02014-08-06 16:31:19
< hlmtre> myahahaha
< hlmtre> my thingerdoodle works
#492 votes: 12014-08-05 20:04:14
< &Schooly_G> >go to Laredo for a week and a half
< &Schooly_G> >eat like shit, drink a lot
< &Schooly_G> >lose 4 pounds
< &Schooly_G> >TDSpiral. bmp
< kanbo> they call that TDFever
< i7> >yfw it was 4 pounds of muscle
< kanbo> >lose 8 pounds of muscle, gain 4 pounds of fat
< &Schooly_G> >4 pounds of organs
< &Schooly_G> Fucking Mexicans
#491 votes: 12014-08-05 18:30:41
< Doc> show ZD appreciation
#490 votes: 12014-08-05 18:30:40
< Paddy> Doc, show ZD the way out
< Doc> show ZD appreciation
< ZackDark> love you too, Doc
< Doc> love you long time. Ten dolla.
< Paddy> fuck
< ZackDark> boom
#489 votes: 02014-08-05 11:25:22
< Doc> X gon give it to her since I can read. I have someone on my glasses, just when I'm playing with them being done this tomorrow, or rearranged things and I suddenly realised that I mean
#488 votes: 02014-08-04 21:13:12
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! guardians of the galaxy
#487 votes: 02014-08-04 19:22:22
< Doc> X gon give it 9.5/10
#486 votes: 02014-08-04 12:08:58
< Doc> thanks for the future holds; I flubbed last week, and there was some "Oh no let's do this." Sonic started the clonker engine at destination maximum
#484 votes: 12021-10-06 00:07:50
#483 votes: 02014-07-31 12:15:16
< TDSpiral> Alright, I’m about to make a dumb post on HBO
[15:10] < Paddio> what about?
[15:10] < Yapok> uh oh
[15:11] < &TSDBot> [HBO News] (40520) Louis Wu -- Master Chief Goes to the Airport --
[15:11] < Doc> [HBO News] (40514) Louis Wu -- The Darkness! --
[15:11] < Paddio> how cool the hbo image slider is
[15:11] < TDSpiral>
[15:11] < Paddio> wow
[15:12] < Paddio> I didn't think a pun could physically hurt me
[15:12] < Paddio> I was wrong
[15:12] < TDSpiral> I told you it was dumb
[15:12] < Grizzlei> Uhh, I'm pretty sure I noticed Locke too. In many ways. This is a fake.
[15:13] < Paddio> lel
[15:13] < General_Vagueness> man how far behind am I on HBO? besides the stuff before E3
[15:14] < Paddio> Deej, how did you get scooped on announcing the locke egg?
[15:14] < Paddio> .deej
[15:14] < &TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! that's impressive
[15:14] < TDSpiral> You’re god damn right
#482 votes: 52014-07-30 18:21:25
< Paddy> ooga chaka
< Paddy> ooga chaka
< Paddy> ooga ooga ooga chaka
< Paddy> I call on you BonkBot!
*** Quits: BonkBot(Connection reset by peer)
#481 votes: 02014-07-30 13:31:38
< TSDBot> The spirits and specters from our bygone era of prosperity remind us: Here at Bungie we've informed our design process by playing MMOs incorrectly
#480 votes: 02014-07-30 11:39:13
< Paddio> Doc, get off the bus
< Doc> get off on arguing about it just seems like a five minute mission
< kanbo> Doc gets off on arguing
< Doc> gets off on how many people ive seen killing themselves with the Traveler
#478 votes: 02014-07-29 21:12:00
< Schooly_D> jesus
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 9% of Thunderclese's clonkers were completely decimated by Paddy's The Clonkening
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: Whadda ya gonna do, drop a bonk on me?
< Thunderclese> Paddy: My thoughts drift back to erect nipple wet dreams about mary jane rottencrotch and the seven-year-itch!
< Thunderclese> BonkBot, You climb obstacles like old people fuck. Do you think i'm funny?
< General_Vagueness> I was going to start already but the beta happened and also I'm awful at making time for things and remembering them
< Schooly_D> I'm gonna help you out tarehart
< Paddy> damn
< Yapok> bwaha
< tarehart> thanks man
< Yapok> that verbal thrashing
< tarehart> time is short though
< Paddy> he didn't even get bonked that hard
< Schooly_D> wtf
< Schooly_D> I tuned in and he just looked at the camera
< Schooly_D> what did I miss
< Paddy> lel
< Yapok> it knows
< Paddy> Doc, what do you think of Thunderclese?
< Doc> Paddy: What do you keep doing it?
< Thunderclese> Paddy: Doc, what do you think i'm cute, private cowboy! And you don't look much like a steer to me, so that kinda narrows it down!
< Doc> Thunderclese: Paddy: what do you even fast food?
< Thunderclese> Doc: Paddy: what do you feel faint? Jesus h. Christ, i think what he's trying to squeeze an inch in on me.
< Doc> Thunderclese: Paddy: what do you think you're creating a utopia by abandoning formal hierarchy, but by not having an explicit hierarchy, an implicit, unofficial one forms instead,
< Thunderclese> Doc: I think you've got a joke for you. I'm a little schoolboy, too.
< Doc> Thunderclese: I think
< Thunderclese> Doc: I think what he's trying to tell me that you love the virgin mary herself would be proud to go in there and take a giant shit on you!
< Doc> Thunderclese: I think it's a really low or off till he learned enough to try and fix that
< Thunderclese> Doc: I think what he's trying to squeeze an inch in on me? Well, i got a joke for you. You until your assholes are sucking buttermilk.
< Doc> Thunderclese: I think is right rules
< Paddy> uh oh
< Yapok> jesus
< Thunderclese> Doc: Boy, i think is right rules.
< Doc> Thunderclese: Boy, i think too
< Paddy> no
< Thunderclese> Doc: Boy, i got a joke for you. You just keep making mistakes, getting everybody in trouble.
< Doc> Thunderclese: Boy, i think about the same mailing list
* Schooly_D sets ban on *!*kanbo@*.A8948E2F.804C3C12.IP
< Thunderclese> Doc: Boy, i think what he's trying to help you. I'm a little schoolboy, too.
< Paddy> end of the world
* Schooly_D sets ban on *!Thundercle@*.D84A8A8C.BC5C7174.IP
< Schooly_D> whose bot is Thunderclese
< Yapok> kek
< Yapok> mine
* Schooly_D sets ban on *!*Yapok@*
< Paddy> the IRC doomsday clock hit midnight
< tarehart> lovin these monopolistic practices
< Paddy> I thought we would all die
< Schooly_D> yapok knew exactly what he was doing by bringing in his eggdrop bot
< Schooly_D> oh
< Schooly_D> looks like paddy was complicit
< TSDBot> [TSDTV] NOW PLAYING: Lupin III: 6--Lupin III S2 006.mkv -- PREMIUM: -- POVERTY: -- VLC: |
* Thunderclese (Thundercle@929DF25A.D84A8A8C.BC5C7174.IP) has left #tsd
< Paddy> I didn't expect bot doomsday
< Paddy> and he hurt Bonkbot's feelings
< Schooly_D> I need to get back to an urgent work issue
< Schooly_D> I can't risk you ruining IRC again paddy
< Schooly_D> this is for your own good
< Paddy> nooooooooo
< Schooly_D> you'll be watching lupin in silence
< Paddy> #battlebonk Schooly_D
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 45% of Schooly_D's clonkers were hacked into the future by Paddy's Armada
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: Was that a good bonking or a bad clonking?
< Schooly_D> not even half
< General_Vagueness> from the northwest, an echo rumbles, faint but unmistakable... "triple kill"
< Paddy> .deej
< TSDBot> But be wary, Guardians of our city: oh baby
< tarehart> from hell's heart I bonk at thee
* Schooly_D sets ban on *!*padraig08@*
* Schooly_D sets ban on *!*nodebot@*
< Schooly_D> so many bans
< Schooly_D> have I become the power hungry IRC operator I've loathed for so many years
< tarehart> hopefully you've charged up a super to deal with your work issue
< General_Vagueness> and then another, fainter but sterner: "killtacular"
< tarehart> I never thought it would be GV presiding over the apocalypse
#477 votes: 02014-07-25 09:06:42
< kidtsunami> going to bed “are you deploying that fix tomorrow?”
< Paddy> send a pic of you on the toilet
< Paddy> "pushing now"
< Paddy> "uh oh merge issues"
< Yapok> lol
< kidtsunami> “oh god, it’s deployed everywhere"
< Paddy> "I think I broke the build"
< kidtsunami> “my deployment overloaded the server, there was leakage"
< Yapok> heaven forbid you have to roll back
< Paddy> call in the server admin
< Paddy> gonna need a whole new rack
#475 votes: 12014-07-24 10:54:13
< General_Vagueness> happy birthday tarehart
< BlunderwearBot-PY> Hey General_Vagueness, kanbo says "cut it out man"
< General_Vagueness> I'm trying to be nice
< BlunderwearBot-PY> Hey General_Vagueness, kanbo says "dont play dumb; you know what"
< General_Vagueness> man
< Doc> get back
#474 votes: 112014-07-22 05:36:01
< BoneKin> >tfw you can never live down a simple mistake
< Paddy> >mistake
< General_Vagueness> I knew that feel very well from the ages of like 5 to 17, and then I realized I can just not care
< kanbo> >mistake
< General_Vagueness> sometimes I still have moments, though, where I get really down on myself for something I did weeks or months or years ago
< General_Vagueness> usually not *simple* mistakes though
< General_Vagueness> failing a class twice isn't something you just up and do
< BoneKin> sorry to bring up those memories gv, but I was talking about kanbo thinking frips was a word
#473 votes: 12014-07-21 11:49:27
< BoneKin> let us settle this like grown human men
#472 votes: 22014-07-21 09:52:46
< kanbo> handled like a sir
* kanbo tips
* Paddio tips in solidarity
< kanbo> This has been another edition of Just the Tip with kanbo and paddy. Tune in tomorrow when we review which cargo shorts are best.
#471 votes: 02014-07-18 19:56:19
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! wait, wtf are you doing up Schooly_D
#470 votes: 02014-07-18 16:18:14
< TSDBot> The scribes of our city, stewards of the lost knowledge from our Golden Age, have uncovered a mysterious tome whose pages are all empty but for one mysterious line: "my time has come"
#468 votes: 22014-07-18 11:17:54
< BoneKin> eat it
< BoneKin> eat the bug
#450 votes: 12014-07-18 09:52:48
< Tex> If windows didn't lay off the Nokia dept
< Tex> I might have an IRC mobile client that works
< Tex> Or if anyone cared about the windows app store
< Tex> Besides me
< BoneKin> .deej
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! that ain't happening anytime soon
< BoneKin> heh
< Tex> Wow
< Tex> The Truth hurts
#449 votes: 02014-07-17 21:23:07
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Fanfiction_txt @fanfiction_txt] Mickey was confused. Daisy came to give him some muffins but she ended up sucking his dick. (18 seconds ago) id=9760
< General_Vagueness> don't you hate it when that happens?
< General_Vagueness> Schooly_D
< Schooly_D> hmm
< General_Vagueness> don't you hate it when that happens?
< Schooly_D> I hate it more when it doesn't happen
#448 votes: 02014-07-17 19:00:14
< TSDBot> The spirits and specters from our bygone era of prosperity remind us: heh heh
#446 votes: 32014-07-16 17:47:38
< kanbo> eat it
< kanbo> eat the bug
#444 votes: 122014-07-16 09:05:53
< Yapok> do you hate children Schooly_G?
< hlmtre> .bonk children
* BlunderwearBot-PY boinks children
< hlmtre> no, BlunderwearBot-PY
< BoneKin> bad bot
< hlmtre> bad
< BoneKin> bad
#443 votes: 62014-07-16 08:33:06
< @kanbo> hi pybot
< pybot> hi kanbo
< @kanbo> is this love

#442 votes: 02014-07-15 19:20:21
< General_Vagueness> that's why we invented ways to put words together in as long a string as you want, i.e. descriptions
#441 votes: 12014-07-15 14:26:08
< TDSpiral> I got stopped by like 3 pairs of Mormon missionaries on my way back home
< TDSpiral> By the last one, I just wanted to get out of there and continue walking home
< ZackDark> i guess you look convertible
< TDSpiral> So when the last 2 missionaries approached me, they introduced themselves, “Hi, I’m elder Young, and this is elder Smith.”
< TDSpiral> Weary at this point, “Nice to meet you, elder Young and elder Smith.” I shook their hands, “I’m Garrett”
< TDSpiral> They both seemed a bit awkward, but we exchanged niceties. He then told me, “Elder Smith here has only been a missionary for a few weeks now, we would love it if he could get some practice. Do you have any questions he could answer for you?”
< TDSpiral> Now, the fun begins. “What evidence do you have that God is real?”
< TDSpiral> Elder Smith and Young were absolutely frozen. Their worlds were shattering around them. Then I made off like a sir, satisfied with work I had done today.
< Grizzlei> I always make sure to troll these Christians.
< Grizzlei> I always either go super gay or Satanic.
< ZackDark> that wasn't very sportsman-like
< TDSpiral> Behind me, elder Young, who’s worldview I just demolished, grabbed an apple from his backpack. I heard the sound of the apple speeding towards my head. However, I did a 180 degree spin and caught the apple with my left hand- because my right hand was occupied with a bag of groceries. I crushed the apple in my palm and said, “How do you like them apples?”
< Grizzlei> Or I answer the door with a gun.
< Grizzlei> hahahaha
< ZackDark> ahhahaah
< TDSpiral> True story, $100% hapened
< TDSpiral> Oh, I forgot the BEST part
< Grizzlei> Zack, try to sound out "ahhahaah" in real life.
< ZackDark> did
< ZackDark> not bad
< Grizzlei> lol
< ZackDark> slightly on the awkward side
< ZackDark> but totally party-doable
< TDSpiral> After that exchange, the grand mormon wizard came out and gave me $100 and marrying rights to his daughter
< ZackDark> nowai
< Grizzlei> Okay, well now you're just making this up.
< ZackDark> >now
< TDSpiral> And all the neighbors came out of their houses and applauded my efforts
#440 votes: 02014-07-15 13:27:04
< ZackDark> my application was denied
< ZackDark> ::sadface::
< Paddio> lol
< Paddio> sorry, for whut?
< ZackDark> TSD
< General_Vagueness> it is a filename
< Paddio> Hey you think you could help Zack out Deej?
< Paddio> .deej
< TSDBot> Fear not, Guardians: Does it fit? It's not the female version
< ZackDark> damn
< General_Vagueness> I was jesting about the name of the file
< Paddio> sorry zd
< ZackDark> deej hits hard
< Paddio> thems the facts
#439 votes: 02015-01-21 10:29:38
< Paddio> whut
< Paddio> #battlebonk kanbo
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 34% of kanbo's clonkers were made to understand their fate by Paddio's several hundred nuclear warheads
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: bonks all around
< Paddio> no
< Paddio> this can't be happenening
< Yapok> haha
< kanbo> Get ready
< kanbo> #battlebonk Paddio
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 17% of Paddio's clonkers are not recognizable anymore by kanbo's The Clonkening
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: About Bonking Time
< kanbo> FUCL
< Yapok> uh oh!
< kanbo> s/U/L
< TSDBot> kanbo meant to say: FLCL
< General_Vagueness> #battlebonk Paddio
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 3% of Paddio's clonkers were slammed, jammed, thank you maamd by General_Vagueness's Armada
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: #cantbonkthis
< kanbo> jesus
< BoneKin> #battlebonk Paddio
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 14% of Paddio's clonkers were taken to district court by BoneKin's Orbital Death Laser
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: About Bonking Time
< BoneKin> srsly, all lowballs today
< Schooly_G> It's time to step it up
< Schooly_G> Stand back
< Schooly_G> #battlebonk kanbo
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 34% of kanbo's clonkers are not recognizable anymore by Schooly_G's well placed bonk
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: bonks all around
< Schooly_G> No
< Paddio> I
< Paddio> AM
< Paddio> #battlebonk General_Vagueness
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 70% of General_Vagueness's clonkers are currently in bite sized chunks scattered to the wind by Paddio's several hundred nuclear warheads
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: Bonk Around the Clonk
< Paddio> #battlebonk Schooly_D
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 74% of Schooly_D's clonkers have been irrevocably rekt by Paddio's MAKUROSU
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: Bonk Around the Clonk
< Paddio> #battlebonk kanbo
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 95% of kanbo's clonkers were completely decimated by Paddio's well placed bonk
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: Rebonkulous
< Paddio> This is how TSD ends
< BoneKin> .jimmies TSD
< BlunderwearBot-PY> Jimmies status for TSD: [X] Micky Rourke as The Rustler
< Paddio> not with a bang, but with a bonk
#436 votes: 12014-07-14 12:54:37
*** Tex ( joined
[15:49] * Paddio tips
[15:50] * TDSpiral rips
[15:51] * Yapok flips
[15:51] * ChadDark dips
[15:52] < Paddio> >tfw you remember kanbo tried to rhyme with frips
[15:52] *** Tex quit (Ping timeout: 307 seconds)
[15:52] < Paddio> good work team
[15:52] < kanbo> kill me
#435 votes: 12014-07-11 23:19:51
< ZackDark> wanna rob a real jewlery?
< Padre> Yup
< Padre> You want in deej?
< Padre> .deej
< TSDBot> The scribes of our city, stewards of the lost knowledge from our Golden Age, have uncovered a mysterious tome whose pages are all empty but for one mysterious line: "I could but I told my folks 'nah you dont need one'"
< ZackDark> eerily context-sensitive
< ZackDark> .gv
< TSDBot> < kapowaz> it's fricking 2am
< TSDBot> That doesn't really sound like something I'd like
< Padre> Well damn
< Padre> Are you sure deej? Its good money.
< Padre> .deej
< TSDBot> The scribes of our city, stewards of the lost knowledge from our Golden Age, have uncovered a mysterious tome whose pages are all empty but for one mysterious line: "Quality Inn & Suites Seattle Center 618 John Street Seattle, WA 98109"
< ZackDark> is
< ZackDark> is that an address to rob?
< Padre> The man with the plan
< Padre> So what's our second move?
< Padre> .deej
< TSDBot> The scribes of our city, stewards of the lost knowledge from our Golden Age, have uncovered a mysterious tome whose pages are all empty but for one mysterious line: "Why did you ask?"
< ZackDark> holy shit
< ZackDark> .fname
< TSDBot>
< -- Padre has quit (Connection reset by peer)
< Padrodonis> Seriously deej, my team needs deets
< Padrodonis> .deej
< TSDBot> Fear not, Guardians: im an adult
< ZackDark> snarky lil fella
< ZackDark> come, deej, help us out here
< ZackDark> .deej
< TSDBot> Fear not, Guardians: oh, did he move to the place with the rock wall?
< Padrodonis> So you'll be there in person? How will I know it's you?
< Padrodonis> .deej
< ZackDark> me?
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! I give up
< Padrodonis> Damn
< ZackDark> shit
< ZackDark> damn you, paddy
< Padrodonis> Its ogre
< ZackDark> all you had to do is go to the address
< ZackDark> you and your silly questions
< Padrodonis> Zd plz
#434 votes: 02014-07-11 05:20:27
< Paddy> alright good night folks
< kanbo> later bro
< kanbo> I hope your sexual night terrors don't keep you up too long
#433 votes: 02014-07-10 16:36:19
< BoneKin> fuuuuuu
< BoneKin> 30 more minutes
< BoneKin> 8% further along
< BoneKin> .bonk this server
* pybot gently caresses this server
< BoneKin> no pybot. bad
< BoneKin> .bonk this server
* pybot tramples this server under foot
#432 votes: 02014-07-10 08:42:34
< General_Vagueness> .tell ZackDark
< BlunderwearBot-PY> I'll let ZackDark know when they're back.
< General_Vagueness> [11:31:55] < ZackDark> General_Vagueness what?
< BlunderwearBot-PY> Hey General_Vagueness, kanbo says "why did you do that?"
< General_Vagueness> why did I do what?
< BlunderwearBot-PY> Hey General_Vagueness, kanbo says "you know what i mean"
#431 votes: 02014-07-09 22:44:24
< Schooly_D> this HGH is really working out
< General_Vagueness> The Incredible Bulk
< Schooly_D> that's Mt. Fuji in the background
#430 votes: 02014-07-09 11:52:13
< Paddio> Deej, people are trying to get you fired
< Paddio> don't you have anything to say?
< Paddio> .deej
< TSDBot> The spirits and specters from our bygone era of prosperity remind us: still pretty cool, though
< Paddio> glad to see you're keeping chipper
< kanbo> this is serious, deej
< kanbo> .deej
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! i hate that shit
< kanbo> hahaha
< Paddio> dizamn
< Schooly_G> He's getting moody
< Paddio> calm down deej
< Paddio> .deej
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! But the points are all valid
< BoneKin> still mad
< BoneKin> .deej
< TSDBot> The scribes of our city, stewards of the lost knowledge from our Golden Age, have uncovered a mysterious tome whose pages are all empty but for one mysterious line: "Never really was."
< Paddio> wow
#428 votes: 02014-07-08 15:23:23
< TSDBot> The scribes of our city, stewards of the lost knowledge from our Golden Age, have uncovered a mysterious tome whose pages are all empty but for one mysterious line: "it hurts"
#427 votes: 02014-07-08 14:25:38
< TSDBot> Fear not, Guardians: I heard Brazil's LoL eSports teams are good
#426 votes: 02014-07-08 13:44:55
< Paddy> deej, we gotta help zack!
< Paddy> .deej
< TSDBot> The scribes of our city, stewards of the lost knowledge from our Golden Age, have uncovered a mysterious tome whose pages are all empty but for one mysterious line: "heh"
< Paddy> he's turned his back on the communuity
< ZackDark> lol
< Paddy> halp
< ZackDark> even deej mocks me
#422 votes: 12014-07-07 16:26:37
< i7> Welding is difficult and makes me angry
< i7> The heat doesn't help
< BoneKin> ugh, I bet
< bhhorg> shut up ugh
< BoneKin> no u bhhorg
< bhhorg> no u
< BoneKin> this mature conversation brought to you by the internet
#420 votes: 02014-07-07 10:07:37
< TSDBot> [DBO Forum] (25811) Zeouterlimits -- Portion of the expansions dlc exclusive to PS4 for a year? --
< Paddio> why would you do this to me bungle?
< Paddio> .deej
< TSDBot> Rejoice, Guardians! Youtube: Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (0:04:22)
< Paddio> damn
#418 votes: 02014-07-06 01:16:55
< Paddy> I beat nart's score in goat simulator
< Paddy> what now bitches
< General_Vagueness> now you beat his other scores
< General_Vagueness> and then consume his hearts
#417 votes: 22014-07-04 22:55:56
< GeneralVagueness> my spunk is the opiate of the masses
#416 votes: 12014-07-02 19:16:03
< Paddy> wipe was a success
< Paddy> now we'll see if it was worth it
< General_Vagueness> wiping is always worth it
#415 votes: 42015-01-21 10:30:09
< Paddio> #battlebonk ZackDark
< BonkBot> Battlebonk results: 100% of ZackDark's clonkers were BLOWN THE FUCK OUT by Paddio's Squadron of War Corgis (also known as Worgis)
< BonkBot> Battlebonk Status: UNBONKINGBELIEVABLE
< Paddio> GET
< BoneKin> wow, a 100%er
< Paddio> Zack is now just a memory
#414 votes: 12014-06-30 21:51:51
< %BoneKin> author that went crazy? I think there's more than a few
< %BoneKin> how crazy we talking?
< Tex> My author knowledge really only extends to Bradbury and Steinbeck
< +tarehart> whoa, bradbury apartments in seattle
< +tarehart> that's tempting fate innit
< Tex> Hemmingway would get wasted then pick a fight with the biggest dude in the bar.
< Tex> That's crazy
< %BoneKin> hemingway blew his brains out. that's kinda crazy
#413 votes: 02014-06-30 10:55:59
< i7> i think it'd be interesting
< hlmtre> OKEE DOKES
< hlmtre> hahahah
< hlmtre> sorry, caps
< BoneKin> I've had enough of your caps
< BoneKin> anarcho-capitalization forever
#412 votes: 32014-06-29 14:33:36
< i7> i need an air conditioner
< i7> i have central air, but it's 85 degrees in my apartment anyway
< i7> any advice on getting one? price range, brands etc?
< NartFOpc> here you go i7
< NartFOpc>
< BlunderwearBot-PY> Youtube: Sears Air Conditioner Commercial (0:01:01)
< i7> goddammit
#411 votes: 02014-06-26 14:13:31
< TSDBot> The spirits and specters from our bygone era of prosperity remind us: that's badass
#410 votes: 12014-06-25 11:25:00
< &Schooly_G> I think TDSpiral might actually get fit4pax
< ZackDark> why's that?
< &Schooly_G> Because he keeps exercising
< %BoneKin> gotta get fit4pax so you're not fat4pix
#409 votes: 12014-06-24 13:13:51
< Paddio> was the coffee warm or hot?
< kidtsunami> it was fresh aeropress coffee
< Paddio> of course by coffee I mean sexual relations
< kidtsunami> so it was so so so hot
< kidtsunami> until he put milk in
#408 votes: 12014-06-20 17:04:22
< @hlmtre> how do i make linux see both ports on a dual nic card?
< @hlmtre> erm
< @hlmtre> dual port card
< @Lucifer7> first you need to get its attention. try dangling some sort of item it likes in front of it and being like "hey boy look look huh do you want this
stallman foot snack" and then you bring its attention to the second port on your nic and it should finally notice it
#407 votes: 12014-06-20 13:33:02
< NartFOpc> My sides are so far away they're out of the effective range of a Halo
< NartFOpc> All that's left is dust, echoes, and muh sides
#406 votes: 12014-06-20 12:02:20
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Tumblr dot TXT @TumblrTXT] calling yourself an anarchist when you are white and not a trans woman is not bad per se but it is too bold and i dont like it (1 hour ago) id=7312
< ZackDark> is
< ZackDark> is TSDBot context-sensitive?
< NartFOpc> ;)
< ZackDark> .O.
#405 votes: 42015-03-19 13:23:52
< BoneKin> just sitting in the dark in my office
< BoneKin> lookin at my phone
< BoneKin> exciting day of work
< i7> i bought a pair of pants
< BoneKin> are they cool pants?
< i7> a pair of jeans
< BoneKin> jeans are pretty cool
< i7> jesus, you really are bored
#404 votes: 02014-06-16 14:25:10
< General_Vagueness> well, people are different
#403 votes: 02014-06-14 02:36:32
< Lucifer7> i have the battlefield hardline beta downloaded but im too lazy to actually play it >_>
< hlmtre> i overcooked my mac n cheese
< Lucifer7> your situation is worse
#402 votes: 62014-06-13 21:12:33
-!- mode/#tsd [-b NartFOpc!*@*] by Schooly_G
< NartFOpc> HALO
< NartFOpc> 2
< NartFOpc> MP
-!- mode/#tsd [+h NartFOpc] by Schooly_G
#401 votes: 12014-06-13 12:28:02
< Paddio> here it is
< Paddio> cross dance central/ rhythm game with survival horror
< Paddio> your a street dancing youth in the 80's with three things
< Paddio> a boombox
< Paddio> your sweet dance moves
< Paddio> and a fat ass
< Paddio> you go to meet your posse for street dancing when you realize they aren't there
< Paddio> also everyone is zombies and the world is over
< Paddio> you're backed into a corner, surely to die
< Paddio> you do the only thing you were born to do
< Paddio> dance your ass off
< Paddio> you notice the better you dance the more the zombies are beign
< Paddio> they even start to mimic your dance moves
< Paddio> you keep dancing until you notice the horrifying truth
< Paddio> your fat ass is nearly gone
< Paddio> unable to sustain high activity dancing without the ass fat fueling your skill
< Paddio> you dive into a safe room
< Paddio> which just so happens to have junk food stocked wall to wall
< Paddio> after replenishing ass
< Paddio> you decide to own this apocalyptic world one zombie at a time
< Paddio> with your boombox strapped to your back
< Paddio> and mix tapes in order
< Paddio> so based on your mixes, depends on what dances you can do
< Paddio> you can find better mixes and dances over time
< Paddio> and eventually find legendary tapes like Thriller
< Paddio> they'll give you speed, strength, stamina, etc
< Paddio> you come across other dancers and proceed to have a street dance zombie battle
< Paddio> the better dance convinces more zombies to join their crew
< Paddio> until you have a giant dancing army
< Paddio> you can customize your most loyal leuitenent zombs
< Paddio> your main possee
< Paddio> better keep up the funk, or else the zombies will turn on you
< Paddio> like so many dancers before you
< Paddio> I wanted gangnam style to be one of the legendary dances
< Paddio> That's it
#400 votes: 02014-06-13 11:04:55
< TSDBot> The spirits and specters from our bygone era of prosperity remind us: my connection to the destiny servers has been lost
#399 votes: 02014-06-12 23:26:53
< ~Schooly_D> I can't believe we got TWO people from the xXXx clan
< ~Schooly_D> what luck
< kanbo> one order of magnitude cooler than vin diesel
#398 votes: 02014-06-12 00:01:28
< Paddy> I just pumped IRC in the worst way
< TDSpiral> I saw that hahaha
< Paddy> TSD Recruitment Crew
< redhamuSLA> yo
< Paddy> what up?
< Lokote> Ppl giving out alpha codes for ps4 here?
< redhamuSLA> you really giving out Alpha codes, dude?
< TDSpiral> Handing out an alpha code in 20 minutes
< redhamuSLA> Schooly, you do YT?
< -- I_Love_Anime_55247 has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
< Lokote> How many codes do u hav?
< Paddy> here's some gifs while you wait
< Paddy> #gif
< UnrealCh13f> many
< BonkBot> MRW someone asks me the most important aspect of a scientific journal article from r/shittyreactiongifs ---
< UnrealCh13f> who knows
< Paddy> we aren't allowed to say
< Lokote> Oh ok
< TDSpiral> We’re handing out a code every hour or so
< Lokote> Dam is like 3am here can't stay up that long >.<
< -- I_Love_Anime_65078 has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
< TDSpiral> You can visit tomorrow as well
< Lokote> Ok I sign up hopefully I will get a code tomorrow
< TDSpiral> Good luck!
< -- Lokote has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
< Paddy> don'
< Paddy> oops
< Paddy> don't forget to subscribe to schooly'
< Paddy> dammit
< Paddy> youtube:
< Paddy> sub plz
< Paddy> schooly will be happy
< redhamuSLA> subbed
< redhamuSLA> get some Destiny up
< redhamuSLA> trying to get an Alpha code & getting some vids up
< redhamuSLA> not trying to advertise, but maybe check out my channel? (*^^*)
< TDSpiral> Schooly will look into it when he gets a chance
< redhamuSLA> gracias
< redhamuSLA> I'm way into the alternative shooters
< redhamuSLA> Destiny's been on my radar since Bungie announced they were making their way to PS. (^_-)d
< -- tension has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
< redhamuSLA> what's the deal w/ the private chat, if you don't mind me asking?
< redhamuSLA> seems Twitch chat would do well enough?
< TDSpiral> Ah, it’s just a place that we hang out and chat all the time
< redhamuSLA> how long have you guys been a clan?
< Paddy> 2004
< TDSpiral> About ten years
< Paddy> Halo 2 days
< TDSpiral> Well, it really started in the VOOT days
< redhamuSLA> lol. daaaaamn!
< redhamuSLA> noice. my clan's been around (loosely) since the PS3 dropped. Resistance: Fall of Man.
< redhamuSLA> why aren't you guys playing?
< TDSpiral> I don’t have a PS4 :\
< redhamuSLA> lolz. bummer. you going to get one?
< TDSpiral> I think eventually, yes
< redhamuSLA> it's preeeeeeetty
< redhamuSLA> I'm guessing most of you are "older" gamers?
< TDSpiral> Nah, I’m in my early 20s
< redhamuSLA> all over 18 then?
< TDSpiral> For the most part, yeah
< Paddy> yessir
< -- Phillip has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
< Paddy> no
< Paddy> you lied to me
< TDSpiral> Yeah, I was told there was codes
< UnrealCh13f> I WANT CODES
< UnrealCh13f> WHERE DO I SIGN UP
< redhamuSLA> fuuuuuuuuck
< redhamuSLA> spiral!
< redhamuSLA> (>_< )
< redhamuSLA> lmao
< Paddy> Social Sec # plz
< UnrealCh13f> 867-00-5309
< UnrealCh13f> now?
< UnrealCh13f> NOW?
< UnrealCh13f> PLEASE I WANT IT
< Paddy> I got it
< TDSpiral> Sorry, I just feel bad now :(
< Paddy> I got it
< Paddy> Jenny, I got it
< UnrealCh13f> wait
< UnrealCh13f> how do you know my real name
< Paddy> Spiral, why you lying man?
< UnrealCh13f> are you some kind of hacker?
< TDSpiral> Paddy, this all started with you!
< Paddy> ,3
< Paddy> < 3
< UnrealCh13f> :'(
< UnrealCh13f> I am so fucked :(
< -- byah has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
< -- redhamuSLA has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
< Paddy> .qdbI just pumped IRC | Paddy, this all
#397 votes: 02014-06-11 18:25:37
< General_Vagueness> I'm familiar with these people and enjoy what they say but I don't really hang out with them
< TSDBot> [TSDTV] NOW PLAYING: Legend of Korra: 6--S01E07.avi -- PREMIUM: -- POVERTY: -- VLC: |
< Paddy> that's what my opening paragraph in the writeup was about
< General_Vagueness> I don't care about or totally acknowledge the stigma
< Paddy> then it will seek to define you GV
< General_Vagueness> thanks for telling me, now I don't have to read it
#396 votes: 02014-06-11 18:25:27
< General_Vagueness> like "yeah, I'm going to be staying with this guy, Bones"
< General_Vagueness> I suspected she had this primal mom :| reaction to that and some other things I said
< Nomi> meeting random internet strangers and traveling around the country... she was convinced I was gonna get raped or something
< General_Vagueness> mine too
< General_Vagueness> she asked me "what if this guy is a pedophile?"
< General_Vagueness> and I was like "well that would be bad, but he wouldn't be interested in me, because I'm 23"
< General_Vagueness> actual ones tend to go younger than that
#395 votes: 12014-09-11 11:43:09
< General_Vagueness> I'm familiar with these people and enjoy what they say but I don't really hang out with them
< TSDBot> [TSDTV] NOW PLAYING: Legend of Korra: 6--S01E07.avi -- PREMIUM: -- POVERTY: -- VLC: |
< Paddy> that's what my opening paragraph in the writeup was about
< General_Vagueness> I don't care about or totally acknowledge the stigma
< Paddy> then it will seek to define you GV
< General_Vagueness> thanks for telling me, now I don't have to read it
#394 votes: 12014-06-11 18:22:16
< Paddy> that's what my opening paragraph in the writeup was about
< General_Vagueness> I don't care about or totally acknowledge the stigma
< Paddy> then it will seek to define you GV
< General_Vagueness> thanks for telling me, now I don't have to read it
< Paddy> gotta fight it proactively
< Paddy> also fuck you
#393 votes: 12014-06-10 22:06:34
< ZackDark> .recap 10
< ZackDark> ::sadface::
< kanbo> thats probably not going to work for another 12 hours
< kanbo> unfortunately
< ZackDark> damn
< ZackDark> pastebin be mad at TSD
< Tex> we banned from there too?
< %BoneKin> rate limited
< %BoneKin> so temp banned
< i7> i seriously laugh every time i'm reminded of the twitch ban
< i7> i don't know why i find that so funny
< ZackDark> wait, what?
< ZackDark> TSD is banned from twitch?
< kanbo> twitch AND
< kanbo> thats why he uses hitbox
< %BoneKin> TSDTV came about because schooly got banned from twitch
< %BoneKin> IP banned
< ZackDark> ...
< ZackDark> how?
< i7> for streaming space ghost coast to coast
< ZackDark> hhahahahahahhaha
#392 votes: 32014-06-09 14:31:29
< General_Vagueness> me? I'm just arguing for the sake of it
#391 votes: 02014-06-09 12:52:54
< MechWork> CattleField 4
< MechWork> Real destructible grass
#390 votes: 102014-06-08 15:55:17
< kanbo> what a beautiful day outside
< kanbo> makes it really hard to see the screen when the game is dark
#389 votes: 02014-06-07 10:16:37
< i7> i'm even looking into home-making my own mochi
< Tex> ain that japanese ice cream?
< i7> nah it's made out of like...rice and shit
< i7> it feels like dough
< Tex> weird
< Tex> but cool for you
< Tex> of you to try*
< i7> oh, made out of rice flour
< i7>
< i7> this looks extremely easy o_o
< Tex> I said that about tomato soup
< Tex> ended up burning my face
#388 votes: 02014-06-05 20:40:24
< General_Vagueness > .qdb job paycheck
< BlunderwearBot-PY > QDB Error: Could not find requested string.
< General_Vagueness > .qdb help
< BlunderwearBot-PY > QDB submission successful!
< General_Vagueness > what
#387 votes: 12014-06-04 14:33:06
< kanbo> this job blows
< kanbo> im leaving for Team Schooly C as soon as my paycheck clears
#386 votes: 22014-06-04 14:30:59
< i7> also, jilly, it's not just how you dress. don't be combative, be arrogant, constantly on your phone or filling silences with inane chatter, use foul language, take long strides or sit with your legs wide open, be critical (mild, playful teasing is fine), be inattentive, or stop him from doing things such as helping you with heavy lifting
#385 votes: 02014-06-04 10:13:31
< Tex> Twister had me convinced I wanted to be a meteorologist when I grew up
< Tex> Contact; an astronaut
< Tex> Really I just wanted to be a blonde lesbian
< Paddio> Also renegade scientists fighting the man
< Paddio> vs, actual scientists using math to predict shit in a boring way
< Tex> so I was a bit sad
< i7> yeah that i'm older, that really bothers me
< Paddio> the glorification of certain professions to children is very bothersome
< Tex> How many of them actually became astronauts
< kidtsunami> my partner apparently wanted to be a firetruck
#384 votes: 02014-06-03 09:01:18
< BoneKin> babies errywhere
< BoneKin> sister just had one
< BoneKin> other andrew and wife are expecting
< BoneKin> now you
< willfro> congrats jester!
< Jester> thank you sir :D
< MechWork> Sarahs friend just annouced hers Sunday
< hlmtre> wow
< MechWork> meanwhile im over here eating yogurt with a fork
#383 votes: 02014-06-02 15:23:51
< @BoneKin> just ripped a pair of shorts doing squats
< @BoneKin> dat ass
#382 votes: 12014-05-30 18:54:58
< Schooly_G> I'm killing these power snatches though. WITH a sore back. Fit4PAX needs to step it up
< kanbo> >schooly lifts for his friends
< TDSpiral> I’m killing these snatches with power
< TDSpiral> Stept up
< Tex> Impressive considering its been years since any of you have been near a snatch
< TDSpiral> Uh
< kanbo> thats not true
< kanbo> tdspiral lives with his mom
< Schooly_G> Uh
< TDSpiral> Oooof
< TDSpiral> That hurt kanbo ;’(
* Tex owes kanbo a drink
#380 votes: 22014-05-30 12:50:56
< NartFOpc> I WILL continue my campaign against the humans. - Nike
< kanbo> The length of your legs will stay your feet, and you will be left behind. - Tex's dad
#379 votes: 62014-05-30 08:57:57
* Paddy emerges from the ocean
< Paddy> howdy
#378 votes: 02014-05-29 19:48:36
< General_Vagueness> and before you say anything about laziness, we're using IRC instead of writing correspondance
< General_Vagueness> and yes, it's not the same thing, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it's easier
#375 votes: 02014-05-28 12:41:45
< hlmtre> i actually interacted with a disproportionately large number of lebanese people in high school in SF
< hlmtre> oh wait i meant lesbian people
#374 votes: 12014-05-28 12:05:44
< Jillybean> If I die between now and PAX I want my tickets to go to Tex
< Jillybean> And my shoes
< Jillybean> I bequeath my game collection and my bone to schooly
< Jillybean> And my pretty hair ties to Mig
#373 votes: 12014-05-28 11:50:25
[14:44] < TDSpiral> If you’re taking your gf/bf to PAX, you kind of have to get married now
[14:44] < Tex> at pax
[14:44] < Jillybean> No partners at pax - what happens in pax stays in pax
[14:44] < Paddio> >tfw karaoke makes a comeback
[14:44] < TDSpiral> Yes- married by Master Chief
[14:44] < UnrealCh13f> Obligatory Marriage Proposals
[14:45] < TDSpiral> With a Halo ring
[14:45] < Tex> pax is actually his bachelor party
[14:45] < Jillybean> A really big ring . . .
[14:45] < TDSpiral> Even if they’re not into Halo
[14:45] < Paddio> lol
[14:45] < Jillybean> and a party of cosplay bridesmaids
[14:45] < Paddio> it's mandatory
[14:45] < Paddio> you can't have a standard wedding at pax
[14:45] < TDSpiral> Cortana skin suit cosplayers
[14:45] < Paddio> disgraceful
[14:46] < Paddio> live deflowering ceremony, sponsered by rule 34 society
[14:46] < Tex> schooly will object when the time comes
[14:46] < Tex> then he and newman will ride into the sunset
[14:46] < Paddio> I can't wait to record this
[14:46] < Paddio> free movie
[14:46] < TDSpiral> Best PAX ever
[14:46] < Tex> Schooly's apartment is the honeymoon suite
[14:47] < Paddio> then he and newman will kiss, also sponsered by the rule 34 society
[14:47] < Tex> shared with Paddy
[14:47] * Paddio tips
[14:47] < TDSpiral> They’ll 1v1 each other all night
[14:47] * Paddio tapes
[14:47] < Tex> lol
[14:47] < &Schooly_G> Christ people
#370 votes: 22014-05-28 10:18:04
< TDSpiral> I don’t think PAX is happening this year
< -- Tex has quit (Ping timeout: 307 seconds)
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [PAX @Official_PAX] Tickets for PAX Prime 2014 are now on sale! (1 minute ago) id=9040
< TDSpiral> What
#369 votes: 02014-05-28 08:31:12
< hlmtre> cha-ching
< bhhorg> did somebody say
< hlmtre> dolla dolla bills yall
#368 votes: 02014-05-27 20:49:56
< General_Vagueness> I should watch Fern Gully again
< General_Vagueness> I'm not sure if I want to check Fern Gully rule 34 >_>
#367 votes: 12014-05-26 12:06:51
< Schooly_HQ> I'd never embarass myself in front of rainbow dash by using gloves
< Schooly_HQ> just so everyone knows
#366 votes: 02014-05-25 21:13:51
< Paddy> s/90/ZackDark
< TSDBot> NartFOpc meant to say: only ZackDark's kids will get this
* Paddy tips
* General_Vagueness tips over
* General_Vagueness TIPOVERKILL
< ZackDark> heh
< General_Vagueness> s/c T/c N
< General_Vagueness> ?
< NartFOpc> .blunder +
< TSDBot> Rekt. Blunder count incremented to 2
< NartFOpc> s/TIPO/NIPO
< NartFOpc> fug
< NartFOpc> .blunder +
< TSDBot> No argument here. Blunder count incremented to 3
< NartFOpc> I guess /me's aren't allowed
< ZackDark> heh
< ZackDark> no
* NartFOpc is immune from s/
< ZackDark> i think it's the special formatting
* NartFOpc get rekt TSDBot
< ZackDark> s/I guess/Silly Nart guesses
< TSDBot> NartFOpc meant to say: Silly Nart guesses /me's aren't allowed
* NartFOpc never again
* NartFOpc will I fall prey to such vile rusing
< ZackDark> s/fug/fudge
< TSDBot> NartFOpc meant to say: fudge
* NartFOpc get your laughs in now, ZackDark
* NartFOpc soon I will be above you all
* NartFOpc above even God
< ZackDark> come on
< ZackDark> at least put a ":" there
* NartFOpc don't you wish you could add it in for me?
* NartFOpc huehuehuehue
* Paddy tips
< ZackDark> damn
#365 votes: 02014-05-25 12:09:28
< TSDBot> The spirits and specters from our bygone era of prosperity remind us: p'zoned
#364 votes: 02014-05-25 00:43:54
< tarehart>
< UnderwearBot-PY> Youtube: Sears Air Conditioner Commercial (0:01:01)
< ZackDark> "ppl are going to die in the heat wave" "cool"
#363 votes: 02014-05-23 12:11:00
< i7> .weather 75074
< i7> fuck it feels a lot more humid than that
* i7 np: Seether - Fine Again
< pybot> Saint Louis, MO: Scattered Clouds, 81 F (27 C), 34% humidity
< BoneKin> .weather 63127
< pybot> Chico, CA: Mostly Cloudy, 83 F (29 C), 46% humidity
< hlmtre> .weather 95928
< BoneKin> wow
< BoneKin> california is the most humid of the 3 tested?
< BoneKin> what is wrong with the world
< hlmtre> republicans
#358 votes: 02014-05-23 00:05:11
Schooly_D> did I ever tell you guys about the time I stood up to a bully
< ZackDark> nope
< Schooly_D> it was magical
< tarehart> was it Obama?
#357 votes: 02014-05-22 12:02:32
< Schooly_G> This isn't about you tex
< Tex> This is the internet
< Tex> and Im a girl
< ZackDark> i second the sentiment
< Tex> it is always about me
#356 votes: 12014-05-21 12:22:19
< +i7> Tex
< +Tex> No
< +Tex> oh
< +Tex> youre not schooly
< +Tex> whats up
< +i7> do you know much about the effects of wind on structures? i'm assuming yes, but just double checking
< +Tex> Uh, actually I only have a very simple idea
< %BoneKin> if it blows real hard they break
< +Tex> they don't exactly teach wind theory
< +General_Vagueness> every material bends
< +General_Vagueness> buildings are one of the things that will make this evident because of wind
< +Tex> jesus h christ
< +Tex> do not talk to me about buldings gv
< +Tex> not now not ever
< +i7> lol
< +General_Vagueness> I wasn't
< +Tex> not ever
< +General_Vagueness> OK, I wasn't, I won't
< +General_Vagueness> so that's your job, something with buildings?
< +General_Vagueness> er
< +General_Vagueness> that's talking about it isn't it
< +General_Vagueness> well-- ugh, I can't have a conversation about... ugh
< +General_Vagueness> this is why people don't like to talk to you, Tex
< +Tex> This isn't why
* Tex points to self
#355 votes: 02014-05-20 11:56:19
< Schooly_G> s/Turkeys/Spartan IIIs
< TSDBot> Paddio meant to say: Spartan IIIs pay the ultimate price, being the laughing stock of the animal kingdom
< TDSpiral> M-muh Nobles :(
#354 votes: 02014-05-20 07:53:20
-- Tex has changed their nick to wtf
-- wtf has changed their nick to didyoudo
< kanbo> :x
-- didyoudo has changed their nick to Schooly_T
#353 votes: 02014-05-20 07:30:31
< Schooly_D> once upon a time there was
< kanbo> i have visions about what goatnet is and im afraid your story wont live up to it
< Schooly_D> and it was big
< Schooly_D> eventually a cadre formed around some of the more cynical types
< Schooly_D> since IBO was big, it attracted a lot of people ripe for mockery
* DominoEffect has quit (Connection reset by peer)
< General_Vagueness> Schooly_D was in both of those groups, I think >_>
< Schooly_D> the cynics berated the rubes nonstop, and generally just shit on everything, until the IBO power structure started coming down on them
< Schooly_D> displeased, they started their own IRC server, goatnet
* DominoEffect ( has joined #tsd
< Schooly_D> named after their "leader" goatrope
< tarehart> interesting
< General_Vagueness> then #hbo died and they migrated back
< General_Vagueness> well, died/uprooted
< General_Vagueness> but I'll let you tell it
< Schooly_D> imagine a server filled with Schooly and Nart clones, but with no sense of morals or dignity
< Schooly_D> they exist only for destruction and griefing
< Schooly_D> sorry dom
< tarehart> I've known such places
* Schooly_D gives voice to DominoEffect
< General_Vagueness> geez you make it sound like Dante's Inferno, when I was there it was more like Dante's Bad Day at Work, from what I remember
< kanbo> sounds like the kornyverse
< General_Vagueness> it's worth noting they kept me out at one point, or several points
< Schooly_D> I wish they were a nice as korny
< General_Vagueness> do I even have the logs...
< Schooly_D> having a serious conversation in goatnet was next to impossible
< Schooly_D> hahaha, wait
< Schooly_D> I remember
< Schooly_D> things got so bad they had to designate a safe word to assure the others they weren't trolling
< Schooly_D> 5r5 I think it was
< General_Vagueness> oh I remember 5r5
< General_Vagueness> sprinkled over every conversation
< kanbo> like a pirates code
< Schooly_D> "dude I just got fired from my job, srs" -> "lol ya ur a faggot and prolly desreverd it :PPPPP"
< Schooly_D> "5r5" -> "sry man, 5r5"
< General_Vagueness> I do, wow five and a half megabytes
< tarehart> doesn't sound like a great place
< Schooly_D> it's ok. we're safe here
< Schooly_D> except gv
< Schooly_D> .gv
< TSDBot> < Schooly_D> and also a k:line
< TSDBot> I'd ask you to elaborate but I don't really care, sorry
< General_Vagueness> I'm safe, they won't let me in
< General_Vagueness> well I'm actually probably not banned from goatnet, I haven't tried to log in in years
< General_Vagueness> but yeah
< Schooly_D> I don't know if goatnet even still exists
< Schooly_D> but its core members have hung around the ruins of IBO
< kanbo> i was imagining goatnet to be like the forerunner domain
< kanbo> but for goats
#352 votes: 02014-05-19 22:35:29
< Schooly_D> how about this
< Schooly_D> we roll a .sanic, and the first ___ the _______ character we get, we force corgies_sucks to change his nick to it
< General_Vagueness> his?
< kanbo> the contract is sealed
< Schooly_D> kiwiirce is a male chassis
< tarehart> I approve of the sealed contract, ineffectually
< Schooly_D> .sanic
< TSDBot>
< Schooly_D> .sanic
< TSDBot>
< Schooly_D> fuck
< Schooly_D> fuck
< Schooly_D> .sanic
< TSDBot>
< Schooly_D> .sanic
< TSDBot>
< Schooly_D> jesus christ
< Schooly_D> .sanic
< TSDBot>
< Schooly_D> alright
< General_Vagueness> getting closer?
< tarehart> I'm dying
< Schooly_D> .sanic
< TSDBot>
< kanbo> wtf
< General_Vagueness> definitely getting closer
< Schooly_D> one more time
< Schooly_D> .sanic
< TSDBot>,_attacks_and_skills
< General_Vagueness> bingo
#351 votes: 12014-05-19 13:37:45
< &Schooly_G> Voot voot voot voot voot voot voot
#350 votes: 02014-05-19 09:07:59
< BoneKin> did you write an isup module?
--NOTICE from pybot: reloaded isup
< hlmtre> .module reload isup
< hlmtre> .isup
< pybot> looks down.
< hlmtre> .isup
< pybot> looks up.
< hlmtre> bingo bango
< hlmtre> yes i did
< hlmtre> .isup
< pybot> looks up.
< BoneKin> .isup mydick
< pybot> mydick looks up.
< hlmtre> hah
#349 votes: 12014-05-19 08:00:15
< dick> anyone here
< -- dick has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
< Schooly_D> phew
< Schooly_D> dodged a bullet there
#348 votes: 02014-05-17 12:45:07
< i7> poor, uneducated, aggressive
< tarehart> Team Schooly D
< tarehart> sounded like a cool tagline
< Schooly-G> >poor
< Schooly-G> >hbomb
< General_Vagueness> how can Team Schooly D be uneducated? school is right there in the name
#347 votes: 12014-05-17 00:08:07
< i7>
< i7> IDAHO
< ~Schooly_D> fifty seven minutes?
< tarehart> you have NO attention span when it comes to Idaho
#346 votes: 02014-05-16 12:47:47
< Texbox> I used to have a problem with too many feminist agenda posts on tumblr
< Texbox> then I started following gay dudes
< Texbox> now there are days where its just pages of dicks on my dash
< Texbox> normalcy is near
#345 votes: 12014-05-16 11:09:16
< Texbox> >"yeah I dont know if Im gonna make it tonight, I haven't been feeling too hot"
< Texbox> >"yeah you look kinda pale"
< Texbox> >mfw fuck you im lying

#344 votes: 12014-05-16 09:03:42
< Schooly-G> I didn't give you permission to link a rap song from my personal vault
< Schooly-G> That's one of my core jams
< Tex> #FreedomFriday
< BoneKin> is a core jam what you listen to when doing situps?
#343 votes: 02014-05-15 09:17:50
< TDSpiral> Whoa, I had no idea so many babies were born without anuses
< kanbo> what
< TDSpiral> I just learned that 1/5000 babies is born without an anus
< TDSpiral> Still researching
< Paddio> schooly, we don't kids after psa's to feel all sexy and groovin'
< Paddio> especially not around the dare officer
< Paddio> TD, sounds like a life of butthurt
< TDSpiral> Nah, you just get surgery, but usually people born with that defect have other issues as well
< TDSpiral> They tear you a new asshole
#342 votes: 02014-05-13 22:52:22
< General_Vagueness> well I'd love to stay and chat about fictional horse-like beings and the best cartoons from the 90s and clicking habits and how I see video games and how Muppet Babies specifically encouraged me to be weird and I made that part of my identity until I was like 11, but it's about time for me to be going and watching TV and snacking and then taking a pill and actually sleeping
#340 votes: 12014-05-12 10:46:32
< kanbo> Glad to hear you liked it
< General_Vagueness> I didn't say I liked it
< TDSpiral> Haha
< General_Vagueness> I did like it overall though
#339 votes: 02014-05-11 19:08:03
< General_Vagueness> I guess I shouldn't have put it off >:| :/ :|
< General_Vagueness> well not put it off, I was going other things, but they could've waited
* General_Vagueness tests the controller he forgot he tried to fix instead
* General_Vagueness also tests this chocolate milk with sugar and cocoa mixed in
< General_Vagueness> like the cinnamon, the cocoa didn't want to actually mix, I had to work it to get it to not just powder on the top, and a lot of it still seems like it's at or near the top
< General_Vagueness> bitter aftertaste :/
< General_Vagueness> more sugar (twice it was before, or close to it, I think) has fixed that problem
< General_Vagueness> yesssssssssssssssss
< General_Vagueness> the A button works again and better, and RB, which has been giving me issues for a long time, is also more resposive again
< LSR> Classic IRC, GV talking to himself for the last half hour.
< General_Vagueness> it didn't have to be this way
#336 votes: 02014-05-08 19:08:47
< tarehart> I'll be a martyr
< kanbo> s/yr/y
< TSDBot> tarehart meant to say: I'll be a marty
< TDSpiral> Haha
< tarehart> truly English lives and breathes
< kanbo> thank you, thank you
< NartFOpc> s/be a martyr/vote for Ron Paul
< TSDBot> tarehart meant to say: I'll vote for Ron Paul
< NartFOpc> it's slappening
< TDSpiral> s/Ron/Rand
< TSDBot> NartFOpc meant to say: s/be a martyr/vote for Rand Paul
< TDSpiral> Fuck
< TDSpiral> I fucked up
< NartFOpc> s/fucked up/support the second amendment
< TSDBot> TDSpiral meant to say: I support the second amendment
< TDSpiral> ;)
#335 votes: 02014-05-08 14:10:52
* General_Vagueness puts a deck chair on Paddio 
#334 votes: 02014-05-08 12:07:45
< TSDBot> [Twitter] [Fanfiction_txt @fanfiction_txt] After acedentaily killing Froggy, Big decides to end his life. But he dosen't know how hard it his to commit suicde! (3 seconds ago) id=5312
< Yapok> what kindof fanfiction is this
< Paddio> the only kind
< BoneKin> erotic
#333 votes: 02014-05-05 16:55:49
< Lucifer7> i need to learn more about freebsd administration
< hlmtre> why not openbsd
< Lucifer7> being open isn't enough
< bhhorg> slit you wiiiiiide open
< Lucifer7> you must be free to truly live life
< hlmtre> someone who can install a libressl cert will be worth so much money and leebre kredits
< hlmtre> bhhorg: i love you
< bhhorg> you will love your big news!"
< Lucifer7> youre pregnant
#332 votes: 12014-05-05 16:30:20
< gh0st_preacher> serious question for devs who use sublime with vi keybindings: does your kia spectra have a manual transmission?
< Lucifer7> serious question for people who use manual transmissions: do you think you're smarter than a computer
< gh0st_preacher> serious question for computers: beep boop beep
#331 votes: 02014-05-05 13:04:01
< MechWork> What defines grownup?
< MechWork> besides beards and bombcarrying skills

#330 votes: 02014-05-05 09:20:26
< TDSpiral> How come I keep getting disconnected?
< Schooly_G> Go to Control Panel > Network Settings > Local Area Connection
< Schooly_G> Check the box next to "Privilege"
#329 votes: 02014-05-04 19:32:12
< Avalol> All I want to know is if he fucked the whole loaf at once or if he had to break it up
#328 votes: 02014-05-04 15:13:03
< General_Vagueness> is it ironic, or is it fitting? or poetic justice perhaps?
< Jillybean> you're correct - it is poetic justice
< General_Vagueness> that wasn't a statement and there were other things there, so I wasn't correct
< General_Vagueness> what is correct is the other thing I did
< General_Vagueness> I put chocolate syrup in chocolate milk
< General_Vagueness> it's like drinking candy
#327 votes: 02014-05-03 17:58:11
< Schooly_D> this doesn't bold well
< General_Vagueness> I think it bolds just fine
< Schooly_D> < tarehart> you mean "bode"?
< Tex> fuck
< kanbo> < General_Vagueness> you mean "bode"?
< Tex> Jared Harris is in this
< Tex> fuck
< NartFOpc> making schooly mad is a peach of cake
< Tex> dude how old AM I
< Schooly_D> you can't halve your cake and eat it too
< General_Vagueness> total 08peach0 of cake
< Tex> My thighs beg to differ
< General_Vagueness> s/0 of cake/1of cake
< General_Vagueness> right
< NartFOpc> let me play doubles advocate here
< NartFOpc> you really need to mustard up your courage, GV
< kanbo> its a doggie dog world out there
< General_Vagueness> 08courage
< Tex> >Nike
< General_Vagueness> is one of them supposed to be yellow?
< General_Vagueness> I don't have it in the list
< General_Vagueness> when's the movie?
< NartFOpc> looks like GV has no taller ants for waiting
#325 votes: 152014-05-02 15:30:58
#324 votes: 22014-05-01 21:18:21
< TBSpiral> Where else are you supposed to meet girls, bruh?
< tarehart> I nearly met a girl at the bus stop
< Schooly_D> I sat near a girl on the bus once
#323 votes: 12014-05-01 19:56:53
< kanbo> "'my boyfriend is a pilot.' it's like a joke!"
< kanbo> wow, shit
< Schooly_D> oh, it gets better
< Schooly_D> just remember that minmay don't mean no harm
< kanbo> shes giving hikaru a serious case of deep space dick
< Schooly_D> I love that shot of all the aliens in the monitor
< kanbo> imagine having to give a report about your war boner to high command
#322 votes: 02014-05-01 14:55:40
< Schooly_G> Do you watch your anime subbed or dubbed
< TSD-Guest|78183> Subbeded.
< NartFOpc> Trick question
< NartFOpc> You were supposed to know japanese
#321 votes: 12014-04-30 20:54:49
< Schooly_D> synopsis
< Tex> I have to give one?
< Schooly_D> Shiro Amada is an eager, clean-cut rookie officer who can't wait to get to earth and kill the bad guys
< Schooly_D> some girl named Aina gives him an acute case of diamond dick
< Schooly_D> Michel is a cynical bitch
< Schooly_D> roll credits
< Schooly_D> also Karen has a vagina like a steel trap
< Schooly_D> roll ultra-credits
< Schooly_D> TEX
< Tex> god dammit
< Tex> what
< tarehart> Does the Mobile Suit Grant Amada the Power to be an Idealist in the Midst of War?
* Tex rolls out the ULTRA MLG CREDITS
#320 votes: 02014-04-30 11:12:10
< BoneKin> I like my girls like my elementaryos
#319 votes: 22014-04-29 20:36:10
< TDSpiral> No one fucking said "This will never go viral"
< General_Vagueness> not to be put-downish but I don't care
#318 votes: 12014-04-29 19:40:12
< General_Vagueness> I was being literal BTW, I got chocolate sauce and a cup but no milk
< General_Vagueness> because I decided to start VLC and then get the milk but the show was already starting
#317 votes: 02014-04-28 16:03:56
< NartFOpc> remember that time we 1v1'd at All's Well?
< Schooly_G> Where you narrowly won Full Bloom Reach even with a Wacky Power Weapons Time game?
< Schooly_G> I remember
< NartFOpc> that was sweet
< Schooly_G> If it were H2, H3, TU Reach, or no sprint H4 you wouldve gone 2-0
< Schooly_G> Er
< NartFOpc> LEL
< Schooly_G> 0-2
#312 votes: 42014-04-19 17:27:49
< NartFOpc> what movie are we watching tonight
< i7> let's watch Lockout
< NartFOpc> give me two reasons to watch Lockout
< i7> 1. it's metal gear solid in space
< i7> 2. guy pearce
< NartFOpc> ok
< NartFOpc> we need to get erryone
#311 votes: 02016-09-16 17:36:06
< i7> schooly, what are drivers in houston like?
< i7> when they're not stuck in traffic, that is
< Schooly_D> fast
< i7> driving in dallas manages to feel both slow and dangerous at the same time
< Texbox> That goes against everything Vin Diesel taught me
#304 votes: 02014-04-09 23:28:45
< hlmtre > jeeves is the host
< hlmtre > tutorial-pv-guest is the ubuntu guest running on jeeves
< i7 > aha, i understand now
< hlmtre > so the router actually sees it as another device on the network
< hlmtre > complete with its own MAC address
< hlmtre > it's super cool
< i7 > yeah, i totally get you now
< bhhorg > uh yeah that's totally wrong
< hlmtre > and i really don't know how it works
< hlmtre > bhhorg shut up you don't know virtualization
#303 votes: 12014-04-07 12:45:23
< @Lucifer7> i'm kinda alright with gnome3 now
< @Lucifer7> but that might be stockholm syndrome
#302 votes: 12014-04-02 21:57:51
< Lucifer7 > this is obama's doing
#301 votes: 02014-04-02 12:03:41
< hlmtre > hello testbot
< testbot > loldicks hlmtre
< hlmtre > f u
#299 votes: 12014-04-01 09:21:42
< i7 > also the more time out the more time i have to learn Polish
< i7 > but really it doesn't look too hard, pretty much Russian but speaking with your mouth full of bees
#298 votes: 52014-03-27 16:23:54
< NertFerpc > I came up with a joke today
< NertFerpc > and I need you to critique
< NertFerpc > since it involves golf
< Schooly_G > I'm all ears
< NertFerpc > What do you call it when an Iranian sovereign makes a bad golf drive, but then saves par on the hole with a beautiful chip shot?
< NertFerpc > (you're have to say 'I dunno, what?')
< NertFerpc > supposed to*
< Schooly_G > I dunno, what?
< NertFerpc > The Shah's Shank-Redemption
#297 votes: 22014-03-27 10:04:40
< i7 > there is no equivilent to "to have fun" in russian
< i7 > i think i'm understanding the russian mindset better
#293 votes: 02014-03-26 16:31:33
< Schooly_G > If you gave an order that your shoes weren't allowed to be chewed, and your orders are always followed... Why was it necessary to move them into the closet?
< kanboner > is this an allegory?
< Schooly_G > Colonel?
< Texbox > Uh
< Texbox > Not all my shoes fit in the closet
< Schooly_G > Your shoes shouldn't have been in any danger at all, should they have?
< Texbox > so they are both in and out of the closet
< Texbox > and the only shoe that was ever chewed had it coming
< Texbox > It was asking for it
< Schooly_G > Lieutenant Sabs ordered a code red on your shoes because THATS what you ordered him to do
< Schooly_G > (stunned silence)
< kanboner > .SHUT_IT_DOWN
< Texbox > You want me at that mall
< Texbox > you NEED ME AT THAT MALL
#292 votes: 12014-03-26 12:57:09
< BoneKin > I mean, I'm not really looking to rent ATVs, but why wouldn't they rent to us?
< MechWork > I don't think they wouldn't
< BoneKin > because we know rowboat/elessar?
< i7 > i was making a joke
< hlmtre > we look like hooligans
< i7 > ^
< MechWork > ^
< BoneKin > I am old and responsible looking
#291 votes: 02014-03-26 12:55:23
< hlmtre > tex on a bulk
< Paddy > do people consider husky to still be a thing?
* hlmtre is seen sprinting away
< Paddy > seems like a feelgoodery
< Texbox > My breasts are on a bulk
< Schooly_G >
* hlmtre is seen sprinting back
#290 votes: 02014-03-25 15:30:27
< DominoEffect > re: music stuff in #tsd
< DominoEffect >
< hlmtre > yes
< DominoEffect > ^
< hlmtre > yes
< DominoEffect > yes
< BoneKin > yes
< hlmtre > itt sounds your mom makes when i'm over
< DominoEffect > "yes, yes, yes, he's done, oh god I can finally go home now"
< Lucifer7 > the sound of pure disappointment
#282 votes: 22014-03-15 16:32:30
< BoneKin > I'm sure bugs could be found with more testing or edge cases
* hlmtre merges willy nilly
#264 votes: 02014-03-14 21:06:36
< BoneKin> and I won't be at all surprised if it borks out
< BoneKin> I'm leaving to play titanfall even if this sucks
#243 votes: 52015-04-29 09:15:12
< Tex> >mfw my dog ate my underwear
< @hlmtre> >yfw that was just a tiny snack
< Tex> bitch
< @BoneKin> dogs are weird
< Tex> I've heard of dog eating dirty clothing
< Tex> so getting my clean clothes is the weird part to me
< Tex> Now I can't just leave my clean clothes in the basket anymore uggggghhh
< @BoneKin> at least they were clean and you don't have to be disgusted by your dog
< @BoneKin> mine used to raid the bathroom trashcans and go for my sister's pads D:
< @BoneKin> and then I had to clean up the mess D: D:
< MechWork> Mine just drinks from the toilet
< MechWork> frequently
< @BoneKin> mine were never tall enough to do that
< MechWork> I think she likes how its head level and does not have to bend over
< @BoneKin> otherwise they might have tried
< MechWork> She knocked over sarah's dresser yesterday
< MechWork> trying to eat leftover crackers
< MechWork> I was pretty mad about that
< MechWork> got some drink all over the bed
< MechWork> and a bunch of other stuff
< MechWork> >dogs
< Tex> Mine isn't tall enough for the bowl drinking. But the pad thing I've heard before.
< @BoneKin> is sarah living with you now?
< Tex> Aunt's dog would do that. Bleh
< MechWork> Yeah
< MechWork> Working out surprisingly well
< MechWork> Not really surprisingly
< MechWork> but I have never lived with a significant other before
< MechWork> Didnt know what to expect
< @hlmtre> quick, give me the skinny
< MechWork> on what?
< Tex> pink stuff
< @hlmtre> since i'm probably moving in with dinah
< MechWork> Its nice
< MechWork> I cook dinner
< Tex> suddenly you have a rug on your toilet
< MechWork> No
< Tex> and plug ins in every room
< Tex> with cinnamon scented candles
< MechWork> SHe did not turn the whole apartment into "that"
< MechWork> I get my office with all my guitars
< @hlmtre> i have realized i will never live with tex
< MechWork> never
< MechWork> ever
< Tex> or pumpkin spice or peppermint depending on the season
< MechWork> ever
< Tex> suddenly you have photos on the mantle
< Tex> and wall
< Tex> framed with words engraved on them
< MechWork> Everything tex is saying is what I thought I would be living with
< Tex> like LOVe and BEST FRIENDS
< MechWork> None of that happened
< Tex> she tells you she wants to get a dog
< MechWork> LOL
< MechWork> I was the dog owner
< Tex> but shes really convinced it will be a good indicator of what kind of father you will be
< MechWork> LOL
< MechWork> Im dying
< i7> you need to be, as they say, < russian>
< i7> man in house
< Tex> you have couples nights
< MechWork> The russians have a saying
< Tex> where her bff brings her bf
< Tex> and you sip wine and eat cheese
< i7> don't split bills, be in charge of your place
< @hlmtre> and if you don't spent pretty much every night with her, you're not getting enough time together
< i7> consider her input, but make the decisions
< Tex> Suddenly you're watching orange is the new black
< @hlmtre> (i have watched that show)
< Tex> and taking joint couples yoga classes
< @hlmtre> < _<
< MechWork> I have too
< Tex> with your baby-dog
< @hlmtre> what's the dog's name
< MechWork> Dandelion
< @BoneKin> I watched orange is the new black
< Tex> You're all gay
#242 votes: 22014-02-03 07:53:23
< BoneKin>
< pybot> YouTube: For when someone posts a compressed image/uses Windows XP to save a jpeg... (0:00:06)
< i7> after 2 seconds it kinda lost the comedy effect
< i7> went overboard
< i7> the horrible pixelation, but still being able to see what it is, is actually relatable, and hits the nerve of humor better
< i7> imo
< BoneKin> haha, 6 second movie no longer funny after 2 seconds
< i7> yeah the quality seriously degraded very quickly
< i7> ....uh

#241 votes: 12014-02-01 09:55:46
< i7> i have a pair of spare tires in the back of my truck. i'm not sure what to do with them. put them in my apartment?
< Schooly_D> spare tires are much less useful inside your home
< i7> i mean, they're taking up space
< i7> i got a full set of new tires yesterday
< Tex> >not making a tire swing
< Schooly_D> does the truck have a place to put a spare? under the bed maybe?
< i7> yeah it should. i'll go check that out.
< i7> the other one is just...a tire. a big one. it doesn't have a rim. it came with the truck. i guess i need to just dispose of that one :\
< Schooly_D> put it in a garden, water it regularly, watch it grow into a huge tractor tire, then flip that tire during workouts
< i7> solid plan
#240 votes: 12014-01-30 09:32:22
< LSR> so the girl i broke up with last week just posted a picture on facebook with colin kaepernick
< LSR> I don't know if I'm more jealous or more mad
#239 votes: 12014-01-28 15:25:28
< i7> Help Bagel Bites are on sale
#238 votes: 12014-01-28 13:10:01
< i7> also, what's the word to describe staying in a relationship, as opposed to serial dating?
< @hlmtre> monogamy?
< i7> i was thinking possibly that
< Texbox> >serial dating
< Texbox> I laughed at that one, I don't even
< i7> what?
< Texbox> exclusive
< i7> have you never heard that term before?
< i7> yeah maybe. both monogamy and exclusiveness both seem to describe no other partners while in the relationship
< Texbox> No, because usually the word serial precedes killer
< i7> i mean like, to describe having one continuous relationship
< i7> you guys could be right
< i7> i'm pretty sure it's a common term. you're just inserting yourself, instead of ice picks, into one girl after another.
#237 votes: 12014-01-28 12:37:15
< @Lucifer7> since it is mostly for the coding club and LUG
< @hlmtre> it's for programmers?
< @Lucifer7> yeah
< @Lucifer7> usin the term loosely there
< @Lucifer7> cause some of them actually like ruby
#236 votes: 02014-01-28 12:18:05
< BoneKin> lol
< BoneKin> the project manager for our programmer team wanted a ticketing system
< BoneKin> a specific one she was familiar with, I guess
< BoneKin> anyway, when it receives an email to a help desk account, it automatically creates a ticket and sends a response email
< BoneKin> yesterday one of the programmers sent a response to a non-existant email
< @hlmtre> eh
< @hlmtre> ?
< BoneKin> a while later a mailer-daemon response came back with undeliverable
< BoneKin> it's been in an endless loop of creating tickets and trying to send responses to mailer-daemon since yesterday
< BoneKin> very poor error handling in this software
< @hlmtre> lolol
#235 votes: 22014-01-27 09:29:27
< Tex> Folks are gone for the week. Who wants to come over and do hard drugs?
< Tex> Or if youre on a budget, pet my dog
< @hlmtre> a similar high
< @BoneKin> >on a budget
< @BoneKin> >fly to california to pet tex's dog
< Tex> We've done dumber things
< MechWork> The hangover the day after petting a dog is the worst
< MechWork> Its all about the pets till you have to get up for work in the morning
< @BoneKin> yeah, then they complain that you're leaving. it's heartbreaking
< MechWork> ^
< @hlmtre> Dogs: Not even once.
#234 votes: 72014-01-26 07:35:56
< @Lucifer7> hello hlmtre i'm going to leave this here for hopefully eventually feedback i got talked into giving a talk about irc in a few weeks can you think of any subjects in particular i should focus on
< @Lucifer7> this is meant for general ppl not complete sperglords so i don't have to start talking about numerics and caps and whatnot but i'm trying to make sure i cover all bases for someone new to the irc chatting experience
< LSR> tell them it sucks dick
#233 votes: 12014-01-25 21:38:27
< Schooly_D> I remember when #bf4 was good
< @BoneKin> bf4 was launched with lots of bugs
< @BoneKin> it was never good
#232 votes: 172014-01-23 15:34:58
-!- LSR [] has joined #bf5
< @hlmtre> no
-!- LSR was kicked from #bf5 by hlmtre [LSR]
#231 votes: 12014-01-21 13:05:16
< @hlmtre> hello from first day of work at new job
< BoneKin> how you like it so far? as much as you can tell in a few hours
< @hlmtre> it's fine
< @hlmtre> i have been made fun of a few times for being overdressed
< @hlmtre> (i'm wearing business casual)
< @hlmtre> but the rest of my team is in jeans and t-shirts
< @hlmtre> i was told by HR that i'm supposed to wear business casual all the time
< @hlmtre> they lied to me
#230 votes: 02014-01-08 23:50:43
02:17 -!- robert0 [] has joined #hhorg
02:19 -!- gh0st_preacher [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
02:20 < robert0> quit
02:22 < DominoEffect> no
02:24 -!- robert0 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
#229 votes: 02014-01-03 06:26:54
< i7> Lucifer7
< @Lucifer7> i7
< i7> Nvm
< i7> Was going to ask about a phone a diverse man on the public transit was trying to sell to me
#228 votes: 12013-12-27 17:37:12
@hlmtre eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
@hlmtre i dunnnnooo
@hlmtre i've been using my desktop so much more
robert0 do the right thing.
@Lucifer7 burn all your computers, lie down and wait for the sweet embrace of death?

#227 votes: 12013-12-19 13:48:47
< i7> how are you doing?
< i7> you got uh...sister pregnant. what else is going on?
< i7> and shit, that's pretty big
< BoneKin> that sounds really wrong the way you said it
< i7> ...oops lol
#226 votes: 32013-12-19 10:53:40
< MechWork> or you could get a PT cruiser
< MechWork> Awesome body style, conveniently located window switches
< MechWork> Everyone wins

#225 votes: 12013-12-12 14:05:24
< hlmtre> there were some weirdnesses with git merging the two
< hlmtre> but i think i've ironed them out
< hlmtre> hello ohai2
< ohai2 > well hello to you too hlmtre
< ohai > well hello to you too hlmtre
< ohai > well hello to you too ohai2
< ohai2 > well hello to you too ohai
< ohai > well hello to you too ohai2
< ohai2 > well hello to you too ohai
#224 votes: 02013-12-10 14:46:48
< @BoneKin> mornin
< MechWork> mornin
< LSR> mornin
< tarehart> mornin
< i7> mornin
< @hlmtre> mornin
< LSR> afternoon
< NartFOpc> evenin
< MechWork> eevnin
< @hlmtre> YOU FUCKED IT UP
< MechWork> That was the point!
< MechWork> Some men just want to see the world burn....
#223 votes: 02013-12-06 14:24:11
i7 | wow look at that line over the Appalachians in the south
@hlmtre | yeah it's crazy
@hlmtre | such a distinct line
i7 | even goes down into the deep southern farmlands
@hlmtre | like the himlayas
@hlmtre | the himlayas
@hlmtre | prostitutes
i7 | the mountains end at northern alabama
i7 | what
@hlmtre | dissimilar from the himalayas, mountains
@hlmtre | the him-layers
i7 | -.-
willfro | himalayonhers?

#222 votes: 12013-12-04 10:16:37
tareharu | ok. classic situation
tareharu | you stealthily lean your camera phone against a bench
tareharu | gymbro's girlfriend comes in and starts stretching
tareharu | she bends over end ends up face to face with the stealthcam
tareharu | gymbro folds me in half and flings me into the bike room
Schooly-D | I didn't say it was perfect
Schooly-D | getting lawn-chaired is a risk we all take
tareharu | I'm typing and forming sentences like shit
tareharu | I can feel my brow starting to protrude
#221 votes: 32013-12-02 16:50:17
@hlmtre | i wanna go home and play kspppppppp dear lord
willfro | hlmtre: hope ya dont mind, i removed all the game data off your pc to make room for pictures of salad
#220 votes: 22013-11-25 13:27:45
i7 | i have so much shit i need to do :(
BoneKin | welcome to real life
willfro | step 1: Breathe
rets|audrey | step 2: PANIC!

#219 votes: 02013-11-16 20:29:20
NartFOpc> bhhorg, you want to have a buck nasty hookup?
< bhhorg> NartFOpc, you want to take? Got a hookup with a baseball bat and crowbar*
#218 votes: 02013-11-14 07:56:36
< @BoneKin> ah, but a new server patch is supposed to be rolling out too
< bhhorg> rolling around at your house too
< @BoneKin> you calling me fat, bhhorg?
< bhhorg> movement speed increase is really expecting me to start calling you doughnut
#217 votes: 12015-06-10 13:09:19
< i7> also speaking of dinah, i dont know anything about her
< i7> except with her? and she's very skinny
< bhhorg> thankfully the registration record from the film is at the office so i started dating dinah, I've seen her take lots of clicking
< @hlmtre> i do work with her
< @BoneKin> take lots of clicking
< @BoneKin> bhhorg has strange euphemisms
< bhhorg> its all so strange at times that amount of time
< i7> so uh, what she like
< i7> besides all of that clicking she takes
< @hlmtre> 'clicking'?
< @hlmtre> oh.
< @hlmtre> oh
< @hlmtre> bhhorg:
< @hlmtre> why
< bhhorg> hlmtre plz ;_;
#216 votes: 92015-06-10 13:03:36
< i7> feelings are for women
#215 votes: 02013-10-31 13:26:12
DominoEffect | you know
DominoEffect | all the other bots are named after users
DominoEffect | bawk = hawk, berdabolio - verdafolio
DominoEffect | you should make bhhorg like, hellmattre or something dumb like that
bhhorg | unions are dumb
DominoEffect | agreed
DominoEffect | but his name is kinda boring
MechWork | I disagree
Willfro | bhhorg: do you like your name?
DominoEffect | wait you're not the bot
MechWork | that hurts...
DominoEffect | disregard that

#214 votes: 02013-10-28 13:48:18
Willfro | what size apartment are you getting?
@hlmtre | apartment size
Willfro | I will end you
@hlmtre | how does it feel
Willfro | haough daus waot pheyl?
Willfro | correct me, i'll send horribly misspelled sentences
i7 | it's about 715 sq feet, iirc
Willfro | do it again and i'll stop using sentences
Willfro | got any pics?
i7 | sorta
i7 | they have two floor layouts
i7 | i only took pix of the layout im not getting
i7 | gimme a sec
i7 | i've got the floorplans too
@hlmtre | Willfro: that's not fair :(
Willfro | hey im not a toll booth
@hlmtre | that makes no sense.
Willfro | i dont play fare
@hlmtre | Willfro: that was fantastic

#213 votes: 22014-09-08 10:01:14
-!- BoneKin changed the topic of #bf4 to: Coffee is gross
< MechWork> =(
< @BoneKin> woo ops powers
< @BoneKin> cue hlmtre de-opping me over this
-!- willfro is now known as Coffee
< Coffee> you sayin im gross?
< @BoneKin> I certainly don't want you in my mouth
< Coffee> pickin a fight eh?
< Coffee> im warm
< Coffee> im creamy
< Coffee> i belong in your mouth
< Coffee> just like everyone else
< Coffee> ....
-!- Coffee is now known as Willfro
< MechWork> This got weird...

#212 votes: 22013-10-28 12:38:22
-!- mode/#bf4 [-o hlmtre] by hlmtre
< hlmtre> ... apparently deopping with no arguments deops yourself
< hlmtre> TIL
< @BoneKin> lol
< @BoneKin> nub
< hlmtre> cue bonekin kicking me before i deop him
-!- hlmtre was kicked from #bf4 by BoneKin [you deserve this]

#211 votes: 02013-10-28 09:05:15
< MechWork> I got a new song to learn.
< MechWork> Take it easy by the eagles
< bhhorg> the eagles tomorrow and the car and driving home with my mouth
< MechWork> bhhorg
< bhhorg> jesus christ bhhorg shut up dude if that helps a whole lot
#210 votes: 12013-10-16 22:22:34
< i7> Schooly-D: did your back ever hurt you from driving
< Schooly-D> no, but I did stretch after long... stretches of driving
#209 votes: 12013-10-15 12:18:09
< DominoEffect> man this girl with all of her skin falling off is pretty cute

#208 votes: 02013-10-14 12:50:39
bhhorg | yeah jon said it to its full extent to wipe down camels than let brown people wear them
#207 votes: 02013-10-11 12:54:34
< i7> bhhorg: talk
< bhhorg> ive never heard someone talk so much on recording
< i7> BoneKin: talk
< +BoneKin> never
< +BoneKin> wait, shit
#206 votes: 12013-10-10 12:17:34
< i7> there is no word for 'a' in russian
< i7> articleless language
< +BoneKin> then how do they have russian newspapers?
< +BoneKin> can't explain that
#205 votes: 02013-10-09 09:31:04
< @BoneKin> heh, just got back from interviewing someone about complaints of slowness
< @BoneKin> they are pretty annoyed that sometimes, when entering a network drive to get to files, it takes a few seconds before windows displays the files
< @BoneKin> and they didn't like my possible solution either
< @BoneKin> dealwithit.jpg
#204 votes: 12013-10-07 16:41:45
Schooly_G | Squadrons cost money so I'll hold off on that until we get 4 or 5 people
MechWork | WHat are the advantages to a squadron
MechWork | ?
Schooly_G | I have no idea
Schooly_G | But it needs to happen
MechWork | Well we could all just get on at one time...for free
Schooly_G | Who do you think we are, FG?
MechWork | yes
@hlmtre | #REKT
Schooly_G | Listen
Schooly_G | I know how you FG boys do things
Schooly_G | "The power of friendship" and all that
Schooly_G | But this is America
Schooly_G | And I'll be damned if I'm going to let you just-off-the-teat hotshots tell me how to run things
Schooly_G | Because this isn't just America. It's Texas. Which I'm no longer in
Schooly_G | Do you understand?
#203 votes: 12013-10-06 16:01:33
< NartFOpc> Schooly_D
< Schooly_D> hmm
< NartFOpc> I need your expertise as a texans fan
< Schooly_D> how can I help
< NartFOpc> how do I deal with my team losing?
< Schooly_D> take pride in your personal accomplishments
< NartFOpc> alright, thanks
< Schooly_D> also buy houston oilers apparel
#202 votes: 22013-10-04 10:12:47
< Jester> ever overhear something really weird and likely out of context?
< Jester> just head our owner say "big anus, little anus, go ahead"
< Jester> i...i dont know whats going on
#201 votes: 22013-10-04 10:11:31
< @BoneKin> hmm. twitter going to be traded publicly soon
< @BoneKin> I can't believe how popular that site is. I don't know how it would make money for investors either
< Jester> ads...everywhere
#199 votes: 32013-10-03 10:18:21
< DominoEffect> YOLOKLAHOMA
#198 votes: 42013-10-02 10:54:55
< i7> >not doing starting strength
< MechWork> starting strength?
< @hlmtre> mark ripptoe and schooly d come to your house and beat you up
#197 votes: 22013-09-28 10:01:07
< LSR> >
< NartFOpc> >
< LSR> nart how do you feel about wes welker finding immense success after being let go by the pats
< LSR> while his replacement is continuing to not play
< NartFOpc> its good for him I guess
< NartFOpc> I still don't know why they let him go
< LSR> probably because the front office sucks toes
< i7> toes?
< LSR> toes.
#196 votes: 22013-09-26 13:29:02
< @BoneKin> there seems to be a discontinued plugin from microsoft
< @BoneKin> investigating now
< @hlmtre> BoneKin: i had the job from a dame
< @hlmtre> a dame who seemed like trouble
< @hlmtre> then again all dames seemed like trouble
< @hlmtre> but rent was coming due, and if i wanted to stay whiskey, i need the job
< @BoneKin> what is this, IT Noir?
< @hlmtre> so i turned up the collar of my carhartt coat and plunged back into the cold aisle of the datacenter
#195 votes: 22013-09-19 09:36:01
< NotDominoEffect> sweet
< NotDominoEffect> I think I just talked my mom's boyfriend into buying bf4 for + with me
< LSR> yeah I didn't really wanna do it but I figured it would make her happy if anything
#194 votes: 12013-09-16 15:34:43
MechWork | I broke down and bought premium for BF4 the other night =/
MechWork | I just spent 100 dollars on a game...
willfro | how do you feel after doing this?
MechWork | Sorta feel like getting in the fetal position in my shower and crying it out
#193 votes: 22013-09-13 19:57:14
< MechMaster48> The sun, giving you the D since day one
#192 votes: 12013-09-12 12:09:00
elessar | I shave my shirts too
#191 votes: 22013-09-11 10:50:05
< @hlmtre> incidentally we couldn't come up with anything better than 'patriots day'?
< MechWork> Seems like a New England holiday when the pats win the superbowl....again
#190 votes: 12013-09-11 10:49:34
< sensae> o/
< LSR> \o
< @Lucifer7> \o/
< LSR> 8===D
#189 votes: 82013-09-09 08:13:29
< tarehart> I'm gonna play some bf3
< LSR> loser
< tarehart> oh, is THAT what LSR means?
< i7>
#188 votes: 12013-09-05 16:09:45
< MechNotWorking> Fuck I want to go home
< willfro> then go?
< willfro> just act crazy and take off running
< willfro> tell them you'll explain later
< willfro> with the extra time in hand you'll be able to come up with a good excuse
#187 votes: 42013-09-05 07:53:06
< i7> how do yall feel about pride
< @BoneKin> i7: like being proud of yourself? or the pride movement for lgbt? groups of lions?
#186 votes: 02013-09-04 10:24:55
< @hlmtre> so i think i'm going to keep the JB pickup in the neck of mr backwards
< rets|audrey> im sure it sounds fine
< @hlmtre> it sounds incredibly fat and dirty and wonderful
< rets|audrey> that pickup sounds like your mother.
< MechWork> oof
< @hlmtre> ... dude
< @hlmtre> too mean
< rets|audrey> what, she sounds wonderful
#185 votes: 12013-09-03 14:16:10
< MechWork> I just got back to my comp. HOly boulder. Not nearly as graceful as the Indiana Jones one
< i7> yeah i wonder where they found a boulder so round
< MechWork> Im sure the native people carved it that way just in case Han Solo decided decided to steal their gold figurine
#184 votes: 12013-08-29 11:29:36
i7 | look how fucking long that is
i7 | like the stuff netflix recomends for you
@hlmtre | huh, cool
@BoneKin | now to make a site that does that for porn...
@hlmtre | 0_0
@hlmtre | bonekin
@hlmtre | we're going into business
@hlmtre | acquire legal council
@hlmtre | titflix
@hlmtre | but now with categories!
@BoneKin | storyline selections: list is blank
@hlmtre | (not necessarily strictly) titflix is our new name
@hlmtre | storyline selections
@hlmtre | plumber
willfro | how has that not been done yet
@hlmtre | electrician
@hlmtre | babysitter
@hlmtre | cops

#183 votes: 22016-08-01 19:49:04
< MechWork> on the bright side
< MechWork> this weekend is labor day
< MechWork> take the dog camping
< MechWork> drink in the woods
< MechWork> grand time
< @hlmtre> i dont have labor day off :(
< MechWork> hlmtre celebrates extra labor day
#182 votes: 32013-08-23 02:30:50
< Domino> lord of the rings (which I apparently liked on facebook at some point) just asked
< Domino> I know it's quite hard to answer when you are a fan, but what's your favourite? The Fellowship of The Ring, The Two Towers or The Return of the King?
< Domino> I replied with "The prisoner of Azkaban"
< Domino> within like 10 seconds people are yellin at me
#181 votes: 12013-08-22 13:54:44
< @hlmtre> MechWork:
< @hlmtre>
< @BoneKin> is there a competing straight-to-gay program being used anywhere else?
< @hlmtre> san francisco
< @BoneKin> man, it almost worked. first night in sf and I spent the night in bed with another man
< @hlmtre> it clearly turned you gay
< @hlmtre> you asked not more than a few days ago if you could sleep with me
< @BoneKin> it's just a phase!
< @hlmtre> it's ok dan we're here for you
#180 votes: 82013-08-21 21:56:17
< LSR> guess what I'm buying tomorrow
< NartFOpc> motorcycle
< i7> two motorcycles
< NartFOpc> a motorcycle with a sidecar
< Schooly_D> a motorcycle
< i7> a sidecar without a motorcycle
< NartFOpc> an electric bicycle
< Schooly_D> tumblr
#179 votes: 62013-08-20 19:03:28
< DominoEffect> I tried ordering KFC's gravy as a beverage before
< DominoEffect> they wouldn't give it to me
< DominoEffect> I was bummed out for the rest of the night
< DominoEffect> it's like, fuck man, you make a living off of making people unhealthy food, if I want to replace my blood with your mashed potatoes I should be able to
< DominoEffect> this is america, god dammit
#178 votes: 22013-08-20 10:52:14
< i7> "it's pretty much eve offline"
< @hlmtre> HAH
< @hlmtre> who said that?
< i7> a youtube comment below
< i7> remarkably highly quality youtube comment i know
< @hlmtre> wow
< @hlmtre> it isn't 'i'm 14 and i love the beatles like if this generation's music is awful! thumbs up because i was born in the wrong generation'
#177 votes: 22013-08-16 10:47:19
< @BoneKin> someone on askreddit mentioned an alarm clock app that makes you solve math or memory puzzles to turn off the alarm
< @BoneKin> try looking for something like that?
< @hlmtre> BoneKin: when i used to do that
< @hlmtre> i had that app
< @hlmtre> when i did that
< @hlmtre> i ended up taking my phone apart in my sleep
#176 votes: 02013-08-15 17:15:05
pybot | hlmtre is now playing: Lamb of God - Terror and Hubris in the House of Frank Pollard
@hlmtre | this is.
@hlmtre | one of the most amazing, slow, brutal, dragging metal tracks ever made
willfro | you know whats better than that?
willfro | train tracks
willfro | slow and brutal for sure
@hlmtre | a train runs over you quickly
@hlmtre | try a steamroller
@hlmtre | oh wait.
@hlmtre | i fucking just got it
@hlmtre | i hate you
@hlmtre | dear god
@hlmtre | you're such a dick
#175 votes: 22013-08-07 13:26:00
< i7> >Catholicism
< Schooly_B_> you cross?

#174 votes: 02013-08-01 10:36:47
< Schooly_B_> bhhorg voot
< bhhorg> i'll get voot sometime this weekend i liked the archery
< +BoneKin> has voot merged with chivalry? medieval robot fighting?
#173 votes: 02013-07-29 15:21:38
< BoneKin> lol:
< MechWork> i7
< MechWork> I pinged you for the Microwave cooking for 1 picture
< i7> oh
< i7> yeah i considered that for a little bit
< i7> but frankly it's probably too hard for me
#172 votes: 12013-07-25 11:14:56
< bhhorg> you know this is kinda weird. Bonk is supposed to be pretty and the plug is loose and the password from the OS
< NartFOpc> >Bonk is supposed to be pretty
< i7> Bonk is supposed to be fucking gorgeous
#171 votes: 22013-07-19 18:59:01
< Schooly_B_>
< Schooly_B_> hahahahahahahaha
< Schooly_B_> my sides were not ready for this
< i7> what is even the consequences of municipal bankruptcy?
< +BoneKin> apparently dishonor
< +BoneKin> otherwise I don't know
#170 votes: 52013-07-16 12:01:46
< elessar> >not going on /fit/
< bhhorg> is she, /fit/?
< elessar> yes
< elessar> yes she is
< +BoneKin> lol, where did that come from
< rets|audrey> hlmtre: you should set bhhorg to do his thing whenever anybody says '>'.
< bhhorg> anybody used the bundle sticks
< +BoneKin> I think he just called somebody a fag
< +BoneKin> bhhorg is way more internet trolly than I remember
< bhhorg> this internet is wild stuff
#169 votes: 02013-07-15 14:03:12
@hlmtre | as schooly would say
@hlmtre | #REKT
willfro | hlmtre i have your guitars hostage, never use #
+BoneKin | damn, burned and rekt today
@hlmtre | willfro: fair enough
+BoneKin | ha, what would you do to Tex?
+BoneKin | all #hashtags, all the time
@hlmtre | #corgis #nike #facebookdidntsupportthese
* | willfro cuts all the strings
@hlmtre | D:
@hlmtre | oh god i forgot
@hlmtre | i'm sorry i'm sorry
willfro | you forgot
@hlmtre | don't send me the bridge in a box stained inexplicably with blood
#168 votes: 02013-07-15 12:20:26
+BoneKin | Today on "Guess that Language"...
@hlmtre | ..
@hlmtre | uh
+BoneKin | I got nothing
@hlmtre | yeh.
rets|audrey | hungarian
rets|audrey | norbs
willfro | im hungarian for somethin to eat
@hlmtre | well pybot has UTF-8 support now
@hlmtre | but i don't
willfro | :D
+BoneKin | how bout some Turkey willfro
+BoneKin | lol country name jokes
+BoneKin | :p
+BoneKin | are you not entertained?!
#167 votes: 42013-07-14 13:59:51
< Schooly_D> is there a love triangle involving fox and falco in any of the post-StarFox64 games
< Schooly_D> if I were writing the plot in starfox games, that's what I'd do
< Schooly_D> otherwise their rivalry is so shallow
< Schooly_D> now you might say "but schooly, iceman and maverick weren't competing over a woman -- their rivalry was just about who's the better pilot and it was truly one for the ages"
< Schooly_D> and you'd almost be right. except they also competed in beach volleyball
#166 votes: 02013-07-11 15:46:57
< i5> i think this hard drive is on its last legs
< @hlmtre> ruh roh
< @hlmtre> which machine is it in
< Schooly_D> don't you mean "in which machine is it" hlmtre
< willfro> nah its "machine is in, in which"
< @hlmtre> this is something up with which i will not put, Schooly_D
< +BoneKin> which machine is it in, bitch?
< Schooly_D> #REKT
#165 votes: 02013-07-02 17:59:02
i7 | it's a local bank
willfro | we might have a branch here, chico is full of trees
i7 | how many times do i have to say this
i7 | its a local bank
i7 | it doesnt exist outside of rhode island
MechMaster48 | branch
MechMaster48 | trees
MechMaster48 | are you not seeing the humor in this?
i7 | well how the fuck was i supposed to know that
#164 votes: 12013-07-02 17:23:24
< MechMaster48> What bank does not have a bank card?
< @hlmtre> i7's banks
< @hlmtre> it's really just a bunch of mattresses with each customer's name on em
#163 votes: 32013-07-02 00:30:15
< hlmtre> so it appears from our chat log
< hlmtre> you got 99 problems
< hlmtre> girls are 100 of them
#162 votes: 12013-06-28 10:00:19
< +BoneKin > now I want to go on a date with elessar
#161 votes: 02013-06-27 12:05:06
< +BoneKin> well, facebook's infinite scrolling gives up after about 5 days. and I need 7
#160 votes: 12013-06-25 15:17:53
< i7> >Enraged
< @hlmtre> what'd he say now?
< i7> Enraged went offline so he could go to the store for milk
< @hlmtre> .. and?
< i7> you don't need to turn your computer off to get milk
< NertFerpc> what if it was a laptop
< i7> plug it into the wall faggot
< NertFerpc> what if he wanted to take it with him to get milk?
#159 votes: 22013-06-19 17:48:26
< Schooly_G> Getting tannnnnned
< Schooly_G> Call me Tanner
< LSR> Getting Schrodinged
< LSR> Call me Schrodinger
#158 votes: 42013-06-17 18:56:24
< tarehart> WAR IS PEACE
#157 votes: 12013-06-13 22:33:44
< Tex> I think it's stupid
< i7> your face is stupid >:(
< Tex> :<
< @Lucifer7>

#156 votes: 22015-04-03 11:28:21
< MechWork> That would be a cool place to have a house though
< @hlmtre> indeed
< @hlmtre> particularly one named after me
< MechWork> hlmtre beach
< @hlmtre> hlmtre 'are you serious?!' beach
< Schooly_B> did someone say beach
< @hlmtre> NO
< @hlmtre> GO BACK TO SLEEP
#155 votes: 02013-06-11 14:42:26
< NartFOpc> | bhhorg, you coming to the pizza party?
< bhhorg> | oh, got nothing going on. Bachelor/ette party planning, cake ideas (so far?
#154 votes: 12013-06-09 21:58:33
< hlmtre> she's AFK from chico for the summer
#153 votes: 02013-06-07 06:38:36
< @Lucifer7> holy fuck i want a rat apoc they get orange drone shielding
< i7> :O
< i7> dat paintjob
< i7> i really hope they release some sort of flyable EoM apoc
< i7>
< bawk> the amarr supercarrier is pretty terrible
#152 votes: 42013-06-06 14:51:06
< bhhorg> i7: You ever finish that hbomb writeup
< Schooly_B> well?
< @hlmtre> bhhorg asks the tough questions
#151 votes: 02013-06-06 14:47:51
< bhhorg> love is a nice car. It was free
#150 votes: 02013-06-05 22:11:14
< i7> business stuff
< i7> you interested?
< BoneKin> in hearing about it? sure
#149 votes: 02013-06-03 16:34:34
< @hlmtre> that kinda reminds the time i cat /dev/urandom into chat
< bhhorg> this reminds me
< @hlmtre> i had to kill my client
< @hlmtre> it was spitting cthulhu into chat
< @hlmtre> what does it remind you of, bhhorg
< bhhorg> sorry, had to look up the prompt to remind you how to write storage modules so that it could be mig's
< @hlmtre> i think he just insulted me
< NertFerpc> bhhorg plz ;_;
< bhhorg> no more driving plz
< @hlmtre> i think he just insulted you
< NertFerpc> ;_;
#148 votes: 132013-06-03 11:44:28
< Schooly_B> BoneKin
< Schooly_B> you play video games, right
-!- MechWork [~webchat@127.0.y.p] has joined #bf3
< elessar> >2013
< elessar> >still playing video games
< elessar> >shoogy doogy
< Schooly_B> >being in #bf3
< Schooly_B> >not playing video games
< elessar> >2013
< elessar> >not flashing the chrome
< elessar> >not waving the TEC
< elessar> >not flexing the nine
< elessar> not titty spraying the mac
< elessar> >laughinggirls.jpg
< MechWork> wtf is going on?
< Schooly_B> just lsr reminding us why we originally tried to keep this channel hidden from him
< elessar> >2013
< elessar> >getting mad at lsr
< MechWork> I am gonna try to work "titty spraying the mac" into as many sentences as possible today btw
#147 votes: 112016-08-01 19:45:32
< elessar> so I wanted to by a rooster
< elessar> and my mom found one on craigslist
< elessar> so I text the dude last night
< elessar> asking him if it's still available
< NartFOpc> just to be clear
< elessar> and this morning her responds with this:
< elessar> +12015551112: Fuck off nigger 6:29 AM
< NartFOpc> rooster is not a sexual innuendo of any sort?
< elessar> nah it's a literal chicken
< NartFOpc> was the text you sent "i still want ur cock"?
< elessar> maybe
< elessar> Me: Hey I saw your ad on craigslist selling a rooster. Is he still available? 9:27 PM
< elessar> anyhow, that compelled me to get out of bed and set up my google voice script
< elessar> so now he's getting a text message every 20 minutes with a useless random fact
< elessar> there are 300 of them, so that comes out to 100 hours, or about 4 days
< +BoneKin> "Thanks for signing up for rooster facts"
< NartFOpc> why would a fact be useless?
< elessar> Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
< elessar> Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
< elessar> The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses. No one in Greece has memorized all 158 verses. 8:15 AM
< elessar> i don't even know if these are accurate
#146 votes: 12015-04-23 14:49:42
< i7> yeah just fingerprints its always been dirty its not actually painty its just especially hard to see when im outside under the sun
< Schooly_B> download a GUI-to-speech app
< Schooly_B> problem solved
< @hlmtre> i7: might want to adjust the brightness
< i7> its up all the way it sucks
< +BoneKin> Siri: imply that I am angry in IRC
#145 votes: 32013-05-28 11:44:19
i7 | stop tabbing me this ladder is really fucking high
@hlmtre | :|
#144 votes: 02015-05-15 11:38:07
12:26:06 +BoneKin | we were supposed to get a storm last night. didn't even drizzle
12:26:11 +BoneKin | >weathermen
12:26:12 @hlmtre | >weathermen
#143 votes: 22013-05-21 07:57:12
< +BoneKin> :/
< +BoneKin> credit card number got yoinked
< +BoneKin> bogus charges to and tiger fitness this morning. Schooly, is that you? :)
< Schooly_B> >tiger fitness
#142 votes: 12013-05-20 15:03:35
< rets|audrey> im soo sleeppy
* rets|audrey moans pathetically
* bhhorg sighs
#141 votes: 12013-05-20 10:37:02
09:41 < @hlmtre> where's bonekin been
09:41 < +BoneKin> watching from the shadows
09:42 < @hlmtre> dear god
09:42 < @hlmtre> that actually made me jump
#140 votes: 02013-05-19 17:31:13
< bhhorg> oh jesus fuck kidney stones for years and years
#139 votes: 22013-05-17 16:32:34
< Schooly_G> I hope no one believes rets when he says he might try sc2
< Schooly_G> Trusting someone is giving them the opportunity to hurt you
< @hlmtre> but that's the only way to love Schooly_G
< will-fro> Not true, I love taco bell but I know it will hurt me in the end
#138 votes: 72013-05-16 14:13:33
i7 | reporting live from underneath my car
#137 votes: 12013-05-16 00:38:18
bawk | Lucifer7 are you here when the bottles might revolt
#136 votes: 22013-05-15 12:19:31
< rets|audrey> blurrghhh
< will-fro> You sound ready for anything
#135 votes: 02013-05-13 18:14:11
< bhhorg> hah. No frame drops. I really, really want to do a TSD production in the mean time
#134 votes: 22013-05-10 09:50:31
< @hlmtre> if you've got only one bag, will and i can both come pick you up
< bhhorg> it's firing in triplets, with a giant bag there was only one. And if you can both drive stick
* Schooly_B slaps bhhorg around with a large fish
< bhhorg> 16d 8h 40m large energy turret 5
< Schooly_B> SHUT UP
#133 votes: 22013-05-09 19:33:26
< Schooly_D> I have this vision of me getting a reasonably priced apartment there and living frugally, stashing away a good part of my paycheck every two weeks
< Schooly_D> but I know I'm going to break down and buy an airplane
#132 votes: 22015-05-15 11:37:08
tarehart | why can't I paste anything
willfro | not enough glue
#131 votes: 52013-05-07 12:33:45
< Jester> okay so I got a bit hungry for a snack last night, sweet tooth kicked in, and I went to the kitchen. Upon investigation I found some granola/chocolate bars in some plain white wrappers that looked yummy. I ate 4 of them because fuck yeah chocolate. Turns out there were fiber bars and now my poop is rock hard :(
#130 votes: 12013-05-06 11:52:49
< bhhorg> >yfw shadow in homeward bound is a little high
#129 votes: 12013-05-06 10:48:13
i7 | i'm thinking about getting one of those mail-order ones from viriginia or some shit
#128 votes: 72014-10-23 09:11:03
< i7> will-fro i still don't have your number
< will-fro> (707) 555-5862
< will-fro> If you give it to someone else
< will-fro> Then they will also have my number
#127 votes: 02013-05-03 12:09:29
< +BoneKin> I just got a good deal on some new appliances
< +BoneKin> it's weird how pleased I am about that

#126 votes: 12013-04-26 17:36:42
i7 | oh fuck i just realized i forgot to spray the aluminum i have my bacon on
i7 | will it be fine or do i have to do this all over again?
MechMaster48 | The bacon or the aluminum?
rets|audrey | why are you cooking bacon on aluminum?
i7 | less cleaning to do
i7 | spray the aluminum, so it won't stick to the aluminum
MechMaster48 | How long has it been in there?
i7 | it hasn't, oven is sitll preheating
MechMaster48 | Just spray the aluminum then
i7 | but the bacon is already on there :(
MechMaster48 | take it off......
i7 | effort
i7 | I HAVE AN IDEA. i'll make another sheet, then flip this one onto that one, and all of the bacon will fall onto it
MechMaster48 | My face is in my palm so hard right now....
MechMaster48 | I think you aptitude in food prep is only in fast food
i7 | fast food? this is slow-ass food
#125 votes: 22013-04-25 11:54:01
< NartFOpc> I'm sure this won't be taken out of context at all, but Schooly's D is looking pretty good
#124 votes: 22016-12-13 16:56:06
< @hlmtre> i do think i type more accurarelyuy
< @hlmtre> accurately
#123 votes: 12013-04-16 10:19:58
< +BoneKin>
< +BoneKin> heh
< @hlmtre> chicago's a lot denser packed, i'd wager
< +BoneKin> they're trying to keep warm because the cold is causing murder. the chart says so
#122 votes: 12013-04-16 09:22:02
< bawk> mayo helps things slide down babe
#121 votes: 02013-04-16 09:09:04
< bhhorg> i liked having bawk in here if you want a job and a place to stay similar for some reason
#120 votes: 02013-04-15 15:30:10
< hlmtre@> i need more music to listen to
< Lucifer7@> don't ask me your ears will bleed
< hlmtre@> i settled on mike doughty
< bawk > well that's settled, now on to your pedo scat horse hentai
#119 votes: 12013-04-14 05:38:45
< @Lucifer7> i have exact values for missions in EFT
< haI9000> lol women have values?
#118 votes: 22013-04-10 17:35:34
< LSR> luci you want a job as a senior java dev?
< LSR> pay is 120-140
< @Lucifer7> sure but i think i'd need to know java
< LSR> that's an optional requirement
< LSR> so youre good
#117 votes: 42013-04-09 15:45:01
< +BoneKin> heh, my boss has been going around to people all day. "Dan has big news! Dan! Tell them your big news!"
< +BoneKin> everyone thinks I'm about to announce my engagement or something
< @hlmtre> 'everyone, dan has very important news today. he needs your love and support, so let's give it to him.'
< @hlmtre> 'i'm buying a house!'
< @hlmtre> '.. you're not gay?'
#116 votes: 12013-04-05 11:52:09
< i7> i think i had a dream that schooly took me to a baseball game to like seduce me into playing starcraft with him
#115 votes: 12013-04-05 11:50:17
< i5> bhhorg: lucifer7
< bhhorg> | lucifer7 is listening to, mostly because i don't mean
'i sound as good as this guy for 80% of the song...then at the
end goal
< +BoneKin> I hate that song

#114 votes: 42013-04-05 11:22:33
< bhhorg> did you respect his reviews were the word of god is.. put nicely.. polarizing
< @hlmtre> wat
< @rets|audrey> is bhhorg a bot?
< bhhorg> lol ur bot is buggy
< @rets|audrey> bhhorg you are not real.
< bhhorg> rets|audrey: Talk
#113 votes: 22013-04-04 03:33:52
< haI9000> hi im schooly d GOLF GOLF GOLF GOLF GOLF
#112 votes: 12013-04-04 03:20:33
< bawk > don't kick luci he's way too down-to-earth and up-to-date on social stuff
#111 votes: 02013-04-04 03:19:13
< bawk > tortellini, ravioli, lasagna, spaghetti, I'll hire bawk to a proud new future
#110 votes: 22013-04-02 10:54:42
< i7 > uhhhhh yeah we got a mechanical keyboard in your ao, he's a loud fucker, get some dicks in your ears, over
#109 votes: 32013-04-01 22:35:18
< bawk> what nigger through yonder window breaks
#108 votes: 02013-03-31 15:59:56
15:58 -!- beepboop [] has joined #hhorg
15:58 < Lucifer7 > k
15:58 < beepboop > talked: Lucifer7
15:58 < hlmtre@> hi
15:58 < beepboop > talked: hlmtre
15:58 < hlmtre@> booya
15:58 < beepboop > talked: hlmtre
15:58 < Lucifer7 > dayum that's an infinite loop
15:58 < beepboop > talked: Lucifer7
15:58 < Lucifer7 > beepboop: shutdown
15:58 < beepboop > talked: Lucifer7
15:58 < hlmtre@> bahahaha
15:58 < beepboop > talked: hlmtre
15:59 -!- beepboop [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
#107 votes: 32013-03-31 02:46:38
< @hlmtre>
< rets> oh right, if only I had known that exact url!
#106 votes: 02013-03-28 15:38:49
#105 votes: 02013-03-28 15:28:23
this is a test quote
#104 votes: 22013-03-17 12:14:27
< LSR> ups syndrome
< Tex> where you think you hear the big brown truck coming but it's just the wind?
< LSR> where you think you hear the big brown truck coming, but it's just an extra chromosome instead
< Tex> Or Tinnitus
< LSR> I like mine better
#103 votes: 32013-03-11 15:00:40
< &hlmtre> i don't get it.
< &hlmtre> everyone NOT in california specifically won't move to california
< &hlmtre> yadda yadda gun control
< &hlmtre> anything besides that?
< Schooly_B> high state income tax, crumbling economy
< &hlmtre> our economy can't be crumbling
< &hlmtre> casting couch is filmed here!
#102 votes: 22013-03-07 15:27:09
< Mech7> Have you seen the new sim city?
< %BoneKin> I don't think anyone has. they're all in queue
#101 votes: 42013-03-06 10:31:10
< Schooly_B> have you switched from reddit to 4chan yet?
< &hlmtre> i was on 4chan for like two years
< &hlmtre> but i have switched from reddit to interpreting an RSS feed by hand
< &hlmtre> it is sent to me by a dozen monkeys operating a dozen telegraphs
< &hlmtre> i have to sift through the noise
< Schooly_B> which hand
< &hlmtre> the non-masturbation hand
< Schooly_B> you have three hands?
< &hlmtre> :|
#100 votes: 12013-01-30 17:46:15
17:42 < hlmtre&> whee
17:43 < i2 > Walking my dog
17:43 < i2 > On NEC
17:44 < i2 > Its
17:44 < i2 > Irc
17:44 < MechMaster48 > Don't get hit by a car
17:44 < MechMaster48 > Welcome to auto correct
17:44 < i2 > Duck autocomplete
17:44 < i2 > .....
17:45 < MechMaster48 > I cant can tell you are winning that battle
#99 votes: 42015-06-11 12:27:00
< i7> dont sleep too much, constantly sweating like a motherfucker
< i7> but not being in excruciating pain every day of my life is pretty cool
< LSR> did you go to school or work in 2012
< i7> i did nothing man
< i7> went on irc n shit
< i7> seriously
#98 votes: 12013-01-23 01:21:43
< i5 > is there any way to link to 1080p on youtube?
< i5 > i know &hd=1 links to 720p
< hlmtre&> hd=2
< i7 > -.-
< MechMaster48 > hd=3
< i5 > youre not helping
#97 votes: 02013-01-22 22:51:23
22:48 < hlmtre~>
22:49 < Lucifer7 > this is your computer trying to run firefox
#96 votes: 22013-01-21 18:57:10
< ~hlmtre> thursday night to monday morning?
< Tex> Frda-Ths morning
< Tex> ...
< Tex> can I buy a vowel
< Tex> like, at all
#95 votes: 12013-01-18 15:35:58
< i5>
< i5> i'm really liking reddit enhancement suit
< MechMaster48> lol I like what you said at the end
< MechMaster48> wat a bitch
< i5> she is no longer in my bro book.
< i5> ahaha holy shit
< i5>
< MechMaster48> HA nice. I agree.
< &hlmtre> wow
< &hlmtre> that person's a dick
< %BoneKin> but doesn't have one
< %BoneKin> don't assume
#94 votes: 72013-01-17 09:56:28
< DominoEffect> do you like alice in chains
< vector40> only if she's gagged too
< vector40> otherwise it's all waaaah, help, police
#93 votes: 32013-01-10 22:50:39
< i5> i was just thinking about that the other day
< i5> was telling them my grand business plan
< i5> going to open a mos eisley cantina
< i5> rake in the dough
< Tex> ^
< Tex> I'd drink there
< i5> i'd conduct shady business there
< BoneKin> i'd shoot people there
< BoneKin> then edit the video to make it look like they shot first and it was self defense
#92 votes: 02013-01-10 22:49:42
< i5> i was just thinking about that the other day
< i5> was telling them my grand business plan
< i5> going to open a mos eisley cantina
< i5> rake in the dough
< Tex> ^
< Tex> I'd drink there
< i5> i'd conduct shady business there
< BoneKin> i'd shoot people there
#91 votes: 122013-01-10 20:50:12
< ~hlmtre> and he's diddling around with various businesses?
< Tex> yup
< ~hlmtre> huh
< ~hlmtre> cool
< Tex> haha
< i5> you're missing the reference, he's been making fun of me for saying that for weeks
< ~hlmtre> no wait
< ~hlmtre> you say something else too
< i5> oh wait i do
< i5> diddly daddling
< ~hlmtre> it's DILLYDALLYING
< ~hlmtre> who's right, tex?
< Tex> I don't understand why you two are so dumb
#90 votes: 22012-12-31 14:22:00
14:05 < i7 > yeah im pretty skeptical of this whole artichoke idea in general
14:05 < i7 > eating a food that sounds like it wants to kill me doesnt seem like the best strategy anyway
14:06 < i7 > makes me want some avacado though
14:09 < hlmtre~> when we hang out next i'll make artichokes and convince you they're delicious
14:09 < hlmtre~> it doesn't even matter what they taste like; you're dipping them in melted butter
14:11 < i7 > now i want some butter
14:13 < i7 > now i have some butter :D
14:18 < hlmtre~> a comedy in two acts
#89 votes: 12017-07-31 15:29:18
03:16 < Lucifer7@> IM MAKIN A MURDR HAREM DUDE
03:21 < Lucifer7@> NO WR NEED MIRE WONEN
03:21 < Lucifer7@> M O R E
03:21 < Lucifer7@> I wonder if this game has human trafficking
#88 votes: 22012-12-20 14:23:55
< BoneKin> I registered a new account called BoneKinning
< BoneKin> I have to jump everywhere I go
< BoneKin> hup, ho, hey
#87 votes: 02012-12-20 04:43:45
When Life Gives You Questions, Google has Answers
#86 votes: 22012-12-20 04:28:15
04:27 < i5 >
04:27 < i5 > this made me think of will
#82 votes: 02012-12-15 02:03:45
< i5> i think the only thing i hate more than feminism is MRA
< Lucifer7> MRAs are awful human beings
< Lucifer7> i mean there's walking into school and shooting children
< Lucifer7> but then there's being an MRA
< Lucifer7> if i had a gun and was in a room with hitler, osama bin laden and an MRA, i'd shoot the MRA twice
< Lucifer7> mostly because the other 2 are already dead
#81 votes: 22012-12-15 01:49:48
< i5> imagine if those bombs had gone off in the cafeteria
< Lucifer7> would've lunched people into the sky
< i5> one day there's going to be Combes Law regulating puns
< Lucifer7> who will be the one that combes irc to punish people
#80 votes: 02012-12-13 13:17:44
02:12 < Lucifer7 > i feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like doing a project or something with my laptop
02:12 < Lucifer7 > but there is nothing to do to it
03:11 < Lucifer7 > STEBE IN MAH COMPUUTER
03:11 < Lucifer7 >

#79 votes: 02012-12-13 00:49:49
test < Lucifer7> the obscurity and somewhat complex stuff required to get onto usenet protects it from redditors
< Lucifer7> er
< Lucifer7> protects it from morons*

#77 votes: 02012-12-13 00:48:49
< Lucifer7> the obscurity and somewhat complex stuff required to get onto usenet protects it from redditors
< Lucifer7> er
< Lucifer7> protects it from morons*

#75 votes: 02012-12-12 18:03:03
17:59 < hlmtre~> i'm retarded
18:00 < hlmtre~> derp.
18:00 < hlmtre~> 'hey hlmtre check for the last insert id before you insert mk'
18:01 < hlmtre~>
18:01 < hlmtre~> woo
#74 votes: 02012-12-12 17:59:54
17:48 < Lucifer7 > this is cali
17:49 < Lucifer7 > anything below $100 is good for the tip jar
#23 votes: 02012-12-12 16:31:40

14:24 < hlmtre&> what the straight up fuck
14:24 < hlmtre&> mysql_real_escape_string is just fucking straight up removing the entire fucking string
14:24 < hlmtre&> you're damn right it's safe for the db now
14:24 < hlmtre&> fuck you

#22 votes: 02012-12-12 14:25:29
08:58 < BoneKin%> >illegal for most (all?) businesses to charge more for credit card purchases vs cash
08:58 < ohai > BoneKin >implying you're greentexting
08:58 < BoneKin%> >county charges "convenience fee" for paying property tax with credit card
08:59 < BoneKin%> also, they told me it would be a 3.95 fee. next page says I owe 5.63 for convenience
08:59 < BoneKin%> fuck the police
#13 votes: 02012-12-12 13:29:37
23:07 -!- ASmashedPumpkin [webirc@hhorg-o9m.tvh.0.127.IP] has joined #bf3
23:08 <ASmashedPumpkin > hello ohai
23:08 < ohai > well hello to you too ASmashedPumpkin
23:09 < willfro > hlmre you need to program ohai to trash talk
23:09 <ASmashedPumpkin > hlmtre you need to program willfro to not suck
23:11 < willfro > going to kill you
23:11 * willfro plots vengence
23:12 <ASmashedPumpkin > also needs to teach him how to spell vengeance
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